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Chamber and committees

Blanche McLaren Waste Warrior

  • Submitted by: Bob Doris, Glasgow Maryhill and Springburn, Scottish National Party.
  • Date lodged: Tuesday, 16 April 2024
  • Motion reference: S6M-12858

That the Parliament commends Cadder resident, Blanche McLaren, on her actions as a "Waste Warrior" to improve her local community; extends thanks to Blanche for collecting significant amounts of litter and other waste, including harder to reach areas such as around the Forth and Clyde Canal; understands that Blanche started her cleaning project in 2023 in Cadder to play her part to improve the local community; welcomes that Blanche has expanded her operations to tackle larger projects, such as the canal area at Balmore Road, making a noticeable contribution to the area by clearing significant quantities of litter around the canal bank; celebrates what it sees as the exceptional efforts and commitment of Blanche in tackling the scourge of litter and playing her part in keeping her local area clean, increasing the quality of life for all, and acknowledges the tremendous efforts and contribution of Blanche McLaren and the many neighbourhood improvement volunteers, who are supported by Glasgow City Council, and work so diligently to improve their communities.

Supported by: Clare Adamson, Jeremy Balfour, Alexander Burnett, Stephanie Callaghan, Sharon Dowey, Jackie Dunbar, Pam Duncan-Glancy, Annabelle Ewing, Kenneth Gibson, Dr. Sandesh Gulhane, Clare Haughey, Bill Kidd, Rona Mackay, Stuart McMillan, Kevin Stewart, Paul Sweeney, David Torrance, Evelyn Tweed, Tess White, Elena Whitham