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Official Report Meeting date: 25 January 2023

Meeting of the Parliament 25 January 2023

In her response, the minister stated: “The guidance is clear that the findings of the cost collection exercise are only a part of the rate setting process, and local authorities will also consider local ELC market conditions and ongoing consultation with providers.”—Written Answers, 29 July 2022; S6W-09554. However, we know that many nurseries did not fil...
Official Report Meeting date: 12 January 2023

Meeting of the Parliament 12 January 2023

—Written Answers, 5 December 2022; S6W-12362. Does Richard Leonard understand that I am somewhat constrained by United Kingdom legislation that, as a Scottish minister, I have no power over?
Official Report Meeting date: 29 September 2022

Meeting of the Parliament 29 September 2022

Earlier this summer, in a written question to the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care, I asked “what the (a) average and (b) longest waiting time is for mesh surgery”.—Written Answers, 26 July 2022; S6W-08949. Unfortunately, the cabinet secretary’s answer failed to provide any clarity.
Official Report Meeting date: 24 February 2022

Meeting of the Parliament (Hybrid) 24 February 2022 [Draft]

That is extraordinary, given that the Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero, Energy and Transport told me that, “it is not currently possible to distinguish between types of generation or fuels”—Written Answers, 21 January 2022; S6W-05511. in order to break down CO2 emissions data from energy generation sources in Scotland.
Official Report Meeting date: 9 November 2021

Meeting of the Parliament (Hybrid) 09 November 2021

These are due to be finalised in Summer 2021.”—Written Answers, 11 June 2021; S6W-00331. It is a scheme that shows more hope than delivery.
Official Report Meeting date: 16 March 2022

Economy and Fair Work Committee 16 March 2022

In response to a parliamentary question, the Government said that one of the reasons why it is ending the fund is that “There are new investment mechanisms in place, through the Scottish National Investment Bank, which supports the Scottish Government’s strategic priorities to achieving our net zero ambitions.”—Written Answers, 11 March 2022; S6W-06172. G...
Committees Published: 17 November 2021

Scottish Childrens Coalition Services submission

SearchType=Advance&ReferenceNumbers=S6W- 00064&ResultsPerPage=10 (accessed 4th June 2021).
Official Report Meeting date: 16 December 2021

Meeting of the Parliament (Hybrid) 16 December 2021

I think that it was an appropriate point of order. I asked question S6W-01381, on suicide prevention, and was told that the Government did not maintain data on the topic.
Questions and Answers Date answered: 18 June 2021


This category includes those teaching elsewhere, including in the independent sector, those who have found supply work, and those who are unemployed or who have left teaching, although this detail is not included in the census data.  2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 2009 - 2010 2010 - 2011 2011 - 2012 2012 - 2013 2013 - 2014 2014 - 2015 2015 - 2016 2016 - 2017 2017 - 2018 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 Aberdeen City 39 46 10 33 36 17 11 17 13 11 8 11 11 12 Aberdeenshire 37 40 50 60 67 21 25 18 17 17 18 16 18 9 Angus 21 28 20 24 34 5 5 7 6 3 6 3 9 3 Argyll & Bute 24 21 17 14 8 5 2 0 4 1 2 2 4 2 City of Edinburgh 97 124 100 84 89 47 33 36 29 28 42 43 40 66 Clackmannanshire 6 16 9 20 8 4 2 4 7 0 8 7 8 5 Dumfries & Galloway 11 14 19 24 14 12 22 12 12 14 6 15 20 37 Dundee City 27 29 16 13 21 15 8 5 2 5 11 7 10 4 East Ayrshire 50 56 29 44 15 10 6 4 8 5 2 5 9 12 East Dunbartonshire 19 44 47 35 58 20 10 20 12 12 14 20 22 10 East Lothian 51 43 43 51 51 20 15 19 7 12 10 15 17 4 East Renfrewshire 48 73 68 47 36 18 21 20 16 21 5 8 23 47 Falkirk 29 34 54 49 34 13 13 12 6 10 8 13 18 15 Fife 61 78 76 47 38 27 23 22 20 19 23 25 23 43 Glasgow City 94 146 110 131 65 26 19 32 35 34 25 34 32 38 Highland 37 50 42 43 26 34 38 28 23 22 10 16 26 32 Inverclyde 38 43 25 14 13 13 14 8 8 5 5 2 7 11 Midlothian 33 41 47 41 13 11 6 12 5 5 5 8 5 10 Moray 14 26 24 26 13 2 6 13 6 3 4 7 4 7 Na h-Eileanan Siar 7 9 4 7 3 5 2 0 1 0 0 2 2 4 North Ayrshire 56 56 52 31 20 17 11 12 6 2 3 10 9 10 North Lanarkshire 72 126 92 101 55 23 29 30 12 19 10 18 19 7 Orkney Islands 3 6 13 9 7 2 5 0 5 2 5 2 0 2 Perth & Kinross 35 40 30 0 46 0 17 15 10 12 8 12 8 3 Renfrewshire 65 76 93 35 38 21 23 14 24 14 11 11 22 5 Scottish Borders 5 20 12 12 21 12 11 10 4 3 4 4 4 3 Shetland Islands 8 7 8 10 5 2 0 2 3 1 0 0 1 2 South Ayrshire 30 39 31 7 21 13 9 8 9 6 9 10 16 13 South Lanarkshire 103 112 119 95 81 30 15 28 16 15 11 11 34 9 Stirling 45 35 35 45 26 13 17 16 11 12 12 5 14 13 West Dunbartonshire 47 45 56 50 27 11 17 8 9 9 4 9 7 24 West Lothian 35 39 80 63 39 9 5 7 10 8 9 8 7 6 Grant aided 0 5 2 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0                Scotland 1,247 1,567 1,433 1,268 1,029 479 440 439 356 330 298 359 450 468   S6W...
Official Report Meeting date: 6 September 2023

Meeting of the Parliament 06 September 2023

When I asked the Scottish Government, the response confirmed that it has benefited from “consequentials ... added to the overall Scottish block.”—Written Answers, 19 June 2023; S6W-18739. Why was that money not directly invested in saving our pools or providing communities with a natural health service?

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