These are the results for the Scottish Parliament election held on Thursday 6 May 2021.
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Barry Black - Scottish Labour - 6,294 votes
Desmond Bouse - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1,417 votes
Guy Ingerson - Scottish Green Party - 2,087 votes
Douglas Lumsden - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 7,623 votes
Kevin Stewart - Scottish National Party - 14,217 votes
Kevin Stewart - 6,594 majority
Harriet Cross - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 9,488 votes
Isobel Davidson - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 2,162 votes
Jackie Dunbar - Scottish National Party - 18,514 votes
Lucas Grant - Scottish Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition - 240 votes
Heather Herbert - Scottish Labour - 5,505 votes
Jackie Dunbar - 9,026 majority
Stephen Jamieson - Scottish Libertarian Party - 286 votes
Liam Kerr - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 14,829 votes
Audrey Nicoll - Scottish National Party - 16,500 votes
Lynn Thomson - Scottish Labour - 4,505 votes
Ian Yuill - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 2,889 votes
Audrey Nicoll - 1,671 majority
Graeme James Downie - Scottish Labour - 2,900 votes
Gillian Martin - Scottish National Party - 18,307 votes
Stewart Whyte - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 16,418 votes
Conrad James Wood - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 3,396 votes
Gillian Martin - 1,889 majority
Andrew Philip Brown - Scottish Labour - 2,382 votes
Rosemary Bruce - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 3,363 votes
Alexander Burnett - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 19,709 votes
Fergus Mutch - Scottish National Party - 16,319 votes
Alexander Burnett - 3,390 majority
John Arthur Henry Cole - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 562 votes
Jimmy Dowson - Independent - 132 votes
Neil Gray - Scottish National Party - 16,139 votes
Ross Lambie - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 4,422 votes
Richard Leonard - Scottish Labour - 10,671 votes
Neil Gray - 5,468 majority
Angela Constance - Scottish National Party - 22,675 votes
Damian Doran-Timson - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 6,952 votes
Caron Lindsay - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1,601 votes
Craig Smith - Scottish Labour - 10,545 votes
Angela Constance - 12,130 majority
Braden Davy - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 13,635 votes
Cindy Douglas - Scottish Labour - 2,686 votes
Mairi Gougeon - Scottish National Party - 17,144 votes
Michael John Turvey - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1,804 votes
Mairi Gougeon - 3,509 majority
Graeme Dey - Scottish National Party - 19,568 votes
Maurice Golden - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 13,451 votes
Ben George Lawrie - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1,964 votes
Graeme Angus McKenzie - Scottish Labour - 3,625 votes
Graeme Dey - 6,117 majority
Donald Cameron - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 7,645 votes
Jenni Minto - Scottish National Party - 16,608 votes
Alan Reid - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 6,874 votes
Lewis Whyte - Scottish Labour - 2,436 votes
Jenni Minto - 8,963 majority
Chic Brodie - Scotia Future - 267 votes
Siobhian Brown - Scottish National Party - 18,881 votes
Esther Clark - Scottish Labour - 4,766 votes
Jamie Ross - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 808 votes
John Scott - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 18,711 votes
Siobhian Brown - 170 majority
Karen Adam - Scottish National Party - 14,920 votes
Jason Duncan - Freedom Alliance - Integrity, Society, Economy - 347 votes
Mark Findlater - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 14,148 votes
David Philip McHutchon - Restore Scotland - 331 votes
Alison Simpson - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1,071 votes
Georgia Strachan - Scottish Labour - 2,169 votes
Karen Adam - 772 majority
Harry Christian - Scottish Libertarian Party - 222 votes
Marion Donaldson - Scottish Labour - 2,016 votes
Struan Mackie - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 5,170 votes
Tina McCaffery - Freedom Alliance - Integrity, Society, Economy - 289 votes
Molly Nolan - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 13,298 votes
Maree Todd - Scottish National Party - 15,889 votes
Maree Todd - 2,591 majority
Sharon Dowey - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 10,903 votes
Kirsten Herbst-Gray - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 875 votes
