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Official Report Meeting date: 6 September 2023

Meeting of the Parliament 06 September 2023

When I asked the Scottish Government, the response confirmed that it has benefited from “consequentials ... added to the overall Scottish block.”—Written Answers, 19 June 2023; S6W-18739. Why was that money not directly invested in saving our pools or providing communities with a natural health service?
Questions and Answers Date answered: 28 November 2022


Studies & Portfolio Areas FY15-16 FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 FY21-22 Total Audit/Evaluation 5  10 41    56 Cancer 5       5 Cardiovascular   10 41    51 Basic science 3219 3478 4696 6535 6198 17836 6894 48856 Ageing    42 33   75 Anaesthesia   5 39 149 121 13 327 Cancer 1090 834 465 523 482 170 747 4311 Cardiovascular 330 367 471 571 723 723 401 3586 Children 47 160 637 1297 1138 30 41 3350 Critical Care 299 76 29 73 52 767 574 1870 Dermatology  10 61 53 31 12 42 209 Diabetes 132 534 542 454 365 19 99 2145 Gastroenterology   89 396 482 290 486 1743 Genetics 53 41 550 520 117 33 189 1503 Haematology 6 3 8 15 407 1 2 442 Hepatology 140 145  14 0 9 13 321 Infectious Diseases and Microbiology 237 9  0 236 14316 2804 17602 Mental Health 160 86 99 83 63 42 48 581 Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders 272 88 115 243 108 19 30 875 Musculoskeletal 4 27 80 161 202 32 69 575 Neuroprogressive and Dementia 51 203 208 511 273 150 152 1548 Ophthalmology 3 1 32 97 44 0 10 187 Oral and Dental Health  31 133 35 43   242 Primary Care 25 26      51 Renal Disorders 116 21 41 37 83 26 42 366 Reproductive Health and Childbirth 46 363 287 220 49 20 12 997 Respiratory disorders 78 344 497 247 155 320 374 2015 Stroke 130 94 311 661 644 379 313 2532 Surgery  15 19 30 44 16 11 135 Trauma and Emergencies   17 213 193 340 405 1168 Uncategorised     82 1 17 100 Combined 3 18 3   0 20 44 Cancer 3       3 Cardiovascular  18    0 20 38 Hepatology  0 3     3 Respiratory disorders       0 0 CTIMP 3669 3854 3629 6168 5220 7665 5677 35882 Ageing 10 44 85 33    172 Anaesthesia 3   0 3   6 Cancer 863 945 1072 1121 965 474 779 6219 Cardiovascular 630 706 919 1833 1778 674 862 7402 Children 43 465 181 639 81 40 76 1525 Critical Care 2 13 14 24 78 231 165 527 Dermatology 41 42 35 29 50 12 1 210 Diabetes 247 96 111 768 877 85 36 2220 Ear, Nose and Throat 18 33 3 51 33 0 8 146 Gastroenterology 14 9 26 42 29 13 2 135 Genetics 58 14 13 24    109 Haematology 3 6 14 21 5 3 3 55 Hepatology 67 99 99 140 106 22 36 569 Infectious Diseases and Microbiology 4 6 49 5 40 5083 2379 7566 Mental Health 20 2 0 7 6 25 27 87 Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders 12 0 7 22  0 0 41 Musculoskeletal 97 143 59 98 40 303 566 1306 Neuroprogressive and Dementia 256 163 118 130 94 128 146 1035 Ophthalmology 14 16 4 5 10 24 14 87 Oral and Dental Health    358 170  5 533 Pain    0 40 15 16 71 Primary Care 44 20 18 0    82 Renal Disorders 195 65 31 51 183 64 37 626 Reproductive Health and Childbirth 360 347 223 148 93 16 91 1278 Respiratory disorders 232 149 185 292 255 284 131 1528 Stroke 321 335 248 252 219 145 189 1709 Surgery  54 38 53 65 23 23 256 Trauma and Emergencies 115 82 62 22 0 0 82 363 Uncategorised   15   1 3 19 Data 336 260 678 628 321 1214 495 3932 Anaesthesia  101   18   119 Cancer 21 16 48 24 23 71 136 339 Cardiovascular 78 33 14 0 7 34 17 183 Children 0 2 0 0 