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There are 28,548 results relating to "S6W-01975"


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Questions and Answers Date answered: 5 June 2024


In line with previous commitments, there will be no compulsory redundancies as a result of this reform. S6W-28044
Questions and Answers Date answered: 31 May 2024


The Scottish Government continues to keep the Council Tax Reduction regulations under review. S6W-27632
Questions and Answers Date answered: 28 May 2024


The 2013 version of the Code of Practice is currently under review, which will result in an amended foreword, including Scottish road authorities in the list of bodies the Code applies to. S6W-27455
Questions and Answers Date answered: 23 May 2024


For safety improvements these will be a primary, but not exclusive, focused on rural sections. S6W-27451
Questions and Answers Date answered: 21 May 2024


By increasing the fees payable to NHS dentistry and improving workforce supply, the intention is to provide an improved landscape for independent contractors and dental bodies corporate to sustain NHS dental services into the medium- to longer-term. S6W-27349
Questions and Answers Date answered: 16 May 2024


Following this period of consultation a final designation order would then be laid before parliament. S6W-27256
Questions and Answers Date answered: 13 May 2024


Index Offence Group Total Group 1: Non-Sexual Crimes of Violence 3,935 Group 2: Sexual Crimes 1,686 - Rape, Attempted Rape and Sexual Assault 1,461 - Sexual Crimes excluding Rape, Attempted Rape and Sexual Assault 225 Group 3: Crimes of dishonesty 462 Group 4: Damage and reckless behaviour 107 Group 5: Crimes against society 1,206 Group 6: Antisocial offences 233 Group 7: Miscellaneous offences 132 Group 8: Road traffic offences 101 Other Jurisdiction Charge 47 Could not be classified 294 S6W...
Questions and Answers Date answered: 7 May 2024


Awaiting confirmation of 0802 funding to determine if any work can progress in 2024-25.A9 Scrabster – investigation proposed 2024-25 to improve non motorised user access around the harbour area (subject to available funding). S6W-27055
Questions and Answers Date answered: 7 May 2024


We are collaborating with the Office of National Statistics (ONS) researchers who are carrying out research which has potential to improve data collection in Scotland and across the UK on hidden homelessness, information available at "Hidden" homelessness in the UK: evidence review - Office for National Statistics ( S6W-27011
Questions and Answers Date answered: 7 May 2024


Therefore the Bus Partnership Fund also provided funding which has seen 32 studies completed to identify, develop and design further pipeline bus priority measures. S6W-27051

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