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Nordic Countries

This Cross-party group's purpose:

To promote political, cultural, educational and environmental links between Scotland and Nordic Countries; and to foster ties between Scottish and Nordic politicians.

Next meeting

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

The AGM will be held on Wednesday 17th January 2024 at 13:00

Get in touch

If you want to get in touch, you can contact William Coulter

Address: The Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, EH99 1SP

Involved in the group

MSPs, individuals and organisations who participate in and support this group.

Current Members

Beatrice Wishart


Party: Scottish Liberal Democrats

MSP for: Shetland Islands (Constituency)

Sarah Boyack

Deputy Convener

Party: Scottish Labour

MSP for: Lothian (Region)

Mark Ruskell

Deputy Convener

Party: Scottish Green Party

MSP for: Mid Scotland and Fife (Region)

Party: Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party

MSP for: North East Scotland (Region)

Stephen Kerr


Party: Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party

MSP for: Central Scotland (Region)

Non MSP Individuals

Dr Alan Macniven

Eva Tyson

Dr Frank Stewart

Mr Michael Park

Mr Garry Irvine

William Coulter