16 0 128 146 Critical Care 1 24   4   29 Dermatology      0 6 6 Diabetes   257 78    335 Ear, Nose and Throat      0 3 3 Gastroenterology  13    4 10 27 Haematology 50 22 25 231   1 329 Infectious Diseases and Microbiology 3  2 23 62  144 234 Mental Health     0 0  0 Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders   9     9 Musculoskeletal 11       11 Neuroprogressive and Dementia 33 49 175 7 8 45 5 322 Ophthalmology       0 0 Primary Care 0       0 Renal Disorders 8  110 49 17 7 14 205 Reproductive Health and Childbirth 131     247 21 399 Respiratory disorders   4 199 156 0 3 362 Surgery    2 10 10 7 29 Trauma and Emergencies   34 15 0 796  845 Device 3099 4958 5943 3344 8275 2324 6617 34560 Cancer 116 153 63 341 102 4 0 779 Cardiovascular 514 1151 2016 901 4252 1939 4096 14869 Children 9    1  8 18 Critical Care  174 299 11 4 1 3 492 Dermatology 43 20 7 4   0 74 Diabetes 1693 1753 578 46 2473 340 2077 8960 Haematology 236 920 1827 1543 1229 0  5755 Infectious Diseases and Microbiology 44 41 87 44    216 Mental Health 4  22 33 0 6 45 110 Musculoskeletal 162 127 229 161 38 3 22 742 Neuroprogressive and Dementia 52 5 5 23 16 0 6 107 Ophthalmology 25 78 89 32 11 0 3 238 Oral and Dental Health  135 44 7 12   198 Renal Disorders 34 134 125 51 3 0 61 408 Reproductive Health and Childbirth 42 74 74 83 45 0 3 321 Respiratory disorders  44 65 32 45 0 1 187 Stroke 125 114 124 13 21 29 34 460 Surgery   8 19 19 2 36 84 Trauma and Emergencies  35 281  4 0 222 542 Other 3065 3211 2228 2093 1139 314 1191 13241 Ageing    32 33   65 Cancer 46 26 17 46 104 13 29 281 Cardiovascular 52 49  53 27 1 46 228 Children 74 80 77 34 30 6 6 307 Critical Care   79 49 7 9 13 157 Dermatology 51 96 28 22 20 0 57 274 Diabetes    6 14 14 21 55 Ear, Nose and Throat 772 372 28     1172 Gastroenterology 265 220 650 457 303 0  1895 Genetics 139 21 2 0 0 0 0 162 Haematology 8 22 6 4 0 0 309 349 Hepatology 7 31 62 30 66 5 24 225 Infectious Diseases and Microbiology      35  35 Mental Health 434 650 469 375 57   1985 Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders 184 107      291 Musculoskeletal 204 250 93 158 143 0 139 987 Neuroprogressive and Dementia 252 407 263 263 41 2 46 1274 Primary Care 188 67 15 22 1   293 Renal Disorders 17 0      17 Reproductive Health and Childbirth 293 750 414 471 218 133 407 2686 Respiratory disorders    17    17 Stroke 79 63 25 54 75 96 94 486 Trauma and Emergencies       0 0 Other/randomised CT 8921 5903 4632 5812 4374 1875 4771 36288 Ageing 437 474 410 317 5  172 1815 Anaesthesia  76 141 181 51 26 39 514 Cancer 2906 392 777 840 943 222 276 6356 Cardiovascular 201 311 729 605 861 964 2516 6187 Children 101 9 72 135 286 89 267 959 Critical Care 217 233 79 60 79 31 91 790 Dermatology   93 84 17 14 1 209 Diabetes 42 18 29 54 92 7 5 247 Ear, Nose and Throat 46 60 68 8 0   182 Gastroenterology 20 3  1 10 7 27 68 Genetics 72 14 1 5 2 0 6 100 Haematology 1 1  0 10 2 2 16 Hepatology 71 48 281 26 56 37  519 Infectious Diseases and Microbiology 222 2 8 104 53 78 1 468 Mental Health 280 212 265 127 239 7 48 1178 Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders 1  9 0 26 39 140 215 Musculoskeletal 106 107 145 264 176 53 63 914 Neuroprogressive and Dementia 172 151 57 60 189 49 42 720 Ophthalmology 42 51 19  0 3 3 118 Oral and Dental Health   356 1092 6  48 1502 Pain       0 0 Primary Care 2493 2277 35 221 99 0 159 5284 Renal Disorders 178 144 132 217 85 35 