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Questions and Answers Date answered: 24 January 2023


We have scoped neurological workforce priorities and work has commenced to address these with a focus on nursing, allied health professionals (AHPs), neuropsychology and neurophysiology. S6W-13720
Questions and Answers Date answered: 19 January 2023


Organisation Project 2021-22 2022-23 CKUK (Common Knowledge UK) CK Sex Talk £43,110 £21,555 Recovery Enterprises Scotland In-reach Support for Prisoners £10,000  Sacro Another Way £22,956 £11,478 HIV Scotland Core Funding £91,061.50 £45,911 HIV Scotland HIV Self Test Scotland (kits) £120,000 £120,000 HIV Scotland SHARE Project £59,011  Scottish Drugs Forum Hepatitis Scotland £172,277 £86,138 Scottish Drugs Forum Emergency Response £65,619 £49,214.25 Scottish Drugs Forum General expenditure  £81,451 Scottish Drugs Forum People Who Inject Drugs £61,266 £30,633 Scottish Drugs Forum Sexual Health in Specific Populations changed to Specific and Underserved Populations £66,040 £33,020 Scottish Drugs Forum Vulnerable Young People £61,266 £30,633 Scottish Drugs Forum HCV Treatment Uptake and Awareness Project £15,281  Waverley Care Research, Engagement and Communication £103,000 £51,500 Waverley Care Sexual Health Improvement £79,500 £39,750 Total  £970,387.50 £601,283.25 S6W...
Questions and Answers Date answered: 16 January 2023


The figures for those adults registered at the Glasgow transplant unit from 2016 were published in the 2019-2022 NHSBT annual reports as follows:   Year published Patient Registered Waiting time (days)   Unadjusted median 95% Confidence Interval Risk-adjusted median 2022 01-04-16-31-03-19 622 566-678 626 2021 01-04-15-31-03-18 644 579-709 689 2020 01-04-14-31-03-17 622 558-686 689 2019 01-04-13-31-03-16 699 622-776 721   Please note that there are significant differences in waiting times depending on a number of factors, such as the patient’s blood group and also antibodies they have from previous pregnancies, transplants or blood transfusions. S6W...
Questions and Answers Date answered: 10 January 2023


However separate Scottish Housing Regulator stock data for the latest year 2021-22, available in the same Statistical Information webpages, includes information for on average rents split by both social landlord and local authority area for the year 2021-22. S6W-13149
Questions and Answers Date answered: 20 December 2022


Police Scotland can be contacted directly for any further information required prior to 1 April 2009.   S6W-12861
Questions and Answers Date answered: 6 December 2022


• Scotland’s Historic Environment Forum (SHEF): In addition to the groups listed above, Portfolio officials frequently meet with stakeholders across a number of other groups and one to one meetings.   S6W-12586
Questions and Answers Date answered: 6 December 2022


We continue to work with local authorities on plans to ensure every school-aged child has access to a device and connectivity by the end of this parliamentary term in 2026. S6W-12368
Questions and Answers Date answered: 5 December 2022


The Scottish Government is committed to making progress towards the shared Covid Recovery Strategy outcomes and will continue to prioritise spending which is targeted to support those in most need across Scotland. S6W-12450
Questions and Answers Date answered: 2 December 2022


The average cost per prisoner once HMP Kilmarnock is brought into SPS management is likely to align with an existing prison of a similar size. S6W-12224
Questions and Answers Date answered: 28 November 2022


Further information is published on the website: Delayed discharges definitional changes in NHSScotland ( S6W-12191

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