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Questions and Answers Date answered: 13 March 2023


The route map signals Scottish Water’s prioritised investment programme in this area. S6W-15160
Questions and Answers Date answered: 10 March 2023


Key to informing the development and delivery of these ambitions is the annual Scottish Government Diversity in the Teaching Profession Data report, which will be published at the end of March. S6W-15500
Questions and Answers Date answered: 10 March 2023


Figures for 2022 are provisional (p) and subject to change. Source: Public Health Scotland S6W-14734
Questions and Answers Date answered: 8 March 2023


Since 1 September 2022 the Scottish Government has not considered further use of the section 1(1) power. S6W-14914
Questions and Answers Date answered: 7 March 2023


Bursary recipients by subject in 2018-19, as a percentage of all Scottish domiciled PDGE/PDCE enrolments that year Chemistry (including one Biology/Chemistry dual entry) 1.63% Computing science 0.89% Home Economics – n/a n/a Mathematics (including one Maths/Physics dual entry) 3.17% Physics 1.38% Technical Education 1.63% Total 8.7%   Bursary recipients by subject in 2019-20, as a percentage of all Scottish domiciled PDGE/PDCE enrolments that year Chemistry 2.02% Computing Science 1.05% Home Economics 0.67% Mathematics (including two Maths/Physics dual entries) 2.32% Physics 0.1% Technical Education 1.35% Total 8.31%   Bursary recipients by subject in 2020-21, as a percentage of all Scottish domiciled PDGE/PDCE enrolments that year Chemistry (including three Chemistry/Biology and one Chemistry/Physics dual entries) 2.37% Computing Science 0.81% Home Economics 1.22% Mathematics (including five Maths/Physics dual entries) 2.44% Physics 1.69% Technical Education 1.63% Total 10.17%   Bursary recipients by subject in 2021-22, as a percentage of all Scottish domiciled PDGE/PDCE enrolments that year Chemistry (including one Chemistry/Biology dual entry) 2.26% Computing Science 0.99% Home Economics 0.78% Mathematics (including three Maths/Physics dual entries) 2.9% Physics 1.27% Technical Education (including one Technical Education/Physics dual entry) 1.48% Total 9.68%   Data for 2022-23 not yet available S6W...
Questions and Answers Date answered: 1 March 2023


Employment rates use the total 16 to 64 year old population as the denominator. S6W-15192
Questions and Answers Date answered: 1 March 2023


It will monitor the fair work context and progress we are making over time to ensure our actions respond to change and measure the impact of our current actions, including drawing lessons from actions we will deliver as part of this plan. S6W-15195
Questions and Answers Date answered: 28 February 2023


The deployment of MIM is currently being explored by the Scottish Government. S6W-14830
Questions and Answers Date answered: 10 February 2023


Cost of living crisis - Cost of Living Support Scotland ( . S6W-14549
Questions and Answers Date answered: 10 February 2023


Through the National Rail Conversation, we will listen to feedback from passengers and stakeholders and shape a vision for ScotRail which best meets the needs of the people of Scotland. S6W-15046

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