Carol Ann Mochan - Scottish Labour - 8,604 votes
Elena Whitham - Scottish National Party - 15,240 votes
Elena Whitham - 4,337 majority
Keith Brown - Scottish National Party - 16,504 votes
Craig Miller - Scottish Labour - 8,292 votes
Iliyan Simeonov Stefanov - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1,194 votes
Alexander Stewart - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 8,953 votes
Keith Brown - 7,551 majority
Katy Gordon - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 2,987 votes
Pam Gosal - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 4,153 votes
Douglas McAllister - Scottish Labour - 12,513 votes
Marie McNair - Scottish National Party - 17,787 votes
Alexander John Robertson - Independent - 220 votes
Marie McNair - 5,274 majority
Claudia Beamish - Scottish Labour - 8,960 votes
Eric Holford - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 13,018 votes
Amanda Jane Kubie - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1,144 votes
Màiri McAllan - Scottish National Party - 17,596 votes
Màiri McAllan - 4,578 majority
Leo Francis Lanahan - Scottish Family Party - 411 votes
Gordon MacDonald - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 3,028 votes
Mhairi Jane MacDonald - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 622 votes
Fulton MacGregor - Scottish National Party - 20,577 votes
Michael McPake - Scottish Labour - 11,140 votes
Fulton MacGregor - 9,437 majority
Annabelle Ewing - Scottish National Party - 16,499 votes
Mags Hall - Scottish Green Party - 1,344 votes
Alex Rowley - Scottish Labour - 10,486 votes
Darren Watt - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 4,758 votes
Malcolm Alexander Wood - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1,088 votes
Annabelle Ewing - 6,013 majority
Elaine Ford - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 678 votes
Mark Griffin - Scottish Labour - 9,792 votes
Jamie Hepburn - Scottish National Party - 19,633 votes
Haroun Malik - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 3,375 votes
Jamie Hepburn - 9,841 majority
Katy Clark - Scottish Labour - 7,536 votes
Kenneth Gibson - Scottish National Party - 18,227 votes
Jamie Greene - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 10,451 votes
Ruby Kirkwood - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 967 votes
Kenneth Gibson - 7,776 majority
Tom Armstrong - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 715 votes
Maurice Campbell - Independent - 318 votes
Ruth Maguire - Scottish National Party - 15,208 votes
Louise McPhater - Scottish Labour - 7,256 votes
David Rocks - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 6,621 votes
Ruth Maguire - 7,952 majority
Jackie Baillie - Scottish Labour - 17,825 votes
Maurice Corry - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 3,205 votes
Andy Foxall - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 676 votes
Toni Giugliano - Scottish National Party - 16,342 votes
James Morrison - Independent - 183 votes
Andrew Joseph Muir - Independent - 94 votes
Jonathan Rainey - Scottish Libertarian Party - 134 votes
Jackie Baillie - 1,483 majority
Richard John Brodie - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1,314 votes
Joan McAlpine - Scottish National Party - 15,421 votes
Oliver Mundell - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 19,487 votes
Colin Smyth - Scottish Labour - 4,671 votes
Oliver Mundell - 4,066 majority
Michael Crichton - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1,431 votes
Shona Robison - Scottish National Party - 19,230 votes
Philip Scott - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 5,630 votes
Wayne Scott - Scottish Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition - 287 votes
Owen Wright - Scottish Labour - 5,893 votes
Shona Robison - 13,337 majority
Daniel Coleman - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1,269 votes
Joe FitzPatrick - Scottish National Party - 19,818 votes
Ewan Gurr - Restore Scotland - 410 votes
Jim McFarlane - Scottish Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition - 432 votes
Mercedes Villalba - Scottish Labour - 6,899 votes
Tess White - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 3,327 votes
Joe FitzPatrick - 12,919 majority
Aude Boubaker-Calder - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 3,196 votes
Julie MacDougall - Scottish Labour - 11,384 votes
Roz McCall - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 6,314 votes
Shirley-Anne Somerville - Scottish National Party - 20,048 votes
Shirley-Anne Somerville - 8,664 majority
Monique McAdams - Scottish Labour - 12,477 votes
Paul McGarry - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1,217 votes
