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Questions and Answers Date answered: 6 June 2023


(e) Any employer engagement Universities are strengthening their relationships with employers as they use their employer groups and networks and trade body partnerships in the design of programmes and in the recruitment of learners. S6W-18100
Questions and Answers Date answered: 5 May 2023


It was designed to maximise the positive environmental impact while ensuring the scheme was achievable and affordable in order to fully realise the Scottish Government’s environmental ambitions along the journey to net zero. S6W-16903
Questions and Answers Date answered: 28 April 2023


The SPSO will create reports following an investigation, which will include their decision, any recommendations to put things right, and the deadline by which the organisation must carry out these recommendations. S6W-16887
Questions and Answers Date answered: 27 April 2023


NUS were planning on submitting a formal response to the consultation, 8 March 2023 Introductory meeting between Director of ALS and NUS, 20 February 2023 Regular meetings between NUS, SG, SAAS and SFC, met on 10 May 21, 23 June 2021, 4 August 2021, 6 September 2021, 8 October 2021, 18 November 2021 Postgraduate Review - Stakeholder Consultation - NUS Feedback, 26 July 2022 Meeting with NUS on the outcomes of the SFC Review, 23 August 2021 Meetings between NUS and Minister: Quarterly meeting, 18 February 2022 Attending NUS Scotland ‘BROKE’ event, 21 February 2022 Quarterly meeting, 19 May 2022 Spending review meeting, 31 May 2022 Introductory meeting with new NUS Scotland President, Ellie Gomersall, 21 September 2022 Quarterly meeting, 28 September 2022 Quarterly meeting, 6 December 2022 Meeting to discuss NUS Scotland ‘Cost of Survival’ report findings, 22 March 2023 S6W...
Questions and Answers Date answered: 24 March 2023


b) The breakdown by route and calendar year for civil servants is as follows: Ferry route 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Aberdeen - Kirkwall 4 2   2  Aberdeen - Lerwick 8 9 3 4 9  Ardmhor - Eriskay  1     Ardrossan - Arran 1      Ardrossan - Brodick 28 6  2 15 1 Armadale - Mallaig 1 1     Barra - Eriskay 2 1     Berneray - Leverburgh 1 1   2  Brodick - Ardrossan  2   1  Claonaig - Lochranza 1      Craignure - Oban  1 1    Dunoon - Gourock     1  Eriskay - Ardmhor 5 2     Eriskay - Barra 8 6  1   Fionnphort - Iona   1    Gallanach - Kerrera  1     Gills Bay - St Margarets 8 6 3 9 12 1 Gourock - Dunoon 2 3  1 1 1 Houton - Lyness  1   2  Kennacraig - Islay 1      Kennacraig - Port Askaig 4 10   1  Kennacraig - Port Ellen 2 6 2 1 3  Kirkwall - Aberdeen  2     Kirkwall - Eday     2  Kirkwall - Lerwick 1 5 7 9   Kirkwall - Sanday  1 1    Kirkwall - Shapinsay   1  1  Kirkwall - Stronsay  1 1 1 1  Kirkwall - Westray 1 1   1  Lerwick - Aberdeen 14 17 6 11 13 1 Lerwick - Aberdeen Rtn      1 Lerwick - Kirkwall  3 3   1 Lerwick - MV Hrossey 1      Leverburgh - Berneray 1 2  1   Lochboisdale - Mallaig     1  Lochmaddy - Uig 2 10  2 13 1 Lochranza - Claonaig  1     Mallaig - Armadale 3 2   1  Mallaig - Eigg    1 1  Mallaig - Lochboisdale  3     Mallaig - Rum     2  Oban - Barra  1     Oban - Castlebay 1 2  3 7  Oban - Castlebay Multi      1 Oban - Coll 6  1  1  Oban - Colonsay 1  1  1  Oban - Craignure 31 22 3 7 4  Oban - Lismore  1 1    Oban - Lochboisdale 1      Oban - Mull 2 2     Oban - Tiree 12 2 1 1 2  Orkney - Scrabster  1     Port Askaig - Kennacraig  1  2   Port Ellen - Kennacraig     1  Scrabster - Stromness 12 13 2 2 12 2 St Margarets - Gills Bay 2    3 1 Stornoway - Ullapool 5 4  1 5  Stromness - Scrabster 7 16  1 6 1 Tarbert - Portavadie 2      Tarbert - Uig  1   4  Tayinloan - Gigha  2  2   Tingwall - Rousay  1     Tiree - Oban 1 2     Uig - Lochmaddy 4 6  6 10  Uig - Tarbert 1 1   2  Ullapool - Stornoway 19 18 3 10 18 3 Wemyss Bay - Rothesay 2 6       S6W...
Questions and Answers Date answered: 14 March 2023


We are also proposing that private landlords could, alternatively, opt to apply to Rent Service Scotland for a rent increase of up to 6% if they have had an increase in their defined, prescribed property costs within a specific period. S6W-14588
Questions and Answers Date answered: 16 January 2023


In the meantime, we are providing additional support to rural and island communities to reflect the higher costs of installation. S6W-13557
Questions and Answers Date answered: 21 October 2022


This package of support has been welcomed by teachers and practitioners (92% of respondents to the Workforce Support post programme evaluation rated the quality of Workforce Support received in 21-22 as ‘good’ or ‘very good’). S6W-11266
Questions and Answers Date answered: 8 July 2022


We also continue to press the UK Government on the issue of redress, which is a recommendation for the UK Government to consider due to the reserved nature of medicine regulations. S6W-09291
Questions and Answers Date answered: 20 June 2022


Lastly the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic should also be considered both in respect of the impact it has had on mortality levels in the overall population during particular periods and on the impact it has had on planned care services, including increasing the number of patients waiting to be seen. S6W-08925

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