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Questions and Answers Date answered: 25 April 2022


As with the SSAS, due to the change to a telephone survey for 2021, the latest data may not be comparable with previous years: SHS data collection is ongoing, with 2022 data currently being collected. 2021 data is being processed and is due to be published later in the year. S6W-07910
Questions and Answers Date answered: 21 April 2022


Anyone with concerns that a business is operating in breach of the requirements is encouraged to report the matter to their Local Authority Environmental Health team. S6W-07867
Questions and Answers Date answered: 20 April 2022


The Scottish Government is committed to working with Boards to implement the National Neurodevelopmental Specification: Principles and Standards of Care for Children and Young People, published in September 2021, which specifies service standards that all children’s services should follow, to ensure access to support is effective and consistent across Scotland. S6W-07673
Questions and Answers Date answered: 20 April 2022


The delivery of the actions described in NSET will further support the ambitions and recommendations as envisaged in the Cumberford-Little report. S6W-07544
Questions and Answers Date answered: 19 April 2022


Following the review of the tender received, there was consensus from the evaluation panel (comprising of Scottish Government officials) that the criteria for awarding the contract had been met, and to award the contract. S6W-07527
Questions and Answers Date answered: 6 April 2022


The importance of having an ongoing dialogue with impacted individuals and communities has already been emphasised by commitments in both our Programme for Government and Covid Recovery Strategy to further embed lived experience in our policy design. S6W-07579
Questions and Answers Date answered: 1 April 2022


One of the high level outcomes the Programme is structured around is that “Our society’s supporting systems are resilient to climate change”. S6W-07477
Questions and Answers Date answered: 1 April 2022


It is up to each local authority how it manages its day-to-day business and decision making processes. S6W-07483
Questions and Answers Date answered: 31 March 2022


The guidance will help staff identify signs that someone may be at risk of gender based violence and respond appropriately. S6W-07379
Questions and Answers Date answered: 31 March 2022


Two reports on the Scottish Ministers’ progress between 1 October 2020 and 31 October 2021 on implementing provisions in the 2020 Act on ADR have been published: Scheme for funding for ADR - Children (Scotland) Act 2020 - alternatives to court and funding of alternative dispute resolution pilots: report - ( Scheme for funding for alternative dispute resolution (section 23 of the 2020 Act) - Children (Scotland) Act 2020 - section 23(1) and section 24(1): second report on the Scottish Ministers’ duties - (     S6W...

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