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Official Report Meeting date: 19 January 2023

Meeting of the Parliament 19 January 2023

—Written Answers, 11 February 2022; S6W-06460. The March 2021 “Bioenergy Update” stated that a bioenergy policy working group would be set up to “outline how we intend to move forward over the next 18-24 months to understand the most appropriate and sustainable use of bioenergy resources in Scotland.”
Official Report Meeting date: 23 March 2022

Meeting of the Parliament (Hybrid) 23 March 2022

—Written Answers, 28 February 2022; S6W-06586. The takeover was botched, and it was allowed by the failure to complete the Glen Sannox to cost, quality or schedule, meaning that it was launched in 2017 in a low state of outfit, with no bridge windows and a bulbous bow so defective that it has since had to be removed and replaced.
Official Report Meeting date: 17 March 2022

Meeting of the Parliament (Hybrid) 17 March 2022

—Written Answers, 15 November 2021; S6W-04051. I note that the bikeability Scotland briefing states that 37 per cent of primary schools were offered on-road training in 2020-21, despite national school closures, local restrictions on external instructors, and staff and pupil absences through illness or isolation.
Official Report Meeting date: 7 December 2021

Meeting of the Parliament (Hybrid) 07 December 2021

—Written Answers, 18 November 2021; S6W-04273. The Scottish Government does not even bother to interrogate the data to find out whether job creation is happening in areas such as the north-east, where job losses are greatest.
Official Report Meeting date: 15 September 2021

Meeting of the Parliament 15 September 2021 (Hybrid)

Just couple of days ago he asked me a written question: “To ask the Scottish Government whether it plans to establish a fund to support island and rural communities to end their reliance on fossil fuels”.—Written Answers, 26 August 2021; S6W-02566. On the one hand, the motion that says that new developments should get the green light and go ahead irrespec...
Official Report Meeting date: 22 June 2023

Meeting of the Parliament 22 June 2023

I thank the minister for her answer and I share her views on the valuable contribution of childminders. I refer to written answer S6W-19156, dated 21 June this year, which advises that the Scottish Borders have a childminding development officer contracted through the Scottish Childminding Association to Scottish Borders Council.
Official Report Meeting date: 1 March 2023

Meeting of the Parliament 01 March 2023 [Draft]

(S6O-01947) As noted in the response to a previous parliamentary question, S6W-13874, the heavy impact of the pandemic and subsequent court closures on reconvictions data means that user needs for information must be balanced against “the provision of meaningful and informative statistics that carry minimal risk of misinterpretation.”
Official Report Meeting date: 22 September 2021

Meeting of the Parliament (Hybrid) 22 September 2021

When I tackled the minister on the issue in a written parliamentary question last month, he replied that Transport Scotland was working to “provide a platform”— sic— “to assess the scale and pace of recovery from Covid-19”, and he spoke of “the changing priorities and requirements of rail passengers”.—Written Answers, 18 August 2021; S6W-01667. As ...
Official Report Meeting date: 11 January 2022

Meeting of the Parliament (Hybrid) 11 January 2022

—Written Answers, 1 July 2021; S6W-00787. If we are seriously to tackle the disease, we need the right information.
Official Report Meeting date: 20 April 2023

Meeting of the Parliament 20 April 2023

She said: “The Scottish Government does not have a reporting system in place to track incidents of damp and mould”—Written Answers, 10 January 2023; S6W-12614. in homes in Scotland. We need to rectify that, and I hope that the minister will take that away.

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