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Chamber and committees

Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee

Brendan Clarkin submission of 23 July 2021

PE1865/SS - Suspend all surgical mesh and fixation devices

One of my family members is suffering from mesh and fixations.  Namely Hernia mesh and titanium protacks. 

I have seen them deteriorate in the 5 years they have had this poison inside them.  I have seen them be dismissed and not believed.  I watched them suffer severely physically and mentally.  I see this every day.

It’s taken their mobility, their job, their freedom, their hobbies, not to mention the person they once were.

They can no longer eat out due to allergies this has brought, not to mention the debilitating pain they are in.  They can't be spontaneous.  They can't go on holiday abroad.  They can't take a walk along a beach. If they do, then they suffer for 2/3 days after with pain.

They always have to stay close to home.  They have lost a life.  A life of dreams they had.  A life full of joy.  They are a shadow of the person they used to be.  Now they are fighting to help others in the future.  Knowing it will never help them.  But what about their future?  Who will help them?  The surgeons and government won't listen.  They don't listen.  I've been at meetings with them.  We are fobbed off.  When will someone else stand up with them and say enough is enough.

Mesh ruins lives please listen.  Please help people like my family member who is brave enough to stand up against the people in power and fight for change.  It shouldn't have taken this for change.  Why are these people not helped and protected? 

From a very frustrated and angry family member.

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