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Questions and Answers Date answered: 17 March 2022


We are also working collaboratively with COSLA and partners on ways to support our town centres and prepare a response to the 2021 independent review of the Town Centre Action Plan and its recommendations with a shared action plan by spring 2022. S6W-07185
Questions and Answers Date answered: 16 March 2022


The Scottish Government and Crown Estate Scotland will continue to work closely together to ensure each party is fully informed and taking appropriate action in what is a rapidly evolving situation. S6W-07026
Questions and Answers Date answered: 10 March 2022


It also seeks views on our vision for the future regulation of the rental sector - setting out that regulation should seek tenure neutral outcomes for tenants in all sectors, empowers tenants through routes to redress failures and support good standards across the rented sector. S6W-06885
Questions and Answers Date answered: 10 March 2022


This is a constantly changing position and we are working together to deliver warm affordable homes for the people who need them as quickly as it is possible to do so and to make full use of the £3.6 billion five-year funding already secured to support the delivery of social and affordable housing across Scotland. S6W-06776
Questions and Answers Date answered: 10 March 2022


Decisions as to whether the responsibility for homelessness services are delegated to the local authority or the integration joint boards are made locally, and the Scottish Government does not influence this. S6W-06821
Questions and Answers Date answered: 4 March 2022


This additional investment will contribute towards delivering our commitment to ensure that, by the end of this Parliament, at least 10% of frontline NHS spend goes towards mental health, with 1% going towards CAMHS. S6W-06611
Questions and Answers Date answered: 28 February 2022


I urge members to help ensure a successful census by encouraging maximum participation amongst all communities across Scotland. S6W-07008
Questions and Answers Date answered: 22 February 2022


Other pieces of work, including the new seafood strategy to be published later this year, underline our commitment to ensure that existing and emerging seaweed activities fit into our broader framework for managing multiple uses of the sea, including fishing and renewable energy. S6W-06879
Questions and Answers Date answered: 18 February 2022


The new Officers will work with local assessors and liaise with landlords and townships to encourage opportunities for new entrants and active croft use. S6W-06223
Questions and Answers Date answered: 17 February 2022


The policy and selection framework for HPMAs will provide for the protection of blue carbon habitats, using the growing evidence base.   S6W-06009

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