139 930 Reproductive Health and Childbirth 512 422 527 1060 454 107 122 3204 Respiratory disorders 28 96 118 156 140 20 145 703 Stroke 109 111 63 81 193 41 141 739 Surgery 102 139 130 38 50 35 203 697 Trauma and Emergencies 562 552 88 76 252 9 115 1654 Qualitative 1125 347 603 470 512 794 395 4246 Ageing  20 104  18 0  142 Anaesthesia  2 192 0 0   194 Cancer 134 12 41 74 64 14 84 423 Cardiovascular 34 10     3 47 Children 3 24 0 72 36 57 9 201 Critical Care 20 15  9    44 Dermatology    0 15 0 0 15 Diabetes 33    26 0 19 78 Genetics  1 1 0 0 0 0 2 Hepatology     11 3 0 14 Infectious Diseases and Microbiology 141 16 34 118 149 96 20 574 Mental Health 19 14 105 5  502 108 753 Musculoskeletal    0 42 15 74 131 Neuroprogressive and Dementia 259 56 41 13   7 376 Ophthalmology  7     6 13 Oral and Dental Health 16       16 Primary Care 445 42 20 35 59 69 39 709 Renal Disorders 1 13 28 2 2   46 Reproductive Health and Childbirth 5    70 21 10 106 Respiratory disorders 1 111  20  17 2 151 Stroke 14 4 37 82 3   140 Surgery     17   17 Uncategorised    40   14 54 Questionnaires 5517 14109 13875 11428 2562 1776 7177 56444 Anaesthesia  2322  1622   620 4564 Cancer 442 1392 199 310 173 60 375 2951 Cardiovascular 32 95 448 2 1 37 141 756 Children 67 224 42 17 3 62 118 533 Critical Care  43 133 179 188 292 443 1278 Dermatology 20 15 25 2 15 5 14 96 Diabetes 41 75 80 11 47 1000 4 1258 Gastroenterology 53 71 208 54 8 0 43 437 Genetics   15 10 0 0 0 25 Haematology 137 60 19 15 18  4 253 Hepatology 5 9 0 20 108 23 4 169 Infectious Diseases and Microbiology 23 4 6 25 18 1 9 86 Mental Health 1675 298 514 756 437 34 94 3808 Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders 21 18     0 39 Musculoskeletal 94 86 197 44 161 5 37 624 Neuroprogressive and Dementia 183 8385 1058 336 67 1 37 10067 Ophthalmology 3 18 53 29 8 0  111 Oral and Dental Health 1    0 66 343 410 Pain      4 49 53 Primary Care 673 341 4621 3831 54 19 299 9838 Renal Disorders 24 82 38 9 8 7 7 175 Reproductive Health and Childbirth 1655 85 264 13 37 78 4244 6376 Respiratory disorders 11 4 3108 48 27 13 68 3279 Stroke 356 340 564 154 82 19 30 1545 Surgery    0 39 37 68 144 Trauma and Emergencies 1 142 2283 3888 428 13 126 6881 Uncategorised    53 635  0 688 Tissue Samples 3624 3505 2492 2177 3842 11596 3180 30416 Cancer 983 1321 731 509 762 216 269 4791 Cardiovascular 25 49 54 118 177 80 283 786 Children 170 178 73 31 12 0 1 465 Critical Care   3 22 0 63 48 136 Dermatology 171 122 182 143 131 50 56 855 Ear, Nose and Throat 25 11 4  0   40 Gastroenterology 225 116 25 12 14 436 19 847 Genetics 242 181 90 82 55 25 32 707 Haematology 24 19 14 15 8 0 1 81 Hepatology 19 113 66 12 11 2 9 232 Infectious Diseases and Microbiology 46 65 21 10 1161 10390 1570 13263 Mental Health 123 113 25 9 1   271 Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders 1   5 3 6 17 32 Musculoskeletal 670 644 507 377 348 131 324 3001 Neuroprogressive and Dementia 7 80 102 110 100 14 21 434 Ophthalmology   10 8  0 14 32 Oral and Dental Health 53 0 78 0 83  6 220 Renal Disorders 100 45 26 107 13 2 0 293 Reproductive Health and Childbirth 658 380 306 159 269 102 347 2221 Respiratory disorders 60 4 29 32 32 14 37 208 Surgery  12 19 60 115   206 Trauma and Emergencies 22 52 127 356 524 45 96 1222 Uncategorised     23 20 30 73 Total 32,583 39,643 38,789 38,696 32,443 45,394 36,417 263,965   S6W...
Questions and Answers Date answered: 14 July 2021


