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Sustainable development route maps: Session 6

These route maps highlight the journey we are on across key areas of sustainable development within the Scottish Parliament.

  • Completed
  • In progress
  • Not started yet


  • Invasive species and weed review

  • Landscaping management review

  • Staff native flower planting. Planned for spring.

Circular Economy and Waste

  • Develop a programme to phase out disposable food packaging

Sustainable Development Thinking

  • Focus on climate-change adaptation training and engagement

    • “Climate change adaptation” means preparing for the impacts of climate change which cannot be avoided, such as preparing the building for extreme weather events and exploring the impacts of climate change on our supply chain and travel to the Parliament building. 

Net Zero

  • Ensure any new chillers use low Global Warming Potential gas

  • Change gas cookers to electric when at end of life

Scope 3 Emissions

  • Review catering provision to reduce high-carbon food items

  • Run project to explore if our borehole water can be used to flush toilets in MSP block. Borehole water has a lower environmental impact than using mains water

  • One-third of parking spaces in the underground car park to be electric-charging spaces