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PE2031: Provide insulin pumps to all children with type 1 diabetes in Scotland

Petition Summary

Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to ensure that children and young people in Scotland who have type 1 diabetes, and would benefit from a lifesaving insulin pump, are provided with one, no matter where they live.


Petitioner: Maria Aitken on behalf of Caithness Health Action Team

Status: Under consideration

Date published: 08 June 2023

Click here for full petition

Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee Consideration

Committee Meetings

20 September 2023: The Committee agreed to write to Diabetes Scotland, the Insulin Pump Awareness Group and NHS regional health boards. 

Official Report of Meeting 20 September 2023

29 May 2024: The Committee agreed to write to the Scottish Government and NHS Highland. 

Official Report of Meeting 29 May 2024

Written Submissions