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Questions and Answers Date answered: 27 September 2023


Peatland Science and Technical Advisory Group (Peatland STAG) • Soils Working Group • Wild Salmon Strategy Implementation Plan Advisory Group • Scottish Forestry Customer Reps Group (CRG) • Scottish Forestry CRG Tree on Farms sub group • Scottish Forestry CRG Technical sub group • Scottish Forestry National Stakeholder Group • Scottish Forestry Phytopthora ramorum review working group • The Land Reform Bill Oversight Group • Academic Advisory Panel to Agriculture Reform Implementation Oversight Board • Partnership for Action against Wildlife Crime in Scotland • Scottish Government National Goose Forum • Small Producers Pilot Fund Steering Group • Scottish Agricultural Wages Board • Rural Delivery Plan: Ministerial Working Group • SRDP 2014 - 2020 Rural Development Operational Committee • National Islands Plan Delivery Group • Islands Strategic Group • Farming opportunities for new entrants (FONE) • Agriculture Reform Implementation Oversight Board • Agriculture and Rural Development Stakeholder Group • Crofting Bill Group • Bovine EID Industry stakeholder working group • Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) Advisory Group • Bee Health Improvement Partnership (BHIP) • Varroa Working Group • Strategic Management Board (SMB) • Pesticide Stakeholder Group (PSG) • Horticultural Round Table • Environment and Economy Leaders' Group (EELG) S6W...
Questions and Answers Date answered: 26 September 2023


Meetings with the local authorities with the greatest temporary accommodation pressures are taking place to better understand the specific issues they are facing and what work could be undertaken in partnership to reduce the number of households, including those with children, in temporary accommodation. S6W-21267
Questions and Answers Date answered: 26 September 2023


The Scottish Government will continue to work with all parties to ensure that people living in care homes are supported to connect with their loved ones. S6W-20923
Questions and Answers Date answered: 22 September 2023


This will allow the Network to have an informed understanding of overall progress of its support to the provision of long COID services.   S6W-21155
Questions and Answers Date answered: 20 September 2023


Scotland’s River Basin Management Plan sets out objectives, including those for Scottish Water, aiming to improve water quality to 92% of the water environment to be in good or better condition by 2027. S6W-20846
Questions and Answers Date answered: 14 September 2023


The Scottish Government is considering the findings of the report and will set out next steps in the autumn. S6W-20752
Questions and Answers Date answered: 5 September 2023


In addition, it is estimated that the savings on lifetime fuel bills across the supported households to be £23.3 million. S6W-20433
Questions and Answers Date answered: 17 August 2023


The SWRC provide a range of services, including a national helpline, legal surgeries, advocacy services and online legal guides. S6W-20381
Questions and Answers Date answered: 15 August 2023


Identity theft - Police Scotland Financial institutions also provide helpful information to customers about how best to avoid falling foul of being a victim of identity theft with advice focused on what steps to take to help protect personal information as if criminals find it more difficult to access personal information, then this reduces the chances of identity theft taking place. S6W-20371
Questions and Answers Date answered: 14 August 2023


The Strategic Network continues to engage with a range of clinical stakeholders and stakeholder organisations to raise awareness of the Network and its outputs, including NHS Education for Scotland, and the Royal College of General Practitioners. S6W-20206

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