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Questions and Answers Date answered: 24 January 2023


In the meantime, Health Boards have procedures in place using the Peer Approved Clinical System “PACS Tier Two” process, for clinicians to request the use of licensed medicines on a ‘case-by-case’ basis for individual patients, when the treating clinician considers that there would be significant clinical benefit for a patient. S6W-13815
Questions and Answers Date answered: 23 January 2023


Dame June Raine attended briefly on 9 December and provided an informal update on sodium valproate. S6W-13628
Questions and Answers Date answered: 23 January 2023


In parallel, the first optimal cancer diagnostic pathway, led by the Centre for Sustainable Delivery (CfSD) was launched in December 2022, and is being funded by £3 million from the Scottish Government’s Detect Cancer Earlier (DCE) Programme. S6W-13419
Questions and Answers Date answered: 20 January 2023


The National Cancer Quality Steering group have overseen the development of a newly proposed QPI on 'Recurrence Following Breast Cancer Treatment' in 2022. S6W-13403
Questions and Answers Date answered: 18 January 2023


Ministers and Council Leaders’ will subsequently be provided with advice in 2023. S6W-13685
Questions and Answers Date answered: 18 January 2023


We will continue to do everything we can, including through our engagement with the UK Government and Ofcom, to support an increasing presence of Channel 4 commissioners in Scotland, and to maintain and enhance Channel 4’s nations quotas to help improve local representation, develop our creative industries, and grow new Scottish talent. S6W-13648
Questions and Answers Date answered: 17 January 2023


Understanding the impact of the pandemic will require on-going support, and it is expected that the next iteration of the Sexual Health and Blood Borne Viruses Framework, which will be published this year, will continue this work. S6W-13617
Questions and Answers Date answered: 17 January 2023


In addition, use of remote consultations continues to be explored within Family Nurse Partnerships and community maternity services. S6W-13637
Questions and Answers Date answered: 16 January 2023


One appeal was withdrawn and a further three were found not to be within the jurisdiction of the DPEA to consider. S6W-13249
Questions and Answers Date answered: 16 January 2023


As part of this work, we will continue to call upon BEIS and Ofgem to take the necessary action to ensure all households eligible for a smart meter have the opportunity to install one in their home. S6W-13276

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