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Questions and Answers Date answered: 21 December 2021


Transport Scotland’s Key Reported Road Casualties and Reported Road Casualties statistics publications will present both adjusted and unadjusted figures. S6W-04894
Questions and Answers Date answered: 7 March 2023


Phase 3 of LEIP was opened to local authorities in 2022 and we hope to announce the successful projects soon.   S6W-14826
Questions and Answers Date answered: 20 September 2022


Board Members Holding Two or More Public Appointments Name Board Position Ailsa Raeburn Crown Estate Scotland Member Ailsa Raeburn Highlands and Islands Enterprise Member Albert Donald Grampian NHS Board Member - Whistleblowing Champion Albert Donald Highland NHS Board Member - Whistleblowing Champion Amanda Bryan Crown Estate Scotland Chair Amanda Bryan Highlands and Islands Enterprise Member Andrew Thin Crofting Commission Commissioner Andrew Thin Scottish Land Commission Chair Angiolina Foster CBE Public Health Scotland Chair Angiolina Foster CBE Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Member Ann Allen MBE Architecture and Design Scotland Chair Ann Allen MBE National Museums of Scotland Member Ann Allen MBE Scottish Futures Trust Member Ann Allen MBE Water Industry Commission for Scotland Member Anne-Marie Monaghan Greater Glasgow & Clyde NHS Board Lay Member Anne-Marie Monaghan Independent Living Fund Scotland Member Bill Matthews Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission Chair Bill Matthews Scottish Futures Trust Member Brian Baverstock Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Member Brian Baverstock Scottish Legal Aid Board Member Brian Moore Lanarkshire NHS Board Lay Member Brian Moore The State Hospitals Board for Scotland Chair Carole Wilkinson Care Inspectorate Member (in capacity as Chair of HIS) Carole Wilkinson Healthcare Improvement Scotland Chair Caroline Stuart Regional Colleges and Regional Boards (Dumfries and Galloway) Chair Caroline Stuart Scottish Funding Council Member Caroline Stuart Scottish Police Authority Member Christine Lester Accounts Commission for Scotland Member Christine Lester Healthcare Improvement Scotland Lay Member Douglas Moodie Care Inspectorate Chair Douglas Moodie Healthcare Improvement Scotland Member (in capacity as Chair of Care Inspectorate) Douglas Moodie Scottish Social Services Council Member (in capacity as Chair of Care Inspectorate) Dr Carol Evans Food Standards Scotland Member Dr Carol Evans Skills Development Scotland Member Dr Gaener Rodger Highland NHS Board Lay Member Dr Gaenor Rodger Cairngorms National Park Authority Member Dr Heather Reid Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park Authority Member Dr Heather Reid NatureScot Member Dr Keith Nicholson Highlands and Islands Enterprise Member Dr Keith Nicholson VisitScotland Member Dr Kirsty Darwent Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Chair Dr Kirsty Darwent Scottish Agricultural Wages Board Chair Dr Mike Cantlay OBE Scottish Funding Council Chair Dr Mike Cantlay OBE NatureScot Chair Dr Paul Stollard Historic Environment Scotland Member Dr Paul Stollard Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Member Dr Poonam Malik Scottish Enterprise Member Dr Poonam Malik Skills Development Scotland Member Dr Susan Walker Food Standards Scotland Member Dr Susan Walker Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland Member Dr William Maxwell Care Inspectorate Lay Member Dr William Maxwell Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator Member Elizabeth Humphreys Independent Living Fund Scotland Member Elizabeth Humphreys Public Health Scotland Member - Whistleblowing Champion Elizabeth Humphreys Scottish Ambulance Service Member - Whistleblowing Champion George Walker Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator Interim Chair George Walker Scottish Housing Regulator Chair Gillian Mawdsley NHS Education for Scotland Member - Whistleblowing Champion Gillian Mawdsley Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission Legal Member Gordon Johnston Forth Valley NHS Board Member - Whistleblowing Champion Gordon Johnston Mental Welfare Commission Lay Member Graham MacNeil Bell OBE Community Justice Scotland Member Graham MacNeil Bell OBE Highland NHS Board Lay Member Grant Macrae David MacBrayne Ltd Non-Executive Director Grant Macrae Scottish Police Authority Member Ian Russell CBE National Museums of Scotland Chair Ian Russell CBE Scottish Futures Trust Chair James Martin Scottish Legal Complaints Commission Chair James Martin Environmental Standards Scotland Chair Janie McCusker Forth Valley NHS Board Chair Janie McCusker Regional Colleges and Regional Boards (Glasgow) Chair