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There are 28,585 results relating to "S6W-01975"


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Questions and Answers Date answered: 28 May 2024


As we work to combat the effects of the climate crisis, we will continue to consider how our agencies and partners work together to address the risks of wildfire. 1 Figures from 2020 to 2023. S6W-27292
Questions and Answers Date answered: 28 May 2024


As we continue to work to meet the challenge of changing climates we will continue to assess the suitability of our climate plans and strategies. S6W-27293
Questions and Answers Date answered: 23 May 2024


Apart from the uniformed public services, all schemes have a normal pension age linked to State Pension age. ` S6W-27404
Questions and Answers Date answered: 13 May 2024


This has catalysed visits to Scotland by companies, innovation partnerships with universities, a strong project concept pipeline and initial investments. S6W-27169
Questions and Answers Date answered: 13 May 2024


Going forward, we will build on this progress and continue to prioritise prevention as a key component of our wider healthcare strategy. S6W-27177
Questions and Answers Date answered: 13 May 2024


Within the project pipeline there is additional 13.9 GW of potential onshore wind capacity in Scotland. S6W-27150
Questions and Answers Date answered: 8 May 2024


Transport Scotland will continue to monitor the impacts of all the STPR2 Recommendations, as part of its normal cycle of monitoring and review of the impacts of its investment in Scotland’s transport network. S6W-27042
Questions and Answers Date answered: 7 May 2024


This is also supplemented by over £90,000 spend on recent road safety improvements identified through Transport Scotland’s ongoing assessment of the safety performance of the trunk road network.. S6W-27056
Questions and Answers Date answered: 29 April 2024


We are also making progress with the addition of trade union nominees to the college boards to further improve governance and management and to ensure effective employee voice as one of the key principles of Fair Work. S6W-26854
Questions and Answers Date answered: 29 April 2024


Further information on planning applications determined by Planning Authorities can be found at: The Scottish Government - ( S6W-26693

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