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Chamber and committees

Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee

Melvin Clarke submission of 27 July 2021

PE1865/GGG - Suspend all surgical mesh and fixation devices

I had an Inguinal Hernia repair using a mesh and plug in 2001. For eight years following the surgery I was fine. In 2012 I felt sharp pains in my left groin area and sought advice from my GP. I explained the pain was more severe and unpredictable, it would just flare up for no reason. My GP made an appointment for me to be seen in Urology. Prior to the appointment my pain felt so intense it prevented me walking or lying down so I went directly to the hospital. I was admitted and kept in overnight for observation. I was seen on the 7th August 2014. I was sent for a CT Scan and an Outpatient colonoscopy. I was told there was no evidence of a recurrent hernia and no other significant pathology.

I was invited to discuss my condition on 19th September 2014. I was re-examined and sent for an appointment at a Chronic pain management centre.

I was diagnosed with Chronic Nerve Damage. I needed to get back to work. I decided to see a Private consultant in pain management and arranged an appointment.

I was seen on the 05 June 2015. I was told I was suffering with neuropathic pain. I explained my need to get back to work and asked what can be done. An appointment was made and I had three Nerve Block injections directly into hernia site which relieved the pain for a day, the pain came back more intensely.I questioned the possibility of having surgery but was told that my hernia area cannot be operated on, more damage would occur than trying to put things right, long term pain control was my only option.

During this period, I had stopped working as a self-employed person and sought part time work in different roles hoping to ease the pain in my groin area. After a while I found that the pain was so intense I found working at any level to be too painful and was soon rendered unemployed.

I wrote to NHS Direct under their putting things write policy stating my concerns and outcome of this procedure. My reply was, no significant problems were reported during the operation, the surgeon had retired and that although pain is uncommon I had signed a consent form for the procedure.

I have been placed on the following medication.

Lyrica at 600mg daily. (Now at 300mg per day)

Amitriptyline 40mg daily,

Oramorph Oral Solution for break through pain.

Sildenafil 100mg To help with sexual dysfunction

I have become more aware of the problems concerning mesh having joined a Website (Welsh Mesh Survivors) to better understand my symptoms. I had read that certain mesh used throughout the UK had been withdrawn and it would be wise to find out what type, make/model of mesh was used in my procedure and to report those findings on the Yellow Card Reporting Scheme. I sent for my medical records in August 2018 and noticed no information regarding the mesh used or actual procedure was mentioned. I contacted Access to Health Records Department about this and was told they do not keep records as far back as 2001. I explained my dilemma and they stated a Prosthetic Mesh was used and could give no further information.

I have contacted solicitors in the hope they could represent me, but I am told Mesh cases are very complex.

Prior to this I was a proud hard-working man doing a job I loved for over 15 years, this has gone due to my inability to work. My family have been placed under tremendous pressure emotionally.

This condition has affected our family in so many ways, we don't go out as a family. I cannot afford to aggravate my groin by moving around as this will cause a flare up and more pain. When the pain is really bad I take euro-morph. Going to A & E is pointless as they say they cannot examine my hernia site as they are not qualified to assist. Most days I just want to be left alone. I worry constantly about the future. Had I not been awarded PIP our home would have been repossessed as I could not maintain the mortgage without working. This twenty-minute procedure has taken everything from me at a time in my life where I had thought all the good things were ahead. I hope as a result of submitting my experience those in authority will take a different view on the use of mesh.

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Melvin Clarke submission of 27 July 2021

PE1865/GGG - Suspend all surgical mesh and fixation devices