That the Parliament commends Toni Scullion from Gorebridge for launching her new charitable project, dressCode, a modern lunch club for schoolgirls keen to learn and apply coding; notes that Toni, who teaches at St Kentigern's Academy in Blackburn, has helped three pupils form Turing's Testers, a cyber security team that has been placed highly in a number of Scottish and UK competitions, including the coveted Champion of Champions Award at 2017's Scottish Cyber Awards; recognises that Toni has also been named Cyber Security Teacher of the Year; understands that, at dressCode, participants explore game design, app design, web development and cyber security, while an interactive website and syllabus will help girls from around Scotland to get involved and learn important practical skills, with potential for future events and collaborations, and wishes Toni and dressCode all the best in the future.
Supported by:
Jeremy Balfour, Colin Beattie, Bill Bowman, Miles Briggs, Alexander Burnett, Peter Chapman, Angela Constance, Maurice Corry, Neil Findlay, Murdo Fraser, Jamie Greene, Jamie Halcro Johnston, Rachael Hamilton, Alison Harris, Liam Kerr, Dean Lockhart, Richard Lyle, Tom Mason, Margaret Mitchell, Alexander Stewart