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Questions and Answers Date answered: 25 August 2021


Month Jan 18-19 Feb 18-19 Mar 18-19 Apr 18-19 May 18-19 June 18-19 July 18-19 Aug 18-19 Sep 18-19 Oct 18/19 Nov 18-19 Dec 18-19 Breast Screening Appointments Attended 2018/2019 17,093 16,997 16,947 18,128 19,675 17,542 19,715 19,426 16,028 19,770 19,765 14,030              Month Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Breast Screening Appointments Attended 2020 17,431 17,458 11,423 Pause to screening programme 12,631 15,424 16,717 16,660 13,493              Month Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21      Breast Screening Appointments Attended 2021 14,160 15,271 19,507 18,554 19,373 21,012 19,018      S6W...
Questions and Answers Date answered: 24 August 2021


Trainee recruitment this year has so far been an unprecedented success, with 94% of specialty training posts having been filled and one recruitment round still remaining. S6W-01632
Questions and Answers Date answered: 22 August 2021


As heat networks are generally anchored around large non-domestic buildings, which account for significant portion of heat supplies, these figures should only be considered illustrative. S6W-02074
Questions and Answers Date answered: 16 August 2021


We hope to undertake this work in the latter half of this operational year with the intention of including any proposed changes in a suitable legislative vehicle thereafter. S6W-01701
Questions and Answers Date answered: 16 August 2021


These tables include Scottish Housing Regulator data from 2001 to 2013 on sheltered housing provided by Housing Associations. S6W-01846
Questions and Answers Date answered: 10 August 2021


We expect total spend, including by NHS Scotland, on mental health in 2021-22, to be in excess of £1.2 billion. S6W-01746
Questions and Answers Date answered: 10 August 2021


Additional advice and support tailored for SME businesses can be accessed via our Energy Efficiency Business Support service. S6W-01459
Questions and Answers Date answered: 9 August 2021


Education Scotland are also working with Local Authorities and third sector partners to develop and deliver a programme of learning and activity around the themes of COP26. S6W-01313
Questions and Answers Date answered: 6 August 2021


Actual spend may vary dependant on factors such as usage of the agreement. S6W-01844
Questions and Answers Date answered: 6 August 2021


Its membership includes Confor (forestry and timber industry), Seafood Scotland, tourism bodies and business organisations.The Energy Skills Alliance, which includes industry membership bodies and government agencies discussed the delivery of a work programme to ensure industry is prepared to meet the future demand for skills in oil and gas, and other related energy industries. S6W-01426

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