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Questions and Answers Date answered: 1 March 2023

S6W-14744 The Scottish Government is committed to ensuring everyone has access to person centred employability support that meets the needs of individuals, helping them towards, and into sustainable employment. S6W-14744
Questions and Answers Date answered: 1 March 2023


**Other grants includes grants of legal assistance by solicitors and by the courts. S6W-15111
Questions and Answers Date answered: 1 March 2023


The Taskforce has also agreed to look at ways of identifying and demonstrating the cumulative burden of regulation on businesses and members have been asked to consider and provide feedback on the Business Regulatory Impact Assessment approach to help improve the process for developing new regulations in future. S6W-15259
Questions and Answers Date answered: 23 February 2023


Currently there are working groups to implement the actions following the workshops and reports. S6W-14782
Questions and Answers Date answered: 22 February 2023


The publication of Prevent referral statistics on an annual basis is reflective of efforts to ensure as much transparency as possible in respect of the Prevent programme, within the confines of what is appropriate in line with the protection of individuals’ data. S6W-14654
Questions and Answers Date answered: 7 February 2023


We are working intensively with NHS Boards to maximise capacity and to clear remaining waits as soon as possible, with a specific focus on specialities and areas where there are larger amounts of people waiting, including Urology. S6W-14327
Questions and Answers Date answered: 2 February 2023


We have no plans at this time to create a specific criminal offence of spiking however we keep all laws under review. S6W-14201
Questions and Answers Date answered: 27 January 2023


For example, local authorities report that over 38,000 children, young people and parents/carers benefitted from our £15 million per annum investment in community supports and services in the first six months of 2022 alone; and young people now have access to a school counsellor in every secondary school in Scotland. S6W-13940
Questions and Answers Date answered: 26 January 2023


Finally, we remain in contact with stakeholders, including the SPS, academics, the third sector and colleagues in England and Wales (such as Ministry of Justice, Office for Veterans Affairs, Ministry of Defence) to keep abreast of research developments and emerging evidence on veterans and the justice system. S6W-13872
Questions and Answers Date answered: 24 January 2023


We have scoped neurological workforce priorities and work has commenced to address these with a focus on nursing, allied health professionals (AHPs), neuropsychology and neurophysiology. S6W-13720

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