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Chamber and committees

Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee

Patricia Brander submission of 13 June 2021

PE1864/XX - Increase the ability of communities to influence planning decisions for onshore windfarms

I support this petition.

Although I believe that energy generation by wind power should be part of the Scottish Government's overall energy policy I am very concerned about the way wind farms are developed.

The present system is based on a "first come, first served" principle, which means that we do not get the best developments in the best locations. Furthermore, the process leads to mistrust between developers, who are out to make money and local people, who value their environment. I have had unpleasant experiences of the unscrupulous tactics of a developer, including illegal use of personal data to harass family members who had written objections.

I live near Carsphairn in Dumfries and Galloway where smaller developments although having been rejected by the local planning authority, have been appealed; the developer trying to override local opinion. Most of the current proposed developments are greater than 50MW and applications made direct to the Scottish Government (SG). I see this as a tactic to circumvent local opposition.

In the small area of the Southern Uplands and in sight of my house, there are currently three active applications to the SG, a fourth development was just consented on appeal and fifth is being built. All are or were strongly opposed locally. The voice of the local community and the local planning authority is not being heard by many of the reporters. To be fair, two reporters did write warm words about the special beauty of the area and rejected the applications. Nonetheless, one of these was successfully appealed. Reporters make short visits during which time it is not possible to appreciate the landscape and visuals, how the local economy – mostly tourism – actually works. A walk along a short stretch of the Southern Upland Way in november is no way to determine the popularity of the route, especially when people were supposed to be in lockdown.

How can it be right that the views of local people are not being heard, or if being heard, not taken any notice of? This is why I support the petition.

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