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Questions and Answers Date answered: 30 July 2021


As we develop future policy we will continue to consider the best way to support our youngest children with additional support needs. S6W-01175
Questions and Answers Date answered: 28 July 2021


In so doing, the Green Jobs Fund will boost green employment and create opportunities for individuals to retrain and upskill in new and high-growth areas. S6W-01159
Questions and Answers Date answered: 23 July 2021


Overall, we estimate that as investment ramps up towards the late 2020s, as many as 24,000 jobs could be supported each year in Scotland by the roll out of zero emissions heat Looking forward, the Scottish Government intends to publish a draft refresh of the 2017 Scottish Energy Strategy in Spring 2022, outlining a coordinated vision for Scotland’s energy system including renewables as we move towards net zero by supporting the delivery of a just transition and a green economic recovery from Covid-19. S6W...
Questions and Answers Date answered: 23 July 2021


We will continue to monitor the situation and to work with the sector to support continued improvements to making good quality, meaningful contact the norm. S6W-01173
Questions and Answers Date answered: 15 July 2021


Additionally, we are currently working with stakeholders to establish the right package of baseline protective measures which will be necessary at these events following Scotland’s move beyond Level 0. S6W-00951
Questions and Answers Date answered: 1 July 2021


Through our new framework of community climate action hubs and Climate Action Towns, we will continue to support communities to make the transition to low carbon and climate resilient living. S6W-00718
Questions and Answers Date answered: 18 June 2021


Eligible referrals for the 31-day standard (rate per 100,000 of population):   Quarter ending   Mar-19 Jun-19 Sep-19 Dec-19 Mar-20 Jun-20 Sep-20 Dec-20 NHS Scotland 115 121 120 117 119 93 91 105  NHS Lothian 115 124 129 123 119 106 101 118  NHS Forth Valley 91 95 91 90 108 79 76 96  NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde 156 161 155 157 151 107 117 132  NHS Lanarkshire 79 83 75 71 80 55 59 71   Eligible referrals for the 62-day standard (rate per 100,000 of population):   Quarter ending   Mar-19 Jun-19 Sep-19 Dec-19 Mar-20 Jun-20 Sep-20 Dec-20 NHS Scotland 68 72 72 68 70 56 56 64  NHS Lothian 59 66 69 67 67 54 52 63  NHS Forth Valley 72 76 80 81 90 74 69 88  NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde 91 92 88 87 90 65 66 80  NHS Lanarkshire 50 56 52 48 54 37 44 47   S6W...
Questions and Answers Date answered: 17 June 2021


Reflecting on the varied transport challenges and opportunities across Scotland’s urban and rural communities this means we would expect to see car use in our largest cities reduce. S6W-00428
Questions and Answers Date answered: 16 June 2021


In addition, the Scottish Government will provide 100% rates relief for retail, hospitality, leisure and aviation businesses for entirety of this financial year. S6W-00555
Questions and Answers Date answered: 14 June 2021


Feedback from stakeholders confirms that the Social Care Staff Support Fund has been - and continues to be – utilised to prevent financial hardship for eligible social care workers. S6W-00309

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