Table 4 and 5 Sources: 2019: School support staff management information - ( 2018 : Support staff management information ( 2017: Breakdown of pupil support assistants in 2017: FOI release - ( 2010 – 2016: Teacher census supplementary statistics - ( 2003 – 2009: School Education - Publications ( S6W...
Questions and Answers Date answered: 1 July 2021


Table: All publically available charge points in NE Scotland June 25 th 2021 Site Host West North Street Car Park, Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council Gellatly Street Car Park, Dundee Dundee City Council University of Dundee, Heathfield Multi Storey Car Park, Old Hawkhill, Dundee University of Dundee Whitfield Centre, Lothian Crescent, Dundee Dundee City Council Whitfield Centre, Lothian Crescent, Dundee Dundee City Council Housing Office East, Midmill Road, Dundee Dundee City Council Dundee Taybridge Rail Station, South Union Street, Dundee Dundee City Council Lower Hall Street Car Park, Montrose Angus Council Sclattie Park Car Park, Bucksburn, Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council Dundee Taybridge Rail Station, South Union Street, Dundee Dundee City Council Greenmarket Multi Car Park, Dundee Dundee City Council Robson Car Park, High Street, Laurencekirk Aberdeenshire Council Kingswells Park and Ride, Kingswells Causeway, Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council University of Dundee, Heathfield Multi Storey Car Park, Old Hawkhill, Dundee University of Dundee Burn Lane Car Park, Inverurie Aberdeenshire Council Nelson Street, Huntly Aberdeenshire Council Aberdeen Snowsports Centre, Garthdee, Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council Dunmail Avenue Car Park, Cults, Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council Golden Square Outer Circle Car Park, Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council Scottish Midland Co-Op, Coupar Angus, Blairgowrie Scottish Midland Co-Operative Society Ltd The Speyside Heather Centre, Skye of Curr Road, Grantown-on-Spey The Speyside Heather Centre Ace Winches, Turriff, Aberdeen Ace Winches Oranges and Lemons Nursery, Belsize House, Dundee Deanside Limited Oranges and Lemons Nursery Technology Park, Dundee Deanside Limited SCARF, Cotton Street, Aberdeen SCARF Northfield Terrace Public Car Park, Elgin Moray Council Moray Carshare, Moray Moray Carshare University of Dundee, Botanic Gardens, Dundee University of Dundee Angus House, Orchardbank, Forfar Angus Council Arbroath Harbour, The Shore Car Park, Arbroath Angus Council Montrose Sports Complex, Montrose Angus Council Chapel Street Car Park, Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council Gallowgate Car Park, Gallowgate, Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council Polmuir Road for Duthie Park, Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council Gallowgate Car Park, Gallowgate, Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council University of Dundee, Park Place Car Park, Dundee University of Dundee Glen Garioch Distillery, Inverurie Beam Suntory Glen Garioch Distillery Aberdeen University, William Guild Car Park, Aberdeen Aberdeen University Aberdeen University, Institute Of Medical Science, Polwarth Building, Aberdeen Aberdeen University Chapelbank Hotel, Forfar Chapelbank Hotel Burn Lane Shopping Centre, Inverurie Aberdeenshire Council Olympia Multi-Storey Car Park, Dundee Dundee City Council Olympia Multi-Storey Car Park, Dundee Dundee City Council Olympia Multi-Storey Car Park, Dundee Dundee City Council Angus Council, High Street Car Park, Carnoustie Angus Council Exploration Drive, Bridge of Don Aberdeen City Council Kingswells Park and Ride, Kingswells Causeway, Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council Dundee Ice Arena, Dundee Dundee City Council Reidhaven Square, Keith Moray Council Cluny Place Car Park, Buckie Moray Council East Coast Viners Grain, Drumlithe East Coast Viners 203020 Taxis, Isla Street, Dundee Timms Taxis 203020 Taxis, Isla Street, Dundee Timms Taxis 203020 Taxis, Isla Street, Dundee Timms Taxis 203020 Taxis, Isla Street, Dundee Timms Taxis 203020 Taxis, Isla Street, Dundee Timms Taxis Guildtown Village Hall, Hall Road, Perth Guildtown Community Association Bellies Brae Car Park, Kirriemuir Angus Council Greenpark Garage, Montrose Greenpark Garage Langstane Housing Association Langstane Housing Association Autoecosse Mitsubishi, Kingsway East, Dundee Autoecosse Mitsubishi Glenlivet Estate Office, Tomintoul Scotland Workplace The Crown Estate Arbuthnott Community