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Questions and Answers Date answered: 6 March 2023


We intend to publish a retrospective annual report every year for the remainder of the mission. S6W-14646
Questions and Answers Date answered: 3 March 2023


This work is a significant contribution to the evidence base for future policy making and we are therefore extending the consultation on the draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan by five weeks, to 9 May, to allow stakeholders sufficient time to engage with this material. S6W-15580
Questions and Answers Date answered: 28 February 2023


Pesticide products can only be authorised where the available evidence shows that they do not pose unacceptable risks to human health, animals and the environment. S6W-14876
Questions and Answers Date answered: 28 February 2023


In response to part c) Please note that Public Health Scotland does not hold any information on patients who have declined a procedure. S6W-14597
Questions and Answers Date answered: 27 February 2023


Public Body Year of Establishment Funding 2022-23 Staff numbers Q3 2022-23 Audit Scotland 2000 £11,600,000 330 Convener of School Closure Review Panels 2010 less than £400,000 0 Court of Lord Lyon 1867 £100,000 0 Drinking Water Quality Regulator 2002 £963,000 12 HM Inspector of Constabulary in Scotland 2012 £1,798,000 0 HM Chief Inspector of Prisons in Scotland 1981 £1,035,000 0 HM Chief Inspector of Prosecution in Scotland 2003 £425,000 0 HM Fire Service Inspectorate in Scotland 2013 £732,000 0 Justices of the Peace Advisory Committee (6 bodies, the breakdown is the following):   administered by the Local Authority               Glasgow and Strathkelvin    £0   0 Grampian, Highlands and Islands    £0     2 Lothian and Borders  £0 2 North Strathclyde  £0 2 South Strathclyde, Dumfries and Galloway  £0   0     Tayside, Central and Fife  £0 2   Office of the King’s Printer for Scotland 1998 £116,000 0 Scottish Fire and Rescue Service 2013 £326,707,000 4,633 Scottish Police Authority 2013 £1,291,282,000 6,163 Scottish Road Works Commissioner 2007 £300,000 6   S6W...
Questions and Answers Date answered: 23 February 2023


We are currently scoping our broader approach to Just Transition and this will be a key theme part of our climate change planning. S6W-14867
Questions and Answers Date answered: 9 February 2023


This appointment will help drive forward progress towards the 2030 target, and towards ensuring students from deprived areas receive opportunities to achieve their potential by having fair access to higher education. S6W-14465
Questions and Answers Date answered: 7 February 2023


Scottish Ministers have no powers to intervene. S6W-14228
Questions and Answers Date answered: 6 February 2023


The ACMD will explore, amongst other elements of Nitrous Oxide use, whether current regulations are having the desired effect of preventing the marketing and sale of nitrous oxide for recreational purposes and whether or not such an effect might be achieved by listing it under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. S6W-14256
Questions and Answers Date answered: 2 February 2023


This year’s programme in October to November 2022 featured a range of sessions highlighting digital developments in health, social care and housing including a focus on available resources and learning networks supporting knowledge and learning among staff. S6W-14156

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