Graham Simpson - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 5,923 votes
Collette Stevenson - Scottish National Party - 21,149 votes
Collette Stevenson - 8,672 majority
Euan Robert Davidson - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1,566 votes
Craig Hoy - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 9,470 votes
Paul McLennan - Scottish National Party - 17,968 votes
Martin Whitfield - Scottish Labour - 16,789 votes
Paul McLennan - 1,179 majority
Jackson Carlaw - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 17,911 votes
Tahir Jameel - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 911 votes
David Macdonald - Independent - 1,352 votes
Janice Mackay - UK Independence Party - 75 votes
Colm Merrick - Scottish National Party - 15,695 votes
Katie Victoria Pragnell - Scottish Labour - 6,759 votes
Jackson Carlaw - 2,216 majority
Bonnie Prince Bob - Independent - 363 votes
Scott Douglas - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 11,544 votes
Alison Johnstone - Scottish Green Party - 3,921 votes
Maddy Kirkman - Scottish Labour - 6,839 votes
Tam Laird - Scottish Libertarian Party - 137 votes
Donald Murdo Mackay - UK Independence Party - 78 votes
Angus Robertson - Scottish National Party - 16,276 votes
Bruce Roy Wilson - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 2,555 votes
Angus Robertson - 4,732 majority
Bill Cook - Scottish Labour - 12,541 votes
Ash Denham - Scottish National Party - 22,658 votes
Graham Hutchison - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 5,970 votes
Jill Reilly - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 2,035 votes
Ash Denham - 10,117 majority
Rebecca Bell - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 2,035 votes
Katrina Faccenda - Scottish Labour - 10,874 votes
Callum Laidlaw - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 5,052 votes
Ben Macpherson - Scottish National Party - 22,443 votes
Jon Pullman - Freedom Alliance - Integrity, Society, Economy - 314 votes
Lorna Slater - Scottish Green Party - 6,116 votes
Ben Macpherson - 11,569 majority
Lezley Marion Cameron - Scottish Labour - 6,998 votes
Fraser John Ashmore Graham - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 2,213 votes
Gordon Lindhurst - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 12,330 votes
Richard Crewe Lucas - Scottish Family Party - 462 votes
Gordon MacDonald - Scottish National Party - 16,227 votes
Gordon MacDonald - 3,897 majority
Miles Briggs - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 5,258 votes
Philip Holden - Scottish Family Party - 317 votes
Daniel Johnson - Scottish Labour - 20,760 votes
Catriona Mary Elizabeth MacDonald - Scottish National Party - 16,738 votes
Fred Mackintosh - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 2,189 votes
Daniel Johnson - 4,022 majority
Alex Cole-Hamilton - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 25,578 votes
Daniel Fraser - Scottish Libertarian Party - 201 votes
Margaret Arma Graham - Scottish Labour - 2,515 votes
Sarah Masson - Scottish National Party - 15,693 votes
Sue Webber - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 2,798 votes
Alex Cole-Hamilton - 9,885 majority
Ian Davidson - Scottish Labour - 2,050 votes
Rachael Hamilton - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 18,564 votes
Barbra Harvie - Scottish Green Party - 1,084 votes
Jenny Claire Marr - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 2,352 votes
Jesse Rae - Independent - 290 votes
Paul Wheelhouse - Scottish National Party - 11,701 votes
Rachael Hamilton - 6,863 majority
Neil Benny - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 7,618 votes
Allyson Black - Scottish Labour - 10,832 votes
Peter Krykant - Independent - 971 votes
Paul Rolfe - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1,007 votes
Michelle Thomson - Scottish National Party - 18,417 votes
Michelle Thomson - 7,585 majority
Monette Gordon - Scottish Labour - 9,653 votes
Stephen Kerr - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 7,343 votes
Michael Matheson - Scottish National Party - 21,492 votes
Austin Reid - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1,115 votes
Michael Matheson - 11,839 majority
Finlay Carson - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 17,486 votes
Archie Dryburgh - Scottish Labour - 2,932 votes
Emma Harper - Scottish National Party - 14,851 votes
Ian William McDonald - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 948 votes
Laura Moodie - Scottish Green Party - 970 votes
Finlay Carson - 2,635 majority
Ade Aibinu - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 3,688 votes
