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PE1883: Open all toddler and baby activities within Tier 3 of COVID-19/ future pandemic lockdowns

Petition summary

Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to allow baby and toddler activities to be considered equally with other indoor activities in Tier 3 of future lockdowns.

Petitioner: Katrina Clark

Status: Closed

Date published: 28 June 2021

Click here for the full petition

Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee Consideration

SPICe briefing (214KB, pdf) posted 04 August 2021

Committee meetings

3 November 2021: The Committee agreed to write to the Scottish Government, Play Scotland and educational psychologists. It also agreed to liaise with the COVID-19 Recovery Committee.

Official Report of Meeting 3 November 2021

19 January 2022: The Committee agreed to close the petition under Rule 15.7 of Standing Orders on the basis that the Scottish Government has stated that it is unable to rule out further Covid-19 related restrictions or advise on what these might be.

Official Report of Meeting 19 January 2022

Written submissions

PE1883/A: Scottish Government submission of 12 October 2021

PE1883/B: Petitioner submission of 25 October 2021

PE1883/C - Scottish Government submission of 3 December 2021 

PE1883/D - Petitioner submission of 10 January 2021