Association, Arbuthnott, Laurencekirk Arbuthnott Community Association Dundee & Angus College, Gardyne Campus, Dundee Dundee & Angus College Stracathro Hospital, Stracathro NHS Tayside Angus Council, High Street Car Park, Carnoustie Angus Council Thainstone House, Inverurie Crerar Hotel Group Dundee & Angus College, Arbroath Campus, Arbroath Dundee &Angus College Hillcrest Housing Association , Dundee Hillcrest Housing Association Trades Lane, Dundee Dundee City Council Dock Street, Dundee Dundee City Council Lochee Charging Hub, Aimer Square, Dundee Dundee City Council Lochee Charging Hub, Aimer Square, Dundee Dundee City Council Lochee Charging Hub, Aimer Square, Dundee Dundee City Council Horizon Scotland, Forres Enterprise Park, Forres Moray Council Lossiemouth Station Car Park, Lossiemouth Moray Council Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Foresterhill Rd, Aberdeen Aberdeen Royal Infirmary NHS Grampian Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Trusty Ted's Nursery, Foresterhill Court, Aberdeen Aberdeen Royal InfirmaryNHS Grampian Danestone Car Park, Bridge of Don Aberdeen City Council Hazlehead Park, Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council Cornhill Shopping Centre, Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council Mastrick Road, Mastrick Aberdeen City Council Satrosphere Car Park, Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council Faulds Row Car Park, Kincorth Aberdeen City Council Bridge of Don Library Car Park, Scotstown Road, Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council Tomintoul Car Park, Tomintoul Moray Council James Hutton Institute Aberdeen, Aberdeen James Hutton Institute,Aberdeen James Hutton Institute, Invergowrie James Hutton Institute,Dundee Station Square Car Park, Aboyne Aberdeenshire Council Village Car Park, Alford Aberdeenshire Council Balnellan Road Car Park, Braemar Aberdeenshire Council Seaforth Car Park, Fraserburgh Aberdeenshire Council Nethergate, Dundee Dundee City Council Gellatly Street Car Park, Dundee Dundee City Council Dr Grey's Hospital, Elgin NHS Grampian Station Road Library, Ellon Aberdeenshire Council Ninewells Hospital, Thomas Maclagan Way, Dundee NHS Tayside Viga, Rosebank Street, Dundee Peter Marr Vega Sports Queens Road, Aberdeen Morningfield Investments Michelin Tyres, Dundee Michelin Tyres Dundee Queen Street, Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council Stanley Street, Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council Aberdeen Hydrogen Centre, Langdykes Road, Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council Stonehaven Station Car Park, Stonehaven Aberdeenshire Council Atholl Street Car Park, Dunkeld Perth & Kinross Council Broomhill Road, Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council Thainstone Centre, Thainstone, Inverurie ANM Group Thainstone Centre, Thainstone, Inverurie ANM Group Thainstone Centre, Thainstone, Inverurie ANM Group Thainstone Centre, Thainstone, Inverurie ANM Group Burn Lane Car Park, Inverurie Aberdeenshire Council Burn Lane Car Park, Inverurie Aberdeenshire Council Aberdeenshire Council Headquarters, Woodhill House, Westburn Street, Aberdeen Aberdeenshire Council Aberdeenshire Council Headquarters, Woodhill House, Westburn Street, Aberdeen Aberdeenshire Council Aberdeenshire Council Headquarters, Woodhill House, Westburn Street, Aberdeen Aberdeenshire Council Aberdeenshire Council Headquarters, Woodhill House, Westburn Street, Aberdeen Aberdeenshire Council Aberdeenshire Council Headquarters, Woodhill House, Westburn Street, Aberdeen Aberdeenshire Council Aberdeenshire Council Headquarters, Woodhill House, Westburn Street, Aberdeen Aberdeenshire Council Ladyhill Road, Elgin Moray Council Marine Drive, Monifieth Angus Council Aberdeen Hydrogen Centre, Langdykes Road, Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council Burn Lane Shopping Centre, Inverurie Aberdeenshire Council Royal Victoria Hospital, Dundee NHS Tayside Whitehills Health and Community Care Centre, Station Road, Forfar NHS Tayside Intermoor Car Park, Bridge of Don InterMoor Ltd Dyce (Craibstone) Park and Ride, Craibstone Aberdeen City Council Stanley Street Car Park, Arbroath Angus Council Stanley Street Car Park, Arbroath Angus Council Ellon Park & Ride, Aberdeenshire Aberdeenshire Council Bellfield Car Park, Banchory Aberdeenshire Council Church Square Car Park, Ballater Aberdeenshire Council Balnellan Road Car Park, Braemar Aberdeenshire Council High Street Car Park, Laurencekirk Aberdeenshire Council Macduff Industrial Estate, Aberdeenshire