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Chamber and committees

Flamingo Land's Loch Lomond Exclusivity Agreement

  • Submitted by: Ross Greer, West Scotland, Scottish Green Party.
  • Date lodged: Wednesday, 11 September 2024
  • Motion reference: S6M-14414

That the Parliament notes the exclusivity agreement signed by Lomond Banks developer, Flamingo Land, and government agency, Scottish Enterprise, in 2016; understands that this agreement gave Flamingo Land exclusive rights to buy the West Riverside and Drumkinnon Wood site on the shores of Loch Lomond at Balloch, currently owned by Scottish Enterprise; further understands that this agreement was renewed as a conditional missive in 2020, following the failure of Flamingo Land's first application for a resort development on the site; commends the Balloch residents who have reportedly campaigned against Flamingo Land for almost a decade; understands that Flamingo Land's second application has generated the most objections of any planning application in Scottish history, including from the Woodland Trust, National Trust for Scotland, Ramblers, Balloch and Haldane Community Council, SEPA and over 150,000 individuals; is concerned that the exclusivity agreement/conditional missive has suppressed the ability of others to bring forward alternative proposals for the site, and calls on the Scottish Government not to renew this agreement again if Flamingo Land's current application is rejected by Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park and to review the impact of such agreements on the affected communities. 

Supported by: Ariane Burgess, Kenneth Gibson, Patrick Harvie, Gillian Mackay, Rona Mackay, Mark Ruskell, Lorna Slater