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Search results

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 MSPs

You're represented by 8 MSPs. One constituency MSP who represents your local area and 7 regional MSPs who represent your larger area.  You can contact either type of MSP about any issue dealt with by the Scottish Parliament.

When postcodes cross boundaries between regions or constituencies, or are very close to boundary lines, there's a chance of inaccurate results. You can check which region or constituency your postcode is in to find out more. If you think that our information is incorrect for your postcode, please contact [email protected]

Constituency MSP


Scottish National Party

MSP for Clydesdale (Constituency)

Regional MSPs

South Scotland

Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party

MSP for South Scotland (Region)

Scottish National Party

MSP for South Scotland (Region)

Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party

MSP for South Scotland (Region)

Scottish Labour

MSP for South Scotland (Region)

Scottish Labour

MSP for South Scotland (Region)

Scottish Labour

MSP for South Scotland (Region)

Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party

MSP for South Scotland (Region)