Council Aberdeenshire Council Davidson House, Balgownie Road, Aberdeen Aberdeen Energy Park Northport Car Park, Elgin Moray Council KCAD - City South, Portlethen KCADeutag KCAD - City South, Portlethen KCADeutag Princes Street Charging Hub, Dundee Dundee City Council Princes Street Charging Hub, Dundee Dundee City Council Princes Street Charging Hub, Dundee Dundee City Council Princes Street Charging Hub, Dundee Dundee City Council Princes Street Charging Hub, Dundee Dundee City Council Princes Street Charging Hub, Dundee Dundee City Council Princes Street Charging Hub, Dundee Dundee City Council Princes Street Charging Hub, Dundee Dundee City Council Princes Street Charging Hub, Dundee Dundee City Council Carnoustie Golf Hotel, The Links, Carnoustie Carnoustie Golf Hotel Carnoustie Golf Hotel, The Links, Carnoustie Carnoustie Golf Hotel Carnoustie Golf Hotel, The Links, Carnoustie Carnoustie Golf Hotel Kettock Lodge, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen Aberdeen Energy Park Alexander Street, Dundee Hillcrest Housing Association Alexander Street, Dundee Dundee City Council Angus House, Orchardbank, Forfar Angus Council Carnoustie Leisure Centre, Carnoustie Angus Council Burn Lane Shopping Centre, Inverurie Aberdeenshire Council University of Dundee, Estates & Buildings Yard, Dundee University of Dundee Peterhead Community Hospital, Peterhead NHS Grampian Exploration Drive, Bridge of Don Aberdeen City Council Kingswells Park and Ride, Kingswells Causeway, Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council Angus Council, High Street Car Park, Carnoustie Angus Council Lower Hall Street Car Park, Montrose Angus Council Dyce (Craibstone) Park and Ride, Craibstone Aberdeen City Council Shell Caird Park, Dundee Eurogarages Lochee Charging Hub, Aimer Square, Dundee Dundee City Council Lochee Charging Hub, Aimer Square, Dundee Dundee City Council Lochee Charging Hub, Aimer Square, Dundee Dundee City Council Lochee Charging Hub, Aimer Square, Dundee Dundee City Council Stanley Street Car Park, Arbroath Angus Council Ellon Park & Ride, Aberdeenshire Aberdeenshire Council Lochee Charging Hub, Aimer Square, Dundee Dundee City Council Lochee Charging Hub, Aimer Square, Dundee Dundee City Council Lochee Charging Hub, Aimer Square, Dundee Dundee City Council Queen Street Charging Hub, Dundee Dundee City Council Queen Street Charging Hub, Dundee Dundee City Council Queen Street Charging Hub, Dundee Dundee City Council Queen Street Charging Hub, Dundee Dundee City Council Queen Street Charging Hub, Dundee Dundee City Council Queen Street Charging Hub, Dundee Dundee City Council Queen Street Charging Hub, Dundee Dundee City Council Queen Street Charging Hub, Dundee Dundee City Council Queen Street Charging Hub, Dundee Dundee City Council Queen Street, Broughty Ferry, Dundee Dundee City Council Douglas Road Rapid Charger Todds Taxis Craigellachie Recharge Station, Craigellachie Craigellachie Filling Station Marine Drive, Monifieth Angus Council Bellies Brae Car Park, Kirriemuir Angus Council Bellies Brae Car Park, Kirriemuir Angus Council Friockheim Hub, Eastgate Friockheim Community Hub Ltd Friockheim Hub, Eastgate Friockheim Community Hub Ltd Garioch Sports Centre, Burghmuir Road, Inverurie Garioch Sports Centre Station Road Library, Ellon Aberdeenshire Council Gordon House, Blackhall Road, Inverurie Aberdeenshire Council Buchan House, St Peters Street, Peterhead Aberdeenshire Council Market Square, Stonehaven Aberdeenshire Council Turrif High Street, Aberdeenshire Aberdeenshire Council Banff Greenbank, Greenbank Car Park, Banff Aberdeenshire Council Gallowgate Car Park, Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council Kingswells Park and Ride, Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council Tanfield Walk Car Park, Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council Banff Greenbank, Greenbank Car Park, Banff Aberdeenshire Council Banff Greenbank, Greenbank Car Park, Banff Aberdeenshire Council Fyvie Main Street, Fyvie Aberdeenshire Council Fyvie Main Street, Fyvie Aberdeenshire Council Westhill Library, Westhill Aberdeenshire Council Westhill Library, Westhill Aberdeenshire Council Speyside Gardens Caravan Park, Aberlour Speyside Gardens Caravan Park 50kW Charger at Letham Square, Letham Angus Council 22kW Charger at Letham Square, Letham Angus Council Baltic Street Car Park, Montrose Angus Council Baltic Street Car Park, Montrose Angus Council West Whins Car Park, Findhorn Moray Tulloch Park Car Park, Forres Moray Carshare Enterprise Park, Forres, Moray