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Examples relate to education and training, improved signage, consideration of cycling in the context of roads maintenance and design, and the use of 20mph zones in all residential areas.
Questions and Answers
Date answered:
15 December 2011
There are no towns or villages through which the Scottish trunk road network passes with a permanent 20mph zone in place. In September 2003, a ministerial announcement confirmed measures to assist roads authorities in implementing 20mph speed limits at schools.
If we drop the speed limit from 60 to 57mph, somebody will not suddenly say, “Oh, I’d better drive at 50,” when they have been driving at 70mph. They will continue to drive 20mph faster than the speed limit rather than 10mph faster.
If we drop the speed limit from 60 to 57mph, somebody will not suddenly say, “Oh, I’d better drive at 50,” when they have been driving at 70mph. They will continue to drive 20mph faster than the speed limit rather than 10mph faster.
In cities, where passengers are allowed to stand when on the bus and are encouraged to do so to get enough people on buses to make them efficient, the simple expedient of reducing the speed limit to 20mph might result in traffic travelling faster and buses being safer.
In cities, where passengers are allowed to stand when on the bus and are encouraged to do so to get enough people on buses to make them efficient, the simple expedient of reducing the speed limit to 20mph might result in traffic travelling faster and buses being safer.