Jean Ford Ayrshire & Arran NHS Board Lay Member Jean Ford NHS Education for Scotland Lay Member Jean Lindsay Crown Estate Scotland Member Jean Lindsay Revenue Scotland Member Katharina Kasper Children’s Hearing Scotland Chair Katharina Kasper Lothian NHS Board Member - Whistleblowing Champion Katharina Kasper Scottish Police Authority Member Keith Redpath Care Inspectorate Lay Member Keith Redpath NHS National Services Scotland Chair Linda Bamford Mobility and Access Committee for Scotland Chair (Convener) Linda Bamford Poverty and Inequality Commission Member Linda Semple Ayrshire & Arran NHS Board Lay Member Linda Semple NHS Golden Jubilee Board Lay Member (Vice Chair) Lorna Jack Highlands and Islands Airports Ltd Chair Lorna Jack Scottish Funding Council Member Marieke Dwarshuis NHS 24 Lay Member Marieke Dwarshuis Scottish Housing Regulator Member Marieke Dwarshuis Scottish Legal Aid Board Member Martin Hill Lanarkshire NHS Board Chair Martin Hill Scottish Environment Protection Agency Member Michelle Miller Scottish Children's Reporter Administration (SCRA) Chair Michelle Miller Scottish Police Authority Member Naghat Ahmed Care Inspectorate Lay Member Naghat Ahmed Mobility and Access Committee for Scotland Member Peter Murray Lothian NHS Board Lay Member Peter Murray Scottish Social Services Council Member Prof Donald MacRae OBE Highlands and Islands Enterprise Member Prof Donald MacRae OBE Water Industry Commission for Scotland Chair Raymond McMenamin Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission Legal Member Raymond McMenamin Scottish Legal Aid Board Member Sandra Campbell Care Inspectorate Member (in capacity as Convener of SSSC) Sandra Campbell Scottish Social Services Council Chair (Convener) Sandy Riddell Grampian NHS Board Lay Member Sandy Riddell Mental Welfare Commission Chair Sharon O'Connor Accounts Commission for Scotland Member Sharon O'Connor David MacBrayne Ltd Non-Executive Director Siobhan White Lanarkshire NHS Board Lay Member Siobhan White Scottish Housing Regulator Member Stephen McAllister Forth Valley NHS Board Lay Member Stephen McAllister NHS Golden Jubilee Board Lay Member Stephen McAllister Risk Management Authority Member Steve Barron Public Health Scotland Member Steve Barron Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Member Stuart Currie The State Hospitals Board for Scotland Lay Member Stuart Currie Scottish Ambulance Service Lay Member Susan Douglas-Scott Independent Living Fund Scotland Chair Susan Douglas-Scott NHS Golden Jubilee Board Chair Tim Ingram David MacBrayne Ltd Non-Executive Director Tim Ingram Western Isles NHS Board Member Tim McKay Accounts Commission for Scotland Member Tim McKay Scottish Legal Aid Board Member Willie Watt National Galleries of Scotland Member Willie Watt Scottish National Investment Bank Chair   S6W...
Questions and Answers Date answered: 17 August 2022


Final Budget (£'000s) Provisional Outturn (£'000s) Over/(underspend) (£'000s) Finance and Economy 722,135 622,325 (99,810) Health and Sport 580,564 664,846 84,282 Education and Skills 405,711 408,841 3,130 Net Zero, Energy and Transport 2,426,877 2,090,681 (336,196) Constitution, External Affairs and Culture 16,280 17,020 740 Justice 162,065 156,993 (5,072) Rural Affairs and Islands 79,656 59,493 (20,163) Social Justice, Housing and Local Government 1,351,878 1,235,483 (116,395) Total Scottish Government 5,745,166 5,255,682 (489,484) Other Bodies Funded by the Scottish Government 37,267 44,319 7,052 Funding adjustment (299,356) - 299,356 Provisional Outturn 5,483,077 5,300,001 (183,076) Annex A Portfolio Level 3 totals Final Budget (£'000s) Provisional Outturn (£'000s) Over/(underspend) (£'000s) Finance and Economy Finance and Economy - Level 3 totals 722,135 622,325 (99,810)  Agency Administration 2,200 508 (1,692)  AiB Agency Administration 1,100 682 (418)  Cities Investment and Strategy 210,300 199,570 (10,730)  Digital Connectivity 99,310 72,003 (27,307)  Digital Economy 16,000 15,800 (200)  Digital Strategy 3,600 8,669 5,069  Enterprise 135,816 80,953 (54,863)  European Regional Development Fund - 2014-20 Programmes - 1,087 1,087  Highlands and Islands Enterprise 48,448 46,973 (1,475)  Innovation and Industries 5,600 (7,392) (12,992)  Low Carbon 3,200 - (3,200)  Planning 2,223 2,179 (44)  Regeneration 94,300 105,804 11,504  Scottish Futures Trust - 71 71  Scottish Government Capital Projects 21,266 16,670 (4,596)  Scottish National Investment Bank 123 168 45  South of Scotland Enterprise 13,400 12,240 (1,160)  Strategic Industrial Assets 50,000 54,768 4,768  Tourism 15,249 11,572 (3,677) Health and Sport Health and Sport - Level 3 totals 580,564 644,846 84,282  Health and Sport 580,564 644,846 84,282 Education and Skills Education and Skills - Level 3 totals 405,711 408,841 3,130  Care and Justice 2,400 2,323 (77)  Creating Positive Futures 930 323 (607)  Curriculum and Qualifications 2,500 2,000 (500)  Disclosure Scotland Expenditure 6,700 5,507 (1,193)  Education Analytical Services 548 503 (45)  Education Scotland 4,500 5,04. 