Bill Kidd - Scottish National Party - 17,501 votes
Eva Clark Murray - Scottish Labour - 10,913 votes
Mark Simons - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1,063 votes
Bill Kidd - 6,588 majority
Euan Blockley - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 4,041 votes
Craig Carson - Scottish Labour - 11,332 votes
James Dornan - Scottish National Party - 21,728 votes
Joe McCauley - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1,051 votes
James Dornan - 10,396 majority
Grahame Cannell - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 2,850 votes
Pam Duncan-Glancy - Scottish Labour - 8,605 votes
Patrick Harvie - Scottish Green Party - 9,077 votes
David McKenzie - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 977 votes
Kaukab Stewart - Scottish National Party - 14,535 votes
Kaukab Stewart - 5,458 majority
Andrew Scott Chamberlain - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 688 votes
Bob Doris - Scottish National Party - 16,428 votes
Alix Mathieson - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 2,241 votes
Keiran O'Neill - Scottish Labour - 8,504 votes
Bob Doris - 7,924 majority
Zubir Ahmed - Scottish Labour - 11,058 votes
Alan Findlay - Scottish Libertarian Party - 157 votes
Joseph Finnie - Independent - 94 votes
Daryl Gardner - UK Independence Party - 185 votes
Sandesh Gulhane - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 1,849 votes
Leo Kearse - The Reclaim Party - 114 votes
Nadia Kanyange - Scottish Green Party - 1,651 votes
James Douglas Speirs - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 522 votes
Humza Yousaf - Scottish National Party - 18,163 votes
Humza Yousaf - 7,105 majority
Kim Long - Scottish Green Party - 2,366 votes
Martin Joseph McElroy - Scottish Labour - 8,683 votes
Ivan McKee - Scottish National Party - 15,913 votes
Nicholas Moohan - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 421 votes
Annie Wells - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 2,687 votes
Ivan McKee - 7,230 majority
Matthew James Clark - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 774 votes
Thomas Kerr - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 4,421 votes
John Mason - Scottish National Party - 17,465 votes
Pauline McNeill - Scottish Labour - 9,440 votes
John Mason - 8,025 majority
Carol Ann Dobson - Freedom Alliance - Integrity, Society, Economy - 204 votes
Greg Energy Advisor - Independent - 147 votes
Carole Louise Ford - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 504 votes
Jayda Fransen - Independent - 46 votes
Deek Jackson - The Liberal Party - 102 votes
Anas Sarwar - Scottish Labour - 10,279 votes
Nicola Sturgeon - Scottish National Party - 19,735 votes
Kyle Thornton - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 1,790 votes
Nicola Sturgeon - 9,456 majority
Francesca Brennan - Scottish Labour - 11,539 votes
John Burleigh - Independent - 776 votes
Caroline Hollins - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 3,313 votes
Stuart McMillan - Scottish National Party - 19,713 votes
Jacci Stoyle - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1,033 votes
Stuart McMillan - 8,174 majority
Meghan Gallacher - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 6,332 votes
Monica Lennon - Scottish Labour - 12,179 votes
Mark McGeever - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1,012 votes
Christina McKelvie - Scottish National Party - 16,761 votes
Christina McKelvie - 4,582 majority
Ariane Burgess - Scottish Green Party - 2,636 votes
Fergus Ewing - Scottish National Party - 21,793 votes
Rhoda Grant - Scottish Labour - 5,370 votes
David Gregg - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 2,892 votes
Andrew MacDonald - Restore Scotland - 361 votes
Edward Mountain - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 12,679 votes
Fergus Ewing - 9,114 majority
Willie Coffey - Scottish National Party - 21,418 votes
Stef Johnstone - Scottish Libertarian Party - 253 votes
Kevin McGregor - Scottish Labour - 9,737 votes
Stephen McQuistin - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 919 votes
Brian Whittle - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 8,295 votes
Willie Coffey - 11,681 majority
Claire Baker - Scottish Labour - 10,586 votes
Alan Christopher Beal - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1,015 votes
Kathleen Leslie - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 4,891 votes
Calum Paul - Scottish Libertarian Party - 269 votes
David Torrance - Scottish National Party - 18,417 votes
David Torrance - 7,831 majority
Fiona Hyslop - Scottish National Party - 22,693 votes
Charles Kennedy - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 9,472 votes
