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There are 35 results relating to "PE1642"


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Committees Published: 19 January 2022

Scottish Government submission of 19 January 2022

Previous Petition on energy drinks On June 23 2017 Scottish Government officials responded to petition PE1642 calling on a ban on the sale of caffeinated energy drinks to children under 16.
Official Report Meeting date: 13 September 2018

Public Petitions Committee 13 September 2018

Energy Drinks (PE1642) The next petition for consideration is PE1642, by Norma Austin Hart, on the sale and marketing of energy drinks to under-16s.
Official Report Meeting date: 6 December 2018

Public Petitions Committee 06 December 2018

Energy Drinks (PE1642) The next continued petition for consideration is PE1642, by Norma Austin Hart, on the sale and marketing of energy drinks to under-16s.
Last updated: 7 March 2023


Consideration of continued petitions: The Committee will consider the following continued petitions— PE1458 by Peter Cherbi on Register of Interests for members of Scotlands judiciary; PE1548 by Beth Morrison on National Guidance on Restraint and Seclusion in Schools; PE1619 by Stuart Knox on Access to Continuous Glucose Monitoring; PE1640 by Eileen Bryant on Action against irresponsible dog breeding; PE1642...
Last updated: 7 March 2023


Consideration of continued petitions: The Committee will consider the following continued petitions— PE1540 by Douglas Philand on Permanent solution to the A83; PE1642 by Norma Austin Hart on Sale and marketing of energy drinks to under sixteens; PE1671 by Lisa Harvey and Andrea Goddard on behalf of Let's Get MAD For Wildlife on Sale and use of glue traps; ...
Official Report Meeting date: 21 September 2017

Public Petitions Committee 21 September 2017

Energy Drinks (PE1642) PE1642 calls on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to ban the sale of caffeinated energy drinks to children under 16 years of age and to encourage the maximum use of existing powers by local authorities to restrict the sale and marketing of energy drinks to children.
Official Report Meeting date: 22 March 2018

Public Petitions Committee 22 March 2018

Energy Drinks (PE1642) The next two petitions on our agenda are PE1619 and PE1640.
Official Report Meeting date: 11 May 2017

Public Petitions Committee 11 May 2017

Energy Drinks (PE1642) Agenda item 3 is consideration of new petitions on which we are not taking evidence.
Last updated: 7 March 2023


Consideration of new petitions: The Committee will consider the following new petitions— PE1642 by Norma Austin Hart on Sale and marketing of energy drinks to under sixteens; PE1644 by Katherine Perlo on behalf of Ethical Voice for Animals on Country sports tourism funding; PE1645 by James Ward on Review of legal aid in Scotland. 4.
Last updated: 7 March 2023


Consideration of continued petitions: The Committee will consider the following continued petitions— PE1540 by Douglas Philand on Permanent solution to the A83; PE1642 by Norma Austin Hart on Sale and marketing of energy drinks to under sixteens; PE1671 by Lisa Harvey and Andrea Goddard on behalf of Let's Get MAD For Wildlife on Sale and use of glue traps; ...

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If you're having trouble finding the information you want, please contact [email protected].