That the Parliament notes the awarding of £90,000 to the Denis Law Legacy Trust from the National Lottery’s Young Start funding programme; understands that the funding will allow the Granite City Speaks project to run for a further three years; recognises that the Denis Law Legacy Trust supports activity programmes across Aberdeen for young people aged eight to 19 years old, who are living in areas of deprivation or regeneration, or where antisocial behaviour has been identified; commends the continued work of the Denis Law Legacy Trust, and congratulates it on securing this funding.
Supported by:
Jeremy Balfour, Colin Beattie, Alexander Burnett, Stephanie Callaghan, Finlay Carson, Maggie Chapman, Bob Doris, Jackie Dunbar, Annabelle Ewing, Kenneth Gibson, Christine Grahame, Jamie Halcro Johnston, Emma Harper, Clare Haughey, Liam Kerr, Bill Kidd, Rona Mackay, Michael Marra, Roz McCall, Stuart McMillan, Marie McNair, Audrey Nicoll, Paul Sweeney, David Torrance, Evelyn Tweed, Tess White