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Questions and answers

Parliamentary questions can be asked by any MSP to the Scottish Government or the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body. The questions provide a means for MSPs to get factual and statistical information.

  • Written questions must be answered within 10 working days (20 working days during recess)
  • Other questions such as Topical, Portfolio, General and First Minister's Question Times are taken in the Chamber

Urgent Questions aren't included in the Question and Answers search.  There is a SPICe fact sheet listing Urgent and emergency questions.

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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Session 1: 12 May 1999 to 31 March 2003
  2. Session 2: 7 May 2003 to 2 April 2007
  3. Session 3: 9 May 2007 to 22 March 2011
  4. Session 4: 11 May 2011 to 23 March 2016
  5. Session 5: 12 May 2016 to 5 May 2021
  6. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 26 September 2024
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Displaying 1718 questions Show Answers


Question reference: S6W-17978

  • Asked by: Jamie Greene, MSP for West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
  • Date lodged: Monday, 15 May 2023
  • Current Status: Answered by Tom Arthur on 30 May 2023

To ask the Scottish Government how many ATM sites have benefitted from 100% rates relief through the Small Business Bonus Scheme.

Question reference: S6W-17922

  • Asked by: Jamie Greene, MSP for West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
  • Date lodged: Friday, 12 May 2023
  • Current Status: Answered by Michael Matheson on 30 May 2023

To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to the Royal College of Nursing Scotland report, The Nursing Workforce in Scotland, published in May 2023.

Question reference: S6W-17882

  • Asked by: Jamie Greene, MSP for West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 11 May 2023
  • Current Status: Answered by Angela Constance on 25 May 2023

To ask the Scottish Government whether construction work on HMP Glasgow is still expected to commence in September 2023 and whether it will be operational by September 2026.

Question reference: S6W-17971

  • Asked by: Jamie Greene, MSP for West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
  • Date lodged: Monday, 15 May 2023
  • Current Status: Answered by Neil Gray on 25 May 2023

To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to the Royal Bank of Scotland’s latest Report on Jobs, which was published on 10 May 2023.

Question reference: S6W-17845

  • Asked by: Jamie Greene, MSP for West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 11 May 2023
  • Current Status: Answered by Angela Constance on 23 May 2023

To ask the Scottish Government how many restriction of liberty orders have been (a) handed down by courts, and (b) breached in each year for which data is available, broken down by court.

Question reference: S6W-17848

  • Asked by: Jamie Greene, MSP for West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 11 May 2023
  • Current Status: Answered by Siobhian Brown on 23 May 2023

To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-15303 by Elena Whitham on 7 March 2023, how many non-harassment orders (NHOs) have been handed down, and on how many occasions NHOs were breached in each year for which data is available, broken down by (a) court and (b) local authority area.

Question reference: S6W-17844

  • Asked by: Jamie Greene, MSP for West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 11 May 2023
  • Current Status: Answered by Mairi McAllan on 23 May 2023

To ask the Scottish Government whether the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands will meet with fishermen in (a) Inverclyde and (b) North Ayrshire over summer 2023 during her planned tour of rural and coastal communities regarding the proposed Highly Protected Marine Areas.

Question reference: S6W-17849

  • Asked by: Jamie Greene, MSP for West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 11 May 2023
  • Current Status: Answered by Shirley-Anne Somerville on 23 May 2023

To ask the Scottish Government how much funding Social Security Scotland has provided for burials and cremations since 2021, broken down by local authority area. 

Question reference: S6W-17916

  • Asked by: Jamie Greene, MSP for West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
  • Date lodged: Friday, 12 May 2023
  • Current Status: Answered by Mairi McAllan on 23 May 2023

To ask the Scottish Government whether the A8 Greenock Flood Alleviation Project is still anticipated to finish within Scottish Water’s originally projected timeframe of eight months.

Question reference: S6W-17841

  • Asked by: Jamie Greene, MSP for West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
  • Date lodged: Wednesday, 10 May 2023
  • Current Status: Answered by Angela Constance on 22 May 2023

To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to His Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons for Scotland’s most recent inspecting and monitoring report on HMP Addiewell, including the findings about abuse, threatening behaviour, bullying and assault by staff towards prisoners.