543  Gaelic 5,680 5,680 -  Improvement Attainment and Wellbeing 200 200 -  Local Government ELC Expansion 53 31 (22)  Scottish Funding Council 380,400 378,643 (1,757)  Skills Development Scotland - 2,781 2,781  Student Awards Agency for Scotland Operating Costs 1,600 1,571 (29)  Workforce Infrastructure and Reform 200 4,236 4,036 Net Zero, Energy and Transport Net Zero, Energy and Transport - Level 3 Totals 2,426,877 2,090,681 (336,196)  Capital Land and Works 155,700 118,743 (36,957)  Central Government Grants to Local Authorities (NZET) 39,254 39,745 491  Energy 281,975 36,394 (245,581)  Environment Quality 1,000 758 (242)  Forestry and land Scotland 25,580 28,080 2,500  Forth and Tay Bridge Maintenance 900 576 (324)  Future Transport Fund 106,874 88,802 (18,072)  Highlands and Islands Airports Limited 57,700 36,903 (20,797)  Land Reform 8,000 5,,776 (2,224)  Major Public Transport Projects 173,092 145,200 (27,892)  National Parks 4,055 3,169 (886)  Natural Resources Peatland and Flooding 6,705 - (6,705)  NatureScot 17,060 14,301 (2,759)  Prestwick Airport - 210 210  Programmes of Research 34,200 32,310 (1,890)  Queensferry Crossing 2,100 1,247 (853)  Rail Franchise 294,000 299,000 5,000  Rail Infrastructure 501,000 534,997 33,997  Road Safety 104,400 162,890 58,490  Roads Improvements 46,208 33,005 (13,203)  Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh 18,400 8,400 (10,000)  Scottish Canals 12,200 14,600 2,400  Scottish Environment Protection Agency 6,200 5,305 (895)  Scottish Forestry 42,550 28,398 (14,152)  Smartcard Programme 2,800 3,981 1,181  Structural Repairs 100,000 61,902 (38,098)  Support for Ferry Services 21,808 - (21,808)  Support for Sustainable and Active Travel 73,350 73,778 428  Sustainable Action Fund 3,174 (95) (3,269)  Transport Strategy and innovation 35,100 - (35,100)  Vessels and Piers 55,992 76,839 20,847  Voted Loans 180,200 230,200 50,000  Zero Waste 15,300 5,267 (10,033) Constitution External Affairs and Culture Constitution External Affairs and Culture - Level 3 Totals 16,280 17,020 740  Creative Scotland and Other Arts 60 28 (32)  Cultural Collections 10,220 11,086 866  Historic Environment Scotland 6,000 5,906 (94) Justice Justice - Level 3 totals 162,065 156,993 (5,072)  Legal Aid Fund - Administration 130 148 18  National Police Funding and Reform 12,128 9,865 (2,353)  Offender Services 5 4 (1)  Prisons Capital Expenditure 55,550 50,960 (4,590)  Scottish Fire and Rescue Service 36,812 38,956 1,784  Scottish Police Authority 57,100 56,920 (180)  Victim/Witness Support 250 500 250 Rural Affairs and Islands Rural Affairs and Islands - Level 3 totals 79,656 59,493 (20,163)  Agri Environmental Measures 2,900 7,627 4,727  Agricultural Transformation Fund 25,000 6,962 (18,038)  Business Development 15,450 12,741 (2,709)  Crofting Assistance 1,000 296 (704)  EU Fisheries Grants 9,600 3,092 (6,508)  EU Income (8,000) (7,301) 699  Fisheries Harbour Grants 1,000 1,046 46  Islands Plan 9,276 8,167 (1,109)  Leader 3,800 3,545 (255)  Less Retained Income/Capital Receipts (6,200) (3,588) 2,612  Marine Fund Scotland 9,500 8,747 (753)  Marine Scotland 7,430 7,498 68  Payments and Inspections Admin Costs 8,600 10,661 2,061  Rural Cohesion 300 - (300 Social Justice Housing and Local Government Social Justice Housing and Local Government - Level 3 Totals 1,351,878 1,235,483 (116,395)  Building Standards 8,000 241 (7,759)  Central Government Grants to Local Authorities (SJHLG) 99,850 99,850 -  Connected Communities 250 - (250)  Fuel Poverty/Energy Efficiency - 76 76  Housing Support 12,090 14,128 2,038  More Homes 619,970 512,955 (107,015)  Social Security Advice Policy and Programme Costs 84,581 82,188 (2,393)  Social Security Scotland 17,200 14,114 (3,086)  Support for Capital 509,937 511,931 1,994 Total Scottish Government  5,745,166 5,255,682 (489,484)  The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal 8,225 9,169 944  Audit Scotland 600 600 -  Food Standards Scotland 300 215 (85)  Scottish Courts and Tribunal Service 16,519 18,269 1,750  Scottish Housing Regulator 150 147 (3)  Scottish Parliament 1,500 3,409 1,909  Registers of Scotland 7,473 9,910 2,437  Revenue Scotland 500 300 (200)  National Records of Scotland 2,000 2,300 300 Total Other Bodies funded by the Scottish Government  37,267 44,319 7,052      Funding Adjustments  (299,356) - 299,356      Provisional Outturn - Capital  5,483,077 5,300,001 (183,076) S6W...
