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Questions and Answers Date answered: 10 January 2022


This analysis will be fundamental in future programme design and in improving the accessibility of services for young people and employers. S6W-05260
Questions and Answers Date answered: 10 January 2022


As communicated to the Committee previously, we are currently reviewing existing stakeholder engagement processes and structures, including the NACCP, to ensure that they are fit for purpose and can meaningfully support the future delivery and implementation of the Framework once the current public consultation has been completed. S6W-05156
Questions and Answers Date answered: 7 January 2022


We will continue to work closely with school age childcare services to do all that we can to offer support, within the budgetary constraints that we face. S6W-05047
Questions and Answers Date answered: 5 January 2022


We believe Scotland’s approach to transport decarbonisation – which focuses not only the transition to clean technology but also on reducing demand and encouraging behaviour shift – is an example of world-leading best practice and is central to our green recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. S6W-05151
Questions and Answers Date answered: 20 December 2021


Modern Apprenticeship starts by Quarter 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 Q2 Q1 4,336 910 3,402 Q2 13,719 3,633 11,104 Q3 21,240 10,604 N/A Q4 (Year End) 27,875 18,655 N/A Prior to the impacts of COVID-19, the Scottish Government consistently exceeded its annual Apprenticeship targets year on year S6W-04964
Questions and Answers Date answered: 20 December 2021


The Chief Scientist Office research funding committees are open and applications on the underlying causes, diagnosis, treatment and management of dystonia are welcomed - Response Mode Funding Schemes – Chief Scientist Office ( S6W-04972
Questions and Answers Date answered: 16 December 2021


Homeless Network Scotland’s annual Housing First Conference on 31 March 2022 will coincide with, and celebrate the end of, the pathfinder programme. S6W-04861
Questions and Answers Date answered: 10 December 2021


i) Claims against public authorities {includes relevant cases of reparation, judicial review, interdict, breach of contract} 87 firms, 135 practitioners 2 CLAO offices, 1 CLAO practitioner 0 PDSO Offices ii) Community Care {includes cases at the Additional Support Needs Tribunal and assessment of need, eligibility / charging for services and direct payments} 13 firms, 23 practitioners 1 CLAO office, 1 CLAO practitioner 0 PDSO offices iii) Discrimination, 24 firms, 37 practitioners. 0 CLAO offices 0 PDSO offices iv) Education, 26 firms, 28 practitioners. 0 CLAO Offices 0 PDSO Offices v) Housing and debt, 247 firms, 447 practitioners 3 CLAO offices, 15 CLAO practitioners 0 PDSO offices vi) Immigration and asylum and 71 firms, 174 practitioners 1 CLAO office, 1 CLAO practitioner 0 PDSO offices vii) Family 429 firms, 871 practitioners 3 CLAO offices, 10 CLAO practitioners 0 PDSO offices S6W...
Questions and Answers Date answered: 9 December 2021


Further details specifically on crofts can be found reported in the Crofting Commission’s Annual Report & Accounts 2020-21 S6W-04664
Questions and Answers Date answered: 8 December 2021


The Scottish Government expects that the needs of people with Down’s Syndrome are identified, acknowledged and met, ensuring positive outcomes are achieved. S6W-04712

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