Highlands & Islands Enterprise Enterprise Park, Forres, Moray Highlands & Islands Enterprise Altens Lorry Park, Aberdeen Altens Lorry Park Altens Lorry Park, Aberdeen Altens Lorry Park East Greens Car Park, Forfar Angus Council East Greens Car Park, Forfar Angus Council Ladybridge Street, Arbroath Angus Council Ladybridge Street, Arbroath Angus Council Maisondieu Lane Car Park, Brechin Angus Council Maisondieu Lane Car Park, Brechin Angus Council Greenmarket Multi Storey Car Park, Dundee Dundee City Council Banchory Sports Village, Banchory Aberdeenshire Council Balmacassie Recycling Centre, Ellon Aberdeenshire Council Queen Street Charging Hub, Dundee Dundee City Council SEPA Elgin SEPA Aberdeen Railway Station, Union Square, Aberdeen ScotRail Greenmarket Multi Storey Car Park, Dundee Dundee City Council Greenmarket Multi Storey Car Park, Dundee Dundee City Council East District Housing Office, Dundee Dundee City Council Baker Street Aberdeenshire Council Baker Street Aberdeenshire Council Camperdown Country Park Dundee City Council Camperdown Country Park Dundee City Council Dundee & Angus College, Kingsway Campus, Dundee Dundee & Angus College Dundee & Angus College, Kingsway Campus, Dundee Dundee & Angus College Dundee & Angus College, Arbroath Campus, Arbroath Dundee & Angus College Dundee & Angus College, Gardyne Campus, Dundee Dundee & Angus College Pitarlie, Dundee Angus Housing Association Ltd 22kW Charger at Friockheim Park, Friockheim Angus Council Orleans Place, Dundee Dundee City Council Linn Brae - Car and Bus Charger, Aberlour Moray Council Tariff B 50 kW Charger at Church Street Car Park, Brechin Angus Council 50kW Charger at Friockheim Park, Friockheim Angus Council Arbroath Railway Station, Arbroath ScotRail Dyce Railway Station, Dyce ScotRail Elgin Railway Station, Elgin ScotRail Montrose Railway Station, Montrose ScotRail South Tay Street, Dundee Dundee City Council 50kW Charger at Links Avenue Car Park, Links Avenue, Carnoustie Angus Council Dawson Park, Broughty Ferry Dundee City Council Brodie Castle National Trust Scotland Buchan Saw and Tool Service Buchan SawAnd Tool Service Winter K Simpsons, Dundee Winter K Simpsons Andersons of Inverurie Andersons of Inverurie Woodhill House, Aberdeen Aberdeenshire Council Woodhill House, Aberdeen Aberdeenshire Council Woodhill House, Aberdeen Aberdeenshire Council 22 kW Charger at Bruce House, Wellgate, Arbroath Angus Council 50 kW Charger at Bruce House, Wellgate, Arbroath Angus Council Fairfield Community Sports Club Fairfield Community Sports Club Castleton Farm Shop & Cafe Castleton Farm Shop Castleton Farm Shop & Cafe Castleton Farm Shop The Boyndie Trust The Boyndie Trust Northlink Ferries Serco NorthLink Ferries Northlink Ferries Serco NorthLink Ferries Northlink Ferries Serco NorthLink Ferries Northlink Ferries Serco NorthLink Ferries 50kW Charger at Orchard Loan, Orchardbank Business Park, Forfar Angus Council 50kW Charger at Orchard Loan, Orchardbank Business Park, Forfar Angus Council 50kW Charger at Orchard Loan, Orchardbank Business Park, Forfar Angus Council 50kW Charger at Orchard Loan, Orchardbank Business Park, Forfar Angus Council 22kW Charger at Orchard Loan, Orchardbank Business Park, Forfar Angus Council 22kW Charger at Orchard Loan, Orchardbank Business Park, Forfar Angus Council 22kW Charger at Orchard Loan, Orchardbank Business Park, Forfar Angus Council 7kW Slow Charger at Orchard Loan, Orchardbank Business Park, Forfar Angus Council 7kW Slow Charger at Orchard Loan, Orchardbank Business Park, Forfar Angus Council 50 kW Charger at Church Street Car Park, Brechin Angus Council 50kW Charger at Reform Street Car Park Angus Council Loch Kinord Hotel Loch Kinord Hotel Loch Kinord Hotel Loch Kinord Hotel Kintore Railway Station ScotRail Kintore Railway Station ScotRail Kintore Railway Station ScotRail Kintore Railway Station ScotRail Kintore Railway Station ScotRail Kintore Railway Station ScotRail Kintore Railway Station ScotRail Kintore Railway Station ScotRail Kintore Railway Station ScotRail Kintore Railway Station ScotRail Kintore Railway Station ScotRail Kintore Railway Station ScotRail Craigowen Road Dundee City Council Queens Court, Inchmarlo NJAnd HJ Hall Logie Steading Logie Estate Olympia Hub Dundee City Council 50kW Charger at Marine Drive Angus Council 50kW Charger at Marine Drive Angus Council Viewmont, Stonehaven Aberdeenshire Council Cullen Square, Cullen Moray Council Victoria Terrace, Aberlour Moray Council Cluny Place Car Park, Buckie Moray Council S6W...
Official Report Meeting date: 13 March 2024