Sally Pattle - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 2,126 votes
Kirsteen Sullivan - Scottish Labour - 12,588 votes
Fiona Hyslop - 10,105 majority
Altany Steel Andrew Craik - Scottish Labour - 7,881 votes
Jenny Gilruth - 18,115 votes
Jane Ann Liston - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1,789 votes
David MacPhee - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 4,500 votes
Steve Saunders - Scottish Family Party - 385 votes
Jenny Gilruth - 10,234 majority
Colin Beattie - Scottish National Party - 21,165 votes
Stephen Curran - Scottish Labour - 13,259 votes
Charles Christopher Dundas - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1,630 votes
Iain Whyte - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 6,529 votes
Colin Beattie - 7,906 majority
Dominic Ashmole - Scottish Green Party - 2,154 votes
Michael James Banks - Vanguard Party - 67 votes
Christine Grahame - Scottish National Party - 19,807 votes
Shona Haslam - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 12,981 votes
AC May - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 2,615 votes
Katherine Sangster - Scottish Labour - 5,410 votes
Christine Grahame - 6,826 majority
Tim Eagle - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 16,823 votes
Jo Kirby - Scottish Labour - 2,972 votes
Richard Lochhead - Scottish National Party - 19,987 votes
Sheila Ewan Ritchie - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1,165 votes
Robert Stephenson - UK Independence Party - 188 votes
Richard Lochhead - 3,164 majority
Clare Adamson - Scottish National Party - 18,156 votes
Daniel Gerarde Lambe - Communist Party of Britain - 194 votes
Mark Meechan - Scottish Libertarian Party - 254 votes
Martine Nolan - Scottish Labour - 10,343 votes
Martin Veart - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 557 votes
Nathan Wilson - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 4,472 votes
Neil Wilson - UK Independence Party - 173 votes
Clare Adamson - 7,813 majority
Alasdair Allan - Scottish National Party - 7,454 votes
Gavin Berkenheger - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 2,116 votes
Shaun Alexander Fraser - Scottish Labour - 4,013 votes
Callum Ian Macmillan - Independent - 571 votes
Neil Mitchison - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 353 votes
Alasdair Allan - 3,441 majority
Rhuaraidh Fleming - Scottish National Party - 14,715 votes
Wendy Helena Haynes - Scottish Labour - 1,056 votes
Rhona Metcalfe - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 2,323 votes
Willie Rennie - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 22,163 votes
Willie Rennie - 7,448 majority
Samuel Bown - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 699 votes
Coilla Drake - Scottish Labour - 290 votes
Robert Fraser Leslie - Scottish National Party - 3,369 votes
Liam McArthur - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 7,238 votes
Liam McArthur - 3,869 majority
George Adam - Scottish National Party - 17,495 votes
Scott Bevan - Scottish Green Party - 1,584 votes
Neil Bibby - Scottish Labour - 11,420 votes
Russell Findlay - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 3,342 votes
Eileen McCartin - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1,124 votes
George Adam - 6,075 majority
Peter Anthony Barrett - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1,802 votes
Murdo Fraser - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 15,807 votes
Don Marshall - Scottish Family Party - 334 votes
Ryan Smart - Scottish Labour - 2,324 votes
John Swinney - Scottish National Party - 19,860 votes
John Swinney - 4,053 majority
Julia Brown - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 2,823 votes
Jim Fairlie - Scottish National Party - 20,126 votes
Janine Rennie - Scottish Labour - 2,943 votes
Liz Smith - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 18,178 votes
Jim Fairlie - 1,948 majority
Johanna Baxter - Scottish Labour - 10,397 votes
Marty Bell - Scottish Family Party - 410 votes
Natalie Don - Scottish National Party - 17,704 votes
Julie Pirone - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 8,734 votes
Ross Stalker - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 993 votes
Natalie Don - 7,307 majority
Tom Arthur - Scottish National Party - 17,532 votes
Christine Cosh - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 826 votes
Andy Doig - Scotia Future - 765 votes
Paul O'Kane - Scottish Labour - 10,426 votes
Derek Stillie - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 5,149 votes
Tom Arthur - 7,106 majority
Clare Haughey - Scottish National Party - 20,249 votes
James Kelly - Scottish Labour - 15,083 votes
Lynne Nailon - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 3,663 votes
Sheila Thomson - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1,112 votes
Clare Haughey - 5,166 majority
Martin Kerr - Scottish Labour - 424 votes
Brian Nugent - Restore Scotland - 90 votes
Peter Tait - Independent - 116 votes
Nick Tulloch - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 503 votes
Tom Wills - Scottish National Party - 4,997 votes
Beatrice Wishart - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 5,803 votes
Beatrice Wishart - 806 majority
John Erskine - Scottish Labour - 3,855 votes
Kate Forbes - Scottish National Party - 24,192 votes
Jamie Halcro Johnston - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 8,331 votes
Denis Rixson - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 6,778 votes
Kate Forbes - 15,861 majority
Chris Kane - Scottish Labour Party - 6,556 votes
Dean Lockhart - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 12,987 votes
Fayzan Rehman - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1,466 votes
Evelyn Tweed - Scottish National Party - 19,882 votes
Evelyn Tweed - 6,895 majority
Rona Mackay - Scottish National Party - 21,064 votes
Liam McKechnie - Scottish Family Party - 415 votes
Callum McNally - Scottish Labour - 8,510 votes
Susan Murray - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 6,675 votes
Andrew Polson - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 9,580 votes
Rona Mackay - 11,484 majority
Dawn Marion Ferguson Allan - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 821 votes
Stephanie Callaghan - Scottish National Party - 17,953 votes
Bryan Flannagan - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 4,569 votes
Frank McNally - Scottish Labour - 12,647 votes
Stephanie Callaghan - 5,306 majority
You are current searching for the region results, use the control above to search for constituency results instead.
Richard Leonard - Scottish Labour
Stephen Kerr - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Monica Lennon - Scottish Labour
Graham Simpson - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Mark Griffin - Scottish Labour
Meghan Gallacher - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Gillian Mackay - Scottish Green Party
Pauline McNeill - Scottish Labour
Anas Sarwar - Scottish Labour
Annie Wells - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Patrick Harvie - Scottish Green Party
Paul Sweeney - Scottish Labour
Pam Duncan-Glancy - Scottish Labour
Sandesh Gulhane - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Douglas Ross - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Edward Mountain - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Rhoda Grant - Scottish Labour
Donald Cameron - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Ariane Burgess - Scottish Green Party
Jamie Halcro Johnston - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Emma Roddick - Scottish National Party
Miles Briggs - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Alison Johnstone - Scottish Green Party
Sue Webber - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Sarah Boyack - Scottish Labour
Jeremy Balfour - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Foysol Choudhury - Scottish Labour
Lorna Slater - Scottish Green Party
Murdo Fraser - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Liz Smith - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Claire Baker - Scottish Labour
Mark Ruskell - Scottish Green Party
Dean Lockhart - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Alex Rowley - Scottish Labour
Alexander Stewart - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Liam Kerr - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Michael Marra - Scottish Labour
Douglas Lumsden - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Maurice Golden - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Maggie Chapman - Scottish Green Party
Tess White - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Mercedes Villalba - Scottish Labour
Colin Smyth - Scottish Labour
Craig Hoy - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Carol Mochan - Scottish Labour
Brian Whittle - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Sharon Dowey - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Emma Harper - Scottish National Party
Martin Whitfield - Scottish Labour
Neil Bibby - Scottish Labour
Russell Findlay - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Katy Clark - Scottish Labour
Jamie Greene - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Ross Greer - Scottish Green Party
Paul O'Kane - Scottish Labour
Pam Gosal - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party