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Chamber and committees

Rape Crisis Scotland Campaign: Survivors Can't Wait

  • Submitted by: Monica Lennon, Central Scotland, Scottish Labour.
  • Date lodged: Wednesday, 29 November 2023
  • Motion reference: S6M-11460

That the Parliament supports the Survivors Can't Wait campaign, launched by Rape Crisis Scotland on 25 November 2023; recognises what it sees as the crucial importance of the well-resourced provision of Rape Crisis services across Scotland; believes that, when a survivor of rape and sexual violence reaches out for support, they must receive it when they need it, not months later; understands that many Rape Crisis centres are being forced to operate what it considers are unacceptably long waiting lists, due to a lack of resources; considers that emergency waiting list funding must be extended so that 28 specialist Rape Crisis workers in Scotland do not lose their jobs; believes that a failure to do this would result in survivors of rape and sexual violence being forced to wait for even longer periods of time to receive support; considers that Rape Crisis services are emergency services and must be funded as such, and believes that such crucial services should not be forced to rely on short-term precarious funding pots and that long-term funding should be guaranteed so that workers and survivors can be certain of lifesaving support continuing into the future.

Supported by: Jackie Baillie, Claire Baker, Ariane Burgess, Maggie Chapman, Foysol Choudhury, Pam Duncan-Glancy, Pauline McNeill, Carol Mochan, Alex Rowley, Colin Smyth, Paul Sweeney, Mercedes Villalba, Beatrice Wishart