The Scottish Government funds a number of road safety initiatives for cyclists, including: Cycling Scotland's "Give Everyone Cycle Space" campaign, which is run annually and nationally both on TV and radio, which asks all drivers to be aware of cyclists on the roads at all times and to give cyclists as much space as you would another vehicle; adult cycle training sessions, which are available across the country from cycle retailers, and a downloadable APP from Cycling Scotland, which take you through various road safety exercises, including road positioning; the Big Bike Revival run by Cycling UK, which has held over 500 community-led sessions since September 2016 and will continue in 2017, together with free Dr Bike maintenance checks, cycle training and community led rides; Sustrans' Workplace Champions' programme, which is currently delivered in Edinburgh and Glasgow and engages with workplaces to deliver cycle training to those who wish to cycle to work; funding support to local authorities to deliver the three levels of the UK national standard Bikeability Scotland cycle training in schools; support for the implementation of 20mph...