Meeting of the Parliament 13 March 2024

Programme will deliver the single biggest increase in protected planned care capacity ever created in NHS Scotland.”—Written Answers, 12 May 2022; S6W-08250. However, that “single biggest increase in ... care” has turned into the single biggest let-down for patients across Ayrshire.
Official Report Meeting date: 18 January 2024

Finance and Public Administration Committee 18 January 2024

Neil Gray answered a written question from me in July last year, saying that “The invitation to host an Investment Zone was not subject to a bidding or application process”.—Written Answers, 20 July 2023; S6W-19604. Again, why the divergence?
Official Report Meeting date: 12 September 2023

Finance and Public Administration Committee 12 September 2023

It is in stark contrast to the process that was followed by the Government for investment zones, on which Neil Gray said in response to a written question from me: “The invitation to host an Investment Zone was not subject to a bidding or application process”.—Written Answers, 20 July 2023; S6W-19604. Minister, you said that it was “incredibly important” ...
Official Report Meeting date: 7 December 2021

Meeting of the Parliament (Hybrid) 07 December 2021

—Written Answers, 18 November 2021; S6W-04273. The Scottish Government does not even bother to interrogate the data to find out whether job creation is happening in areas such as the north-east, where job losses are greatest.
Committees Published: 8 December 2021

Scottish Retail Consortium submission December 2021

Scottish Retail Consortium – December 2021 References: 1. 2. . Scottish Retail Consortium submission December 2021.
Questions and Answers Date answered: 9 August 2023


They are listed as “Sole Trader 01” S6W-20071

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