Questions and Answers Date answered: 30 October 2023


Note 4: Science includes Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Physical Science, Science (general) . S6W-21974
Questions and Answers Date answered: 21 September 2023


The following data is accurate up to the end of July 2023: Number and value of loans by local authority: LOCAL AUTHORITY PAID (£) NUMBER PAID TOTAL PAID (£) TOTAL NUMBER PAID BUSINESS DOMESTIC BUSINESS DOMESTIC Aberdeen City  £ 224,230  73 £ 224,230 73 Aberdeenshire £ 6,000 £ 501,946 2 161 £ 507,946 163 Angus  £ 251,294  82 £ 251,294 82 Argyll and Bute  £ 414,650  123 £ 414,650 123 City of Edinburgh £ 96,968 £ 855,070 17 293 £ 952,038 310 Clackmannanshire  £ 56,145  15 £ 56,145 15 Dumfries and Galloway £ 5,299 £ 475,894 2 166 £ 481,193 168 Dundee City £ 51,600 £ 239,540 2 73 £ 291,140 75 East Ayrshire £ 4,200 £ 113,792 1 36 £ 117,992 37 East Dunbartonshire  £ 185,556  57 £ 185,556 57 East Lothian  £ 189,454  66 £ 189,454 66 East Renfrewshire £ 5,748 £ 154,435 1 52 £ 160,183 53 Falkirk £ 3,000 £ 108,675 1 36 £ 111,675 37 Fife £ 6,000 £ 583,523 1 193 £ 589,523 194 Glasgow City £ 50,795 £ 533,500 10 172 £ 584,295 182 Highland £ 82,089 £ 1,061,270 13 336 £ 1,143,359 349 Inverclyde  £ 50,703  19 £ 50,703 19 Midlothian £ 2,925 £ 103,596 1 35 £ 106,521 36 Moray  £ 245,367  82 £ 245,367 82 Na h-Eileanan Siar  £ 44,297  17 £ 44,297 17 North Ayrshire £ 3,799 £ 184,288 1 67 £ 188,087 68 North Lanarkshire £ 4,999 £ 101,277 1 38 £ 106,276 39 Orkney Islands £ 6,000 £ 58,947 1 20 £ 64,947 21 Perth and Kinross £ 55,858 £ 1,026,956 9 292 £ 1,082,814 301 Renfrewshire  £ 138,619  45 £ 138,619 45 Scottish Borders £ 10,875 £ 376,075 2 130 £ 386,950 132 Shetland Islands  £ 33,799  14 £ 33,799 14 South Ayrshire  £ 217,413  86 £ 217,413 86 South Lanarkshire £ 2,199 £ 225,768 1 81 £ 227,967 82 Stirling £ 21,931 £ 349,147 3 111 £ 371,078 114 West Dunbartonshire  £ 78,666  31 £ 78,666 31 West Lothian £ 6,000 £ 108,839 1 43 £ 114,839 44 GRAND TOTAL £ 426,284 £ 9,292,732 70 3,045 £ 9,719,016 3,115   Number and Value of Impaired or Defaulted Loans by Local Authority: Note - Loans are considered to be in default after two missed payments and impaired after three consecutive missed payments   DEFAULT IMPAIRED   LOCAL AUTHORITY Count Value (£) Count Value (£)  Total Count Total Value (£) Aberdeen City 2 £ 4,249 2 £ 4,099  4 £ 8,348 2018-19   1 £ 3,000  1 £ 3,000 2019-20 1 £ 2,500    1 £ 2,500 2022-23 1 £ 1,749 1 £ 1,099  2 £ 2,848 Aberdeenshire 6 £ 20,217 3 £ 9,700  9 £ 29,917 2018-19   1 £ 6,000  1 £ 6,000 2020-21 5 £ 17,518 1 £ 1,700  6 £ 19,218 2021-22 1 £ 2,699 1 £ 2,000  2 £ 4,699 Angus 2 £ 5,699 2 £ 4,659  4 £ 10,358 2020-21 2 £ 5,699 2 £ 4,659  4 £ 10,358 Argyll and Bute 3 £ 13,149 1 £ 2,899  4 £ 16,048 2019-20 1 £ 1,750 1 £ 2,899  2 £ 4,649 2020-21 2 £ 11,399    2 £ 11,399 City of Edinburgh 3 £ 5,907 3 £ 7,085  6 £ 12,992 2018-19 1 £ 2,029    1 £ 2,029 2019-20 1 £ 1,579    1 £ 1,579 2020-21   1 £ 2,000  1 £ 2,000 2021-22 1 £ 2,299 1 £ 2,595  2 £ 4,894 2022-23   1 £ 2,490  1 £ 2,490 Dumfries and Galloway 5 £ 16,255 4 £ 13,746  9 £ 30,001 2019-20 2 £ 7,138 2 £ 6,999  4 £ 14,137 2020-21 1 £ 2,519    1 £ 2,519 2021-22 1 £ 3,000    1 £ 3,000 2022-23 1 £ 3,598 2 £ 6,747  3 £ 10,345 Dundee City 2 £ 24,415 1 £ 4,949  3 £ 29,364 2018-19   1 £ 4,949  1 £ 4,949 2019-20 1 £ 21,600    1 £ 21,600 2020-21 1 £ 2,815    1 £ 2,815 East Ayrshire 2 £ 6,148 3 £ 10,299  5 £ 16,447 2019-20 1 £ 2,000 1 £ 1,800  2 £ 3,800 2020-21   2 £ 8,499  2 £ 8,499 2022-23 1 £ 4,148    1 £ 4,148 East Dunbartonshire 1 £ 4,398 1 £ 3,000  2 £ 7,398 2020-21 1 £ 4,398    1 £ 4,398 2021-22   1 £ 3,000  1 £ 3,000 East Lothian   2 £ 5,399  2 £ 5,399 2019-20   1 £ 2,900  1 £ 2,900 2020-21   1 £ 2,499  1 £ 2,499 East Renfrewshire 2 £ 4,900    2 £ 4,900 2019-20 1 £ 2,000    1 £ 2,000 2020-21 1 £ 2,900    1 £ 2,900 Falkirk 2 £ 9,113 1 £ 3,298  3 £ 12,411 2021-22 1 £ 3,795 1 £ 3,298  2 £ 7,093 2022-23 1 £ 5,318    1 £ 5,318 Fife 6 £ 14,923 5 £ 16,249  11 £ 31,171 2018-19 2 £ 5,998 1 £ 2,999  3 £ 8,997 2019-20 2 £ 4,725 1 £ 2,800  3 £ 7,525 2020-21 1 £ 1,700 1 £ 6,000  2 £ 7,700 2022-23 1 £ 2,500 2 £ 4,450  3 £ 6,950 Glasgow City 8 £ 22,299 3 £ 17,095  11 £ 39,394 2019-20 2 £ 8,400    2 £ 8,400 2020-21 3 £ 6,148 1 £ 5,495  4 £ 11,643 2021-22 1 £ 3,753    1 £ 3,753 2022-23 2 £ 3,998 1 £ 5,700  3 £ 9,698 2023-24   1 £ 5,900  1 £ 5,900 Highland 16 £ 53,878 3 £ 13,056  19 £ 66,934 2018-19 1 £ 3,796    1 £ 3,796 2019-20 6 £ 21,061 2 £ 9,398  8 £ 30,459 2020-21 8 £ 23,423 1 £ 3,658  9 £ 27,081 2021-22 1 £ 5,598    1 £ 5,598 Inverclyde 1 £ 3,000 1 £ 1,600  2 £ 4,600 2018-19   1 £ 1,600  1 £ 1,600 2019-20 1 £ 3,000    1 £ 3,000 Moray 2 £ 3,699 3 £ 8,179  5 £ 11,878 2018-19   1 £ 1,280  1 £ 1,280 2020-21 1 £ 1,699 1 £ 4,100  2 £ 5,799 2021-22 1 £ 2,000    1 £ 2,000 2022-23   1 £ 2,799  1 £ 2,799 Na h-Eileanan Siar   1 £ 3,698  1 £ 3,698 2020-21   1 £ 3,698  1 £ 3,698 North Ayrshire 2 £ 6,409 3 £ 7,148  5 £ 13,557 2018-19   1 £ 3,000  1 £ 3,000 2019-20 1 £ 1,709    1 £ 1,709 2020-21 1 £ 4,700 2 £ 4,148  3 £ 8,848 North Lanarkshire 1 £ 1,798 1 £ 3,000  2 £ 4,798 2021-22 1 £ 1,798 1 £ 3,000  2 £ 4,798 Perth and Kinross 11 £ 54,794 8 £ 32,397  19 £ 87,191 2018-19   4 £ 17,499  4 £ 17,499 2019-20 6 £ 19,695 2 £ 6,299  8 £ 25,994 2020-21 2 £ 8,099 2 £ 8,599  4 £ 16,698 2022-23 3 £ 27,000    3 £ 27,000 Renfrewshire   1 £ 2,849  1 £ 2,849 2021-22   1 £ 2,849  1 £ 2,849 Scottish Borders 3 £ 12,427    3 £ 12,427 2018-19 1 £ 3,998    1 £ 3,998 2019-20 1 £ 6,000    1 £ 6,000 2020-21 1 £ 2,429    1 £ 2,429 Shetland Islands   1 £ 5,929  1 £ 5,929 2021-22   1 £ 5,929  1 £ 5,929 South Ayrshire 1 £ 3,778 3 £ 6,098  4 £ 9,876 2019-20 1 £ 3,778    1 £ 3,778 2020-21   3 £ 6,098  3 £ 6,098 South Lanarkshire   3 £ 8,448  3 £ 8,448 2019-20   2 £ 5,448  2 £ 5,448 2020-21   1 £ 3,000  1 £ 3,000 Stirling 4 £ 23,098 3 £ 5,246  7 £ 28,344 2020-21 3 £ 11,098 1 £ 1,645  4 £ 12,743 2021-22   2 £ 3,601  2 £ 3,601 2022-23 1 £ 12,000    1 £ 12,000 West Dunbartonshire   2 £ 4,199  2 £ 4,199 2021-22   1 £ 3,000  1 £ 3,000 2022-23   1 £ 1,199  1 £ 1,199   S6W...
Questions and Answers Date answered: 23 May 2023


Please note the time periods are different in the table above as statistics were previous collected on calendar not financial years, and include partial years for initial contract years (2023 and 2020). S6W-17845
Questions and Answers Date answered: 1 November 2021


Relief data as at 1 June 2018 (incl. for 2017, as 2017 reliefs data is not available), 31 May 2019, 1 July 2020, and 1 June 2021. S6W-03459
Questions and Answers Date answered: 4 October 2022


Aug-22    Dec-21                            LAActive RegistrationsPropertiesLAActive RegistrationsPropertiesAberdeen City1968324818Aberdeen City1988924896Aberdeenshire860011798Aberdeenshire874611903Angus42947025Angus43677097Argyll and Bute27253412Argyll and Bute30053872City of Edinburgh4230359602City of Edinburgh4186658763Clackmannanshire13931958Clackmannanshire14081967Dumfries and Galloway633210288Dumfries and Galloway657110689Dundee City920215339Dundee City935415561East Ayrshire44596004East Ayrshire46076088East Dunbartonshire27542934East Dunbartonshire27342934East Lothian36094721East Lothian37394832East Renfrewshire23062350East Renfrewshire23172462Eilean Siar602609Eilean Siar640629Falkirk49366450Falkirk50316563Fife1441720927Fife1477821079Glasgow City3947458919Glasgow City3939458241Highland763710773Highland826511362Inverclyde25213791Inverclyde25463688Midlothian24702848Midlothian24082724Moray30024152Moray27273866North Ayrshire27264690North Ayrshire29314884North Lanarkshire827112423North Lanarkshire779511739Orkney Islands8851010Orkney Islands8831005Perth and Kinross53009551Perth and Kinross51389318Renfrewshire742910080Renfrewshire65549216Scottish Borders46887500Scottish Borders49597888Shetland Islands454473Shetland Islands495521South Ayrshire38055267South Ayrshire39995442South Lanarkshire1158315063South Lanarkshire1200815347Stirling41895744Stirling42735906West Dunbartonshire20312696West Dunbartonshire20822790West Lothian46696417West Lothian47896548            Total238749339632Total240298339820  Dec-20    Dec-19                            LAActive RegistrationsPropertiesLAActive RegistrationsPropertiesAberdeen City1990824606Aberdeen City2036930952Aberdeenshire897512041Aberdeenshire918515542Angus42366854Angus44278420Argyll and Bute32934288Argyll and Bute36805939City of Edinburgh4200357596City of Edinburgh4154266657Clackmannanshire15432062Clackmannanshire15832600Dumfries and Galloway681910798Dumfries and Galloway712014427Dundee City959015531Dundee City1018020719East Ayrshire47326129East Ayrshire48977884East Dunbartonshire28732989East Dunbartonshire30293869East Lothian37184868East Lothian38565915East Renfrewshire23102381East Renfrewshire23833000Eilean Siar591597Eilean Siar621783Falkirk51416638Falkirk54748711Fife1502421194Fife1600228055Glasgow City3887156227Glasgow City3987967733Highland828711484Highland870015338Inverclyde25703698Inverclyde27404969Midlothian26192933Midlothian27873920Moray24543292Moray30655171North Ayrshire37105557North Ayrshire43047401North Lanarkshire820111790North Lanarkshire875514699Orkney Islands8711009Orkney Islands9231424Perth and Kinross55779691Perth and Kinross644713345Renfrewshire750510000Renfrewshire768112232Scottish Borders51198043Scottish Borders514710096Shetland Islands603627Shetland Islands546731South Ayrshire44465836South Ayrshire48697765South Lanarkshire1228315227South Lanarkshire1283720412Stirling43815936Stirling46957764West Dunbartonshire21332803West Dunbartonshire22773287West Lothian49046689West Lothian50558568            Total245290339414Total255055428328Dec-18    Jan-17                            LAActive RegistrationsPropertiesLAActive RegistrationsPropertiesAberdeen City    20,37730,801Aberdeen City      19,636   23,034Aberdeenshire     9,35015,608Aberdeenshire       9,166   12,276Angus     4,6768,839Angus       4,741     7,247Argyll and Bute     4,0976,867Argyll and Bute       4,545     5,878City of Edinburgh    42,67567,984City of Edinburgh      43,732   59,949Clackmannanshire     1,7172,763Clackmannanshire       1,782     2,434Dumfries and Galloway     7,40414,893Dumfries and Galloway       7,318   11,148Dundee City    10,21720,573Dundee City       9,999   16,269East Ayrshire     5,0738,017East Ayrshire       5,005     6,328East Dunbartonshire     3,1293,895East Dunbartonshire       3,150     3,149East Lothian     4,2546,469East Lothian       4,422     5,247East Renfrewshire     2,4943,171East Renfrewshire       2,510     2,461Eilean Siar       600739Falkirk       5,645     6,850Falkirk     5,6118,754Fife      17,299   23,327Fife    16,65729,266Glasgow City      39,165   55,854Glasgow City    39,92664,653Highland      10,719   14,133Highland     8,85215,329Inverclyde       3,050     4,616Inverclyde     2,8855,183Midlothian       3,293     3,471Midlothian     2,8223,862Moray       3,898     5,056Moray     3,6936,311Eilean Siar        744      720North Ayrshire     5,0098,154North Ayrshire       5,442     8,033North Lanarkshire     9,42315,605North Lanarkshire       9,387   13,221Orkney Islands       9641,440Orkney Islands       1,022     1,115Perth and Kinross     6,60613,458Perth and Kinross       7,050   11,220Renfrewshire     7,96412,197Renfrewshire       7,512     9,556Scottish Borders     5,47310,542Scottish Borders       5,360     8,946Shetland Islands       534700Shetland Islands        587      909South Ayrshire     4,9207,849South Ayrshire       5,046     6,527South Lanarkshire    12,75420,107South Lanarkshire      13,597   16,355Stirling     4,8957,915Stirling       4,797     6,240West Dunbartonshire     2,5223,553West Dunbartonshire       2,600     3,286West Lothian     5,3068,820West Lothian       5,592     7,029            Total   262,879434,317Total    267,811  361,884Dec-16    Dec-15                            LAActive RegistrationsPropertiesLAActive RegistrationsPropertiesAberdeen City    19,65923,011Aberdeen City      19,151    22,252Aberdeenshire     9,16612,236Aberdeenshire       8,510    12,149Angus     4,7507,259Angus       4,808     7,164Argyll and Bute     4,4955,886Argyll and Bute       4,517     5,833City of Edinburgh    44,01159,782City of Edinburgh      43,074    57,951Clackmannanshire     1,7912,421Clackmannanshire       1,880     2,403Dumfries and Galloway     7,32211,124Dumfries and Galloway       7,303    11,011Dundee City    10,02616,230Dundee City       9,789    15,771East Ayrshire     5,0376,332East Ayrshire       5,001     6,252East Dunbartonshire     3,1803,149East Dunbartonshire       3,086     3,042East Lothian     4,4455,256East Lothian       4,414     5,192East Renfrewshire     2,5002,454East Renfrewshire       2,458     2,374Falkirk     5,6316,845Eilean Siar        672       716Fife    17,33023,278Falkirk       5,627     6,786Glasgow City    39,38555,624Fife      16,922    22,363Highland    10,73514,141Glasgow City      38,558    55,999Inverclyde     3,0574,596Highland      10,502    13,803Midlothian     3,2823,463Inverclyde       2,991     4,526Moray     3,8735,048Midlothian       2,837     3,424Eilean Siar       736718Moray       3,887     4,909North Ayrshire     5,4477,993North Ayrshire       5,546     7,777North Lanarkshire     9,40113,230North Lanarkshire       9,077    12,704Orkney Islands     1,0231,118Orkney Islands       1,010     1,107Perth and Kinross     7,05511,215Perth and Kinross       7,004    11,020Renfrewshire     7,5499,543Renfrewshire       7,066     9,049Scottish Borders     5,3978,953Scottish Borders       5,781     8,866Shetland Islands       587908Shetland Islands        572       864South Ayrshire     5,0656,528South Ayrshire       5,093     6,447South Lanarkshire    13,52716,321South Lanarkshire      13,582    16,005Stirling     4,8386,218Stirling       4,926     6,085West Dunbartonshire     2,5663,311West Dunbartonshire       2,519     3,182West Lothian     5,6477,144West Lothian       5,369     7,230            Total   268,513361,335Total    263,532   354,256Dec-14    Dec-13                            LAActive RegistrationsPropertiesLAActive RegistrationsPropertiesAberdeen City    18,13320,949Aberdeen City      16,364   19,160Aberdeenshire     8,07311,939Aberdeenshire       7,778   11,310Angus     4,7127,010Angus       4,407     6,617Argyll and Bute     4,3355,668Argyll and Bute       4,129     5,346City of Edinburgh    42,18755,818City of Edinburgh      40,225   53,357Clackmannanshire     1,7192,411Clackmannanshire       1,646     2,261Dumfries and Galloway     7,03010,699Dumfries and Galloway       6,553   10,071Dundee City     9,48615,127Dundee City       8,887   14,674East Ayrshire     4,9036,035East Ayrshire       4,671     5,828East Dunbartonshire     3,0592,983East Dunbartonshire       2,906     2,748East Lothian     4,2805,056East Lothian       4,225     4,944East Renfrewshire     2,3872,335East Renfrewshire       2,253     2,217Eilean Siar       556720Eilean Siar        440      689Falkirk     5,5616,524Falkirk       5,402     6,230Fife    15,99121,443Fife      14,848   20,062Glasgow City    35,72353,115Glasgow City      31,760   47,453Highland    10,11713,200Highland       9,001   12,239Inverclyde     2,7924,331Inverclyde       2,436     3,863Midlothian     2,6023,283Midlothian       2,586     3,074Moray     3,7974,762Moray       3,589     4,543North Ayrshire     5,3207,375North Ayrshire       4,932     6,826North Lanarkshire     8,71712,072North Lanarkshire       7,762   11,071Orkney Islands     1,0931,154Orkney Islands       1,026     1,128Perth and Kinross     6,90710,699Perth and Kinross       6,814   10,719Renfrewshire     6,4268,744Renfrewshire       5,787     8,097Scottish Borders     5,7978,667Scottish Borders       5,548     8,347Shetland Islands       501796Shetland Islands        390      679South Ayrshire     5,0696,462South Ayrshire       4,807     5,905South Lanarkshire    12,95415,420South Lanarkshire      12,098   14,500Stirling     4,7325,804Stirling       4,489     5,564West Dunbartonshire     2,3932,950West Dunbartonshire       2,158     2,599West Lothian     5,4297,215West Lothian       5,101     7,066            Total   252,781340,766Total    235,018  319,187Jan-12    Nov-11                            LAActive RegistrationsPropertiesLAActive RegistrationsPropertiesAberdeen City    12,88618,249Aberdeen City      10,181    16,600Aberdeenshire     7,14510,316Aberdeenshire       6,621     9,299Angus     4,0706,249Angus       3,599     5,702Argyll and Bute     3,6984,888Argyll and Bute       3,218     4,372Edinburgh, City of     37,09248,900Clackmannanshire       1,446     1,830Clackmannanshire     1,6312,056Dumfries and Galloway       4,828     8,184Dumfries and Galloway     6,1259,478Dundee City       6,579    12,580Dundee City     7,88113,585East Ayrshire       3,714     4,793East Ayrshire     4,2285,320East Dunbartonshire       2,331     2,326East Dunbartonshire     2,6802,541East Lothian       3,688     4,385East Lothian     3,9484,692East Renfrewshire       1,640     1,747East Renfrewshire     2,0092,015City of Edinburgh       33,076    43,762Eilean Siar       454606Eilean Siar        418       550Falkirk     4,8715,628Falkirk       4,216     4,929Fife    13,68518,120Fife      12,001    16,372Glasgow City    27,25841,829Glasgow City      22,938    36,233Highland     7,58610,840Highland       6,395     9,479Inverclyde     2,0363,528Inverclyde       1,685     3,209Midlothian     2,1982,736Midlothian       1,618     2,373Moray     3,3704,265Moray       2,914     3,783North Ayrshire     4,1436,069North Ayrshire       3,430     5,017North Lanarkshire     6,42410,114North Lanarkshire       5,504     8,674Orkney Islands       9671,094Orkney Islands        965     1,057Perth and Kinross     6,27510,123Perth and Kinross       5,540     9,425Renfrewshire     5,1117,412Renfrewshire       4,166     6,761Scottish Borders     5,2688,052Scottish Borders       4,836     7,633Shetland Islands       332580Shetland Islands        396       493South Ayrshire     4,2335,266South Ayrshire       3,691     4,734South Lanarkshire    11,11313,532South Lanarkshire       9,635    12,669Stirling     4,0715,120Stirling       3,627     4,652West Dunbartonshire     1,9802,308West Dunbartonshire       1,707     1,937West Lothian     4,5736,437West Lothian       4,253     5,762            Total   209,341291,948Total    180,856   261,322 Dec-10    Dec-09                                                    LAActive RegistrationsPropertiesLAActive RegistrationsPropertiesAberdeen City    12,16615,085Aberdeen City      11,765   13,704Aberdeenshire     6,5738,916Aberdeenshire       5,913     8,157Angus     3,2035,199Angus       2,912     4,832Argyll and Bute     2,8494,015Argyll and Bute       2,861     3,951Clackmannanshire     1,2641,638Clackmannanshire       1,153     1,479Dumfries and Galloway     3,8967,311Dumfries and Galloway       3,869     6,791Dundee City     6,15811,851Dundee City       5,648   10,718East Ayrshire     3,2384,264East Ayrshire       2,942     3,860East Dunbartonshire     2,2212,136East Dunbartonshire       1,913     1,758East Lothian     3,3334,143East Lothian       3,115     3,860East Renfrewshire     1,4341,601East Renfrewshire       1,481     1,515City of Edinburgh     31,79041,944City of Edinburgh       31,280   39,204Eilean Siar       442500Eilean Siar        461      454Falkirk     3,5414,301Falkirk       2,990     3,769Fife    10,23014,758Fife       9,493   12,728Glasgow City    20,49032,478Glasgow City      19,336   28,944Highland     6,7608,741Highland       6,250     8,106Inverclyde     1,3122,794Inverclyde       1,477     2,513Midlothian     1,5011,990Midlothian       1,667     1,751Moray     2,4963,454Moray       2,307     3,216North Ayrshire     3,1584,381North Ayrshire       2,990     3,854North Lanarkshire     4,7597,390North Lanarkshire       4,185     6,410Orkney Islands       9281,025Orkney Islands        914      995Perth and Kinross     5,3229,078Perth and Kinross       4,789     8,488Renfrewshire     3,9336,022Renfrewshire       3,629     5,291Scottish Borders     4,3627,172Scottish Borders       4,224     6,966Shetland Islands       353426Shetland Islands        337      395South Ayrshire     3,3644,211South Ayrshire       2,879     3,785South Lanarkshire     8,82811,528South Lanarkshire       8,866   10,580Stirling     3,2954,284Stirling       3,144     4,005West Dunbartonshire     1,4841,752West Dunbartonshire       1,362     1,575West Lothian     3,9185,235West Lothian       3,645     4,733            Total   168,601239,623Total    159,797  218,387Dec-08    Dec-07                                        LAActive RegistrationsPropertiesLAActive RegistrationsPropertiesAberdeen City    10,65112,082Aberdeen City       8,486    10,247Aberdeenshire     4,9837,291Aberdeenshire       3,698     5,937Angus     2,4234,285Angus       1,916     3,733Argyll and Bute     2,4043,524Argyll and Bute       1,954     3,071Clackmannanshire       9391,243Clackmannanshire        688       972Dumfries and Galloway     3,3936,301Dumfries and Galloway       2,937     5,771Dundee City     4,8089,688Dundee City       3,501     7,479East Ayrshire     2,3083,230East Ayrshire       1,670     2,539East Dunbartonshire     1,4481,357East Dunbartonshire       1,006       991East Lothian     2,6453,228East Lothian       1,961     2,649East Renfrewshire     1,2201,304East Renfrewshire        908     1,054City of Edinburgh     27,03634,114City of Edinburgh       22,577    29,520Eilean Siar       417416Eilean Siar        373       368Falkirk     2,4743,118Falkirk       1,845     2,499Fife     7,60410,641Fife       5,910     8,444Glasgow City    16,13424,629Glasgow City      12,845    20,993Highland     5,2127,224Highland       4,386     6,258Inverclyde     1,3392,251Inverclyde       1,119     1,979Midlothian     1,3121,455Midlothian        969     1,227Moray     1,8462,660Moray       1,493     2,239North Ayrshire     2,2563,179North Ayrshire       1,677     2,537North Lanarkshire     3,5445,273North Lanarkshire       2,558     4,154Orkney Islands       943993Orkney Islands        826       898Perth and Kinross     3,8507,481Perth and Kinross       3,197     6,441Renfrewshire     2,7724,176Renfrewshire       1,998     3,186Scottish Borders     3,4726,178Scottish Borders       2,736     5,324Shetland Islands       314371Shetland Islands        273       337South Ayrshire     2,3593,166South Ayrshire       1,958     2,691South Lanarkshire     6,4178,106South Lanarkshire       3,890     5,167Stirling     2,6543,595Stirling       2,060     3,068West Dunbartonshire     1,0581,290West Dunbartonshire        725       960West Lothian     3,2454,072West Lothian       2,441     3,270            Total   133,480187,921Total    104,581   156,003 associated monitoring information available from 2007 onwardswhich have been subject to significant data quality issues and are not considered to be accurate counts of the number of properties across these years S6W...
Questions and Answers Date answered: 3 August 2022


This came into force on 1 April 2021. 30 Commercial activity on parks etc.The Non-Domestic Rates (Scotland) Act 2020 will bring non-domestic properties on parks and lands onto the valuation roll on 1 April 2023 (at the next revaluation).Commercial activity on parks will therefore be liable for rates from 2023.   S6W-09852

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