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Official Report Meeting date: 13 March 2024

Meeting of the Parliament 13 March 2024 [Draft]

Programme will deliver the single biggest increase in protected planned care capacity ever created in NHS Scotland.”—Written Answers, 12 May 2022; S6W-08250. However, that “single biggest increase in ... care” has turned into the single biggest let-down for patients across Ayrshire.
Official Report Meeting date: 14 September 2023

Meeting of the Parliament 14 September 2023

On 18 July, he told me, in an answer to a written question: “The invitation to host an Investment Zone was not subject to a bidding or application process”.—Written Answers, 20 July 2023; S6W-19604. Then, as he said, on 18 August, a document entitled “Investment Zones Place Selection in Scotland” appeared on the UK Government’s website.
Official Report Meeting date: 16 March 2023

Meeting of the Parliament 16 March 2023

(S6O-02025) I refer Sandesh Gulhane to my answer to question S6W-15283 on 8 March. It noted that 24 civil servants, including one deputy director, are working in the constitutional futures division.
Official Report Meeting date: 19 January 2023

Meeting of the Parliament 19 January 2023

—Written Answers, 11 February 2022; S6W-06460. The March 2021 “Bioenergy Update” stated that a bioenergy policy working group would be set up to “outline how we intend to move forward over the next 18-24 months to understand the most appropriate and sustainable use of bioenergy resources in Scotland.”
Official Report Meeting date: 23 March 2022

Meeting of the Parliament (Hybrid) 23 March 2022

—Written Answers, 28 February 2022; S6W-06586. The takeover was botched, and it was allowed by the failure to complete the Glen Sannox to cost, quality or schedule, meaning that it was launched in 2017 in a low state of outfit, with no bridge windows and a bulbous bow so defective that it has since had to be removed and replaced.
Official Report Meeting date: 17 March 2022

Meeting of the Parliament (Hybrid) 17 March 2022

—Written Answers, 15 November 2021; S6W-04051. I note that the bikeability Scotland briefing states that 37 per cent of primary schools were offered on-road training in 2020-21, despite national school closures, local restrictions on external instructors, and staff and pupil absences through illness or isolation.
Official Report Meeting date: 7 December 2021

Meeting of the Parliament (Hybrid) 07 December 2021

—Written Answers, 18 November 2021; S6W-04273. The Scottish Government does not even bother to interrogate the data to find out whether job creation is happening in areas such as the north-east, where job losses are greatest.
Official Report Meeting date: 15 September 2021

Meeting of the Parliament 15 September 2021 (Hybrid)

Just couple of days ago he asked me a written question: “To ask the Scottish Government whether it plans to establish a fund to support island and rural communities to end their reliance on fossil fuels”.—Written Answers, 26 August 2021; S6W-02566. On the one hand, the motion that says that new developments should get the green light and go ahead irrespec...
Official Report Meeting date: 19 March 2024

Meeting of the Parliament 19 March 2024 [Draft]

In June 2022, in answer to a written question from Sandesh Gulhane, who had raised issues about health, Màiri McAllan replied: “I set out our plans to introduce a ban on the sale and use of glue traps.”—Written Answers, 10 June 2022; S6W-09084. In October 2022, Màiri McAllan made reference to work that was on-going on “banning glue traps”.
Official Report Meeting date: 22 June 2023

Meeting of the Parliament 22 June 2023

I thank the minister for her answer and I share her views on the valuable contribution of childminders. I refer to written answer S6W-19156, dated 21 June this year, which advises that the Scottish Borders have a childminding development officer contracted through the Scottish Childminding Association to Scottish Borders Council.

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