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Questions and Answers Date answered: 26 April 2023


Minister C1 B3 B2 B1 A4 Deputy First Minister & Cabinet Secretary for Finance 1 1 1  1 Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health and Social Care 1 1 2  3 Cabinet Secretary for Education & Skills 1  1  1 Cabinet Secretary for Justice & Home Affairs 1  1 1 2 Cabinet Secretary for Wellbeing Economy, Fair Work & Energy 1 1  1 2 Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero & Just Transition 1 1 1  2 Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice 1  1  2 Cabinet Secretary for Constitution, External Affairs & Culture 1 1  1 1 Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform & Islands 1  1  2 Minister for Drugs & Alcohol Policy   1  1 Minister for Parliamentary Business  1 1 1 1 Minister for Independence   1   Minister for Community Wealth & Public Finance   1  1 Minister for Local Government Empowerment & Planning   1  1 Minister for Culture, Europe & International Development   1  1 Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing & Sport   1  1 Minister for Public Health & Women's Health   1  1 Minister for Equalities, Migration & Refugees   1  1 Minister for Housing   1  1 Minister for Transport   1  2 Minister for Small Business, Innovation & Trade   1  1 Minister for Energy   1  1 Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel & Tenants' Rights  1  1 1 Minister for Green Skills, Circular Economy & Biodiversity  1  1 1 Minister for Children, Young People & Keeping the Promise   1  1 Minister for Higher Education & Further Education & Minister for Veterans   1  1 Minister for Victims & Community Safety   1  1 S6W...
Questions and Answers Date answered: 19 April 2023


Although out of scope for the SLWG, further updates will be provided to them on the analysis of the energy costs and reimbursement of lifesaving equipment at home. S6W-16850
Questions and Answers Date answered: 14 April 2023


We recently widened eligibility to the Open Market Shared Equity scheme to ensure as many people as possible can benefit. S6W-16284
Questions and Answers Date answered: 14 April 2023


In particular, delivering three Sector Export Plans (SEP) – Life Sciences, Technology and Renewables and the development of a Hydrogen SEP to support the growth of renewables exports from Scotland and identifying new and critical marketsPush forward our capital plans to support the economy, including exceeding our commitment to the annual capitalisation of the Scottish National Investment Bank, and renewing support for the enterprise agencies and delivery partners. S6W...
Questions and Answers Date answered: 12 April 2023


It should be noted that the STPR2 recommendations are not funded and will be subject to prioritisation that takes into consideration the fiscal context and availability of funding. S6W-16225
Questions and Answers Date answered: 12 April 2023


The priorities of the Covid Recovery Strategy align with the 2023/24 Scottish Budget which focuses on tackling child poverty, transforming the economy to deliver a just transition to net zero, and achieving fiscally sustainable public services. S6W-16383
Questions and Answers Date answered: 23 March 2023


Nevertheless we remain willing to work with the UK Government to improve the help available to vulnerable families across Scotland. S6W-16012
Questions and Answers Date answered: 14 March 2023


We are also preparing our next Programme, in response to the most recent UK Climate Change Risk Assessment, for publication in 2024. S6W-15750
Questions and Answers Date answered: 14 March 2023


The Scottish Housing Regulator is monitoring and collating social sector rental data presently, and will report in due course. S6W-14589
Questions and Answers Date answered: 8 March 2023


The Forestry Grant Scheme also grant aids removal of regeneration, Seedling Tree Removal (Mechanical) ( where it will affect the hydrology of a raised bog or blanket bog, and hinder the recovery of the open bog habitat. S6W-15415

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