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Chamber and committees

Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee

Chris Fawcett submission of 11 June 2021

PE1864/QQ - Increase the ability of communities to influence planning decisions for onshore windfarms

I ask the committee to consider changing the planning rules in Scotland especially when considering windfarm applications.

Scotland should have a similar planning system to the rest of the UK. It is ridiculous that a planning application should gain many objections from both private citizens and local community councils and representatives. The objections are such that the local council reject the application. It then goes to a government department who in many cases overturn the decision and grant the application.

A further ridiculous situation, which the windfarm operators seem to take advantage of, is that an application for a particular size goes direct to government. This totally bypasses locals and local councils.

This whole system is undemocratic and, in my view, open to serious abuse.

Let's be honest vast amounts of money are at stake here, surely the government should be completely honest and transparent in the granting of these applications.

Governments have toppled over less.

I feel more notice should be taken of local communities who should also be given access to legal representation to argue their case. These multi billion pound corporations who submit these applications have the best legal minds on their books. Surely ‘Joe Public’ must be able to fairly argue their case.

I ask that you give serious consideration to change the planning process as requested in this petition.

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