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There are 28,448 results relating to "S6W-01975"


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Questions and Answers Date answered: 27 July 2022


We are also providing an extra £264,000 to Robert Gordon University and Open University to support distance learning courses. S6W-09536
Questions and Answers Date answered: 13 June 2022


As part of this Level 2 escalation, measures will remain in place to ensure Scottish Government officials continue to provide support to NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde as they continue to deliver quality healthcare with the implemented actions and improvements. S6W-09231
Questions and Answers Date answered: 10 May 2022


Further information on this process is provided in Care Inspectorate reports Complaints Annual Report 2019-20 final 12012021 (1).pdf ( and their published board papers (June 2021) Board_1706202_Final_Published.pdf ( . S6W-08055
Questions and Answers Date answered: 20 April 2022


Establishing these services is a significant step forward in supporting the mental health of our children and young people, making sure they receive the help they need when they need it. S6W-07675
Questions and Answers Date answered: 21 March 2022


Findings from the overall evaluation suggest that the service has a positive impact on the wellbeing of participants, both in terms of the quality of jobs achieved and improved labour market outcomes, as well with regards to their experience of the service as a whole. S6W-07135
Questions and Answers Date answered: 9 March 2022


There is also the possibility that the crime recorded by the police may be altered in the course of judicial proceedings. S6W-06156
Questions and Answers Date answered: 3 March 2022


Her response is as follows: The following tables detail the (a) Average occupancy (b) Design capacity and (c) the Average occupancy rate of each prison over 2019, 2020 and 2021. 2019 Name Average Occupancy Average Design Capacity Average Occupancy Rate Addiewell 758 702 108% Barlinnie 1431 987 145% Cornton Vale 97 112 87% Dumfries 194 176 110% Edinburgh 914 867 105% Glenochil 728 668 109% Grampian 455 552 83% Greenock 214 237 90% Inverness 118 93 127% Kilmarnock 574 501 115% Low Moss 798 784 102% Open Estate 189 284 66% Perth 700 631 111% Polmont 472 758 62% Shotts 541 538 100%   2020 Name Average Occupancy Average Design Capacity Average Occupancy Rate Addiewell 728 702 104% Barlinnie 1215 987 123% Cornton Vale 70 109 64% Dumfries 182 176 103% Edinburgh 866 867 100% Glenochil 660 668 99% Grampian 427 552 77% Greenock 192 230 83% Inverness 103 93 110% Kilmarnock 547 501 109% Low Moss 795 785 101% Open Estate 139 284 49% Perth 642 631 102% Polmont 389 758 51% Shotts 544 538 101%   2021 Name Average Occupancy Average Design Capacity Average Occupancy Rate Addiewell 699 702 100% Barlinnie 1208 987 122% Cornton Vale 57 109 52% Dumfries 183 176 104% Edinburgh 867 867 100% Glenochil 700 668 105% Grampian 435 552 79% Greenock 191 218 88% Inverness 107 93 115% Kilmarnock 529 501 106% Low Moss 827 785 105% Open Estate 145 284 51% Perth 648 631 103% Polmont 341 758 45% Shotts 543 538 101%   S6W...
Questions and Answers Date answered: 1 March 2022


Particular adjustments, such as quiet rooms, can be organised in advance of or at the appointment by contacting the local Health Board. S6W-06595
Questions and Answers Date answered: 2 February 2022


The innovative and internationally recognised Caledonian System programme provides male perpetrators of domestic abuse with specific rehabilitation services to address and challenge their harmful behaviours. S6W-05840
Questions and Answers Date answered: 21 January 2022


Further support of up to £28 million was announced on 5 January 2022 from within the £375 million package of funding announced on 21 December 2021, bringing total support for the sector to over £107 million. S6W-05588

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