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There are 28,458 results relating to "S6W-01975"


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Questions and Answers Date answered: 11 January 2023


Many of these services include links to local sport and recreation activities, which capitalise on the benefits of young people being active. S6W-13498
Questions and Answers Date answered: 10 January 2023


We welcome the continued input of Scotland Versus Arthritis and other third-sector partners in our shared goal of improving care and services for people with chronic pain. S6W-13108
Questions and Answers Date answered: 10 January 2023


Final decisions on how the remaining unallocated funds will be spent will be made following stakeholder engagement and a thorough review of the global commitments made at COP27 to ensure that the Scottish Government creates maximum impact with our approach and does not duplicate funding efforts elsewhere. S6W-13351
Questions and Answers Date answered: 9 January 2023


The infrastructure work delivered already and an integrated approach to passenger and freight timetable patterns have created capacity for additional rail freight on the Highland Main Line and discussions with key rail freight customers are underway to use this capacity. S6W-13023
Questions and Answers Date answered: 22 December 2022


In addition, as part of the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal and recognising the importance of our smaller rural market and coastal towns to the local economy, the Scottish Government is committing up to £20 million in the South of Scotland. S6W-13081
Questions and Answers Date answered: 21 December 2022


I also wrote to COSLA and local authority leaders on 9 December to outline the new conditionality measures being introduced to Fair Work First from July 2023, and and to reiterate the important role for the public sector in making Scotland a leading Fair Work nation. S6W-13055
Questions and Answers Date answered: 20 December 2022


This sets out the priority given to the reuse of brownfield land, including vacant and derelict land and buildings, and seeks to proactively enable its reuse and limit greenfield expansion. S6W-12966
Questions and Answers Date answered: 15 December 2022


A formal report will be submitted to the Scottish Government in due course. S6W-13216
Questions and Answers Date answered: 13 December 2022


We are also developing our Future Catching Policy, in partnership with our stakeholders, which will link stock management with responsive and proportionate technical and spatial measures to take concrete action to support fishers to avoid catching fish and other species which they don’t want to land, or catch in the first place – reducing waste and improving environmental outcomes. S6W-12681
Questions and Answers Date answered: 24 November 2022


Additional Information Scottish seafloor sediments (excl. sea lochs) Unknown 811,100,000 4,749,000,000 Top 10 cm Scottish sea loch sediments 84,000 14,300,000 19,500,000 Top 10 cm Scottish kelp 6,300,000 1,500,000 0  Scottish sand dunes 45,000 7,400,000 0 Upper 15 cm of soil Scottish saltmarsh 16,000 3,900,000 0 All saltmarsh soil above base layer Scottish machair 15,000 1,500,000 0 Upper 15 cm – soil and biomass Scottish seagrass 5,000 600,000 0 In sub-soil Scottish maerl beds 20,000 100,000 7,200,000  Scottish seas (marine fauna) No value yet available No value yet available No value yet available  Scottish seas (water) No value yet available No value yet available No value yet available  Estimate (Total) 6,485,000 840,400,000 4,775,700,000  S6W...

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