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Questions and answers

Parliamentary questions can be asked by any MSP to the Scottish Government or the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body. The questions provide a means for MSPs to get factual and statistical information.

  • Written questions must be answered within 10 working days (20 working days during recess)
  • Other questions such as Topical, Portfolio, General and First Minister's Question Times are taken in the Chamber

Urgent Questions aren't included in the Question and Answers search.  There is a SPICe fact sheet listing Urgent and emergency questions.

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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Session 1: 12 May 1999 to 31 March 2003
  2. Session 2: 7 May 2003 to 2 April 2007
  3. Session 3: 9 May 2007 to 22 March 2011
  4. Session 4: 11 May 2011 to 23 March 2016
  5. Session 5: 12 May 2016 to 5 May 2021
  6. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 1 September 2024
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Displaying 905 questions Show Answers


Question reference: S4W-04956

  • Asked by: Alison Johnstone, MSP for Lothian, Scottish Green Party
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 12 January 2012
  • Current Status: Answered by Richard Lochhead on 20 January 2012

To ask the Scottish Executive what the aggregate (a) tonnage and (b) engine power of the pelagic fishing fleet was in (i) 1990-91 and (ii) 2010-11.

Question reference: S4W-05346

  • Asked by: Alison Johnstone, MSP for Lothian, Scottish Green Party
  • Date lodged: Tuesday, 31 January 2012
  • Current Status: Answered by Richard Lochhead on 15 January 2012

To ask the Scottish Executive whether all egg producers in Scotland are compliant with the Welfare of Laying Hens Directive and, if not, how many producers are non-compliant and what action is being taken to ensure compliance.

Question reference: S4O-00556

  • Asked by: Alison Johnstone, MSP for Lothian, Scottish Green Party
  • Date lodged: Wednesday, 21 December 2011
  • Current Status: Taken in the Chamber on 12 January 2012

To ask the Scottish Executive what action the Cabinet Secretary for Health, Wellbeing and Cities Strategy is taking to reduce the health impact of air pollution in cities.

Question reference: S4W-04398

  • Asked by: Alison Johnstone, MSP for Lothian, Scottish Green Party
  • Date lodged: Tuesday, 06 December 2011
  • Current Status: Answered by Stewart Stevenson on 14 December 2011

To ask the Scottish Executive what impacts on benthic invertebrates have been recorded in the areas assessed by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency reports, JT000811_JT and TR110810_JT, since they were published.

Question reference: S4W-04394

  • Asked by: Alison Johnstone, MSP for Lothian, Scottish Green Party
  • Date lodged: Tuesday, 06 December 2011
  • Current Status: Answered by Stewart Stevenson on 14 December 2011

To ask the Scottish Executive what the allowable concentration is for sediments of chemicals used in sea lice treatment and what powers are available to the Scottish Environment Protection Agency should this be breached.

Question reference: S4W-04400

  • Asked by: Alison Johnstone, MSP for Lothian, Scottish Green