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There are 28,548 results relating to "S6W-01975"


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Questions and Answers Date answered: 27 April 2023


For the same time period, the number of 16-24 year olds in employment in 2022 was an estimated 318,700, an increase of 23,200 from 2021. S6W-16429
Questions and Answers Date answered: 27 April 2023


Ultimately, Scotland must be independent with full control over the economy and powers over migration to secure the stability of our public finances. S6W-16526
Questions and Answers Date answered: 25 April 2023


The recent streamlining of reporting mechanisms will not change how incidents of flytipping are investigated, which will continue to be the joint responsibility of local authorities and SEPA with local authorities handling the majority of cases. S6W-16825
Questions and Answers Date answered: 25 April 2023


We will also assess performance of the service through an evaluation exercise, which will consider both KPIs and wider quantitative and qualitative measures. S6W-16854
Questions and Answers Date answered: 18 April 2023


The Scottish Government will keep under review whether a dedicated strategy is needed in this sensitive and important area. S6W-16071
Questions and Answers Date answered: 6 April 2023


A wealth of data and insight from varying sources has been analysed to help inform Scotland’s new cancer strategy, including incidence, survival, staging, socioeconomic insight and pathway timings to name a few. S6W-16098
Questions and Answers Date answered: 5 April 2023


Jacobs subsequently advise Transport Scotland of progress and discuss any matters as necessary. S6W-16174
Questions and Answers Date answered: 23 March 2023


This management information is not published at local authority level. S6W-15742
Questions and Answers Date answered: 22 March 2023


We published the independent analysis of the consultation responses on 23 August and we are currently considering those views as we take forward this important work. S6W-15766
Questions and Answers Date answered: 22 March 2023


Financial Year EV New Domestic Loan EV Used Domestic Loan EV New Business Loan EV Used Business Loan Switched on Taxi Loan Total 2011-2012 0 0 1 0 0 1 2012-2013 0 0 2 0 0 2 2013-2014 0 0 1 0 0 1 2014-2015 0 0 1 0 0 1 2015-2016 2 0 5 0 0 7 2016-2017 5 0 1 0 0 6 2017-2018 27 0 5 0 0 32 2018-2019 48 0 13 0 0 61 2019-2020 76 0 19 0 0 95 2020-2021 90 4 18 2 0 114 2021-2022 96 13 24 2 1 136 2022-2023 (Feb 23) 18 30 14 5 0 67 Grand Total 362 47 104 9 1 523 S6W...

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