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Questions and Answers Date answered: 13 September 2021


The Plan commits to building on the success of our community link worker programme, to ensure the by 2026, every GP Practice will have access to a mental health and wellbeing service, creating 1,000 additional dedicated staff who can help grow community mental health resilience and direct social prescribing. S6W-02483
Questions and Answers Date answered: 13 September 2021


Zero Waste Scotland advertising spend and outcomes Year Advertising spend Outreach spend Pieces of PR coverage Increase in social media following Training delivered on 'Love Food Hate Waste' 2019-20 £193,000 £76,000 437 17,000 1269 individuals 2020-21 (to date) £105,000 £20,000 137 13,000 166 individuals TOTAL £298,000 £96,000    S6W-02...
Questions and Answers Date answered: 10 September 2021


The Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Islands will be launching the growth strategy at the Scottish Agritourism Conference in November. S6W-02247
Questions and Answers Date answered: 9 September 2021


Similarly for broadleaves planted on Scotland’s national forests and land in the same time period data is 6.3 million trees planted; with 5.9 million native broadleaves and 0.4 million non-native broadleaves. S6W-02019
Questions and Answers Date answered: 9 September 2021


As such, the Scottish Government currently has no plans to implement recommendation 11 of the Farming for 1.5C report, that “There should be a public interest test applied if more than 50% of a holding is planned to be afforested”. S6W-02239
Questions and Answers Date answered: 8 September 2021


Our advice is available at: We will continue to be guided by SACN and will review our advice as necessary based on their recommendations. S6W-02322
Questions and Answers Date answered: 8 September 2021


We also added a further £1.1m last year to the annual £3m voluntary sector Short Breaks Fund and have committed an additional £570,000 this year, enabling more families/carers and young carers to take a break from caring. S6W-02490
Questions and Answers Date answered: 7 September 2021


There are no grounds to support a moratorium. S6W-02546
Questions and Answers Date answered: 7 September 2021


Incineration 6 All site information is available on the SEPA website: and SEPA’s waste sites and capacity tool: Further information on the SIMD is available here: SIMD S6W-02176
Questions and Answers Date answered: 7 September 2021


. ** This plant was designed, commissioned and built, before the Thermal Treatment of Waste Guidance was first published in 2009. S6W-02173

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