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Chamber and committees

Housing - Amendment

  • Submitted by: Pauline McNeill, Glasgow, Scottish Labour.
  • Date lodged: Tuesday, 22 May 2018
  • Motion reference: S5M-12342.2
  • Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, 23 May 2018

As an amendment to motion S5M-12342 in the name of Graham Simpson (Housing), leave out from "including" to end and insert "following a thorough review of the gaps in existing law, which would include the consideration of mandatory building health checks; believes that property factors can play a part in a new system; considers that there are property factor companies that perform their duties well, but that there are some that are performing poorly; acknowledges the limited role of the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (Housing and Property Chamber) in improving the performance of property factors and considers that the system for members of the public to make complaints should be improved; believes that there is a need for a more robust process to remove property factors that repeatedly break the property factors code of conduct or duties; calls on the Scottish Government to review the current system, and believes that more should be done to encourage owners to set up co-operative arrangements as an alternative to factoring to assist in the management of their properties."

Related motion

Motion ref. S5M-12342


Submitted by: Graham Simpson, Central Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date lodged: Monday, May 21, 2018

Current status: Taken in the chamber on Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Result 101 for, 21 against, 0 abstained, 7 did not vote Vote Passed

Accepted related amendments

Motion ref. S5M-12342.3

Housing - Amendment - Amendment

Submitted by: Kevin Stewart, Aberdeen Central, Scottish National Party, Date lodged: Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Supported by: Angela Constance, Jeane Freeman
Current status: Taken in the chamber on Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Result 101 for, 21 against, 0 abstained, 7 did not vote Vote Passed

Amendments that have not been voted on

Motion ref. S5M-12342.1

Housing - Amendment - Amendment

Submitted by: Andy Wightman, Lothian, Scottish Green Party, Date lodged: Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Motion ref. S5M-12342.4

Housing - Amendment - Amendment

Submitted by: Alex Cole-Hamilton, Edinburgh Western, Scottish Liberal Democrats, Date lodged: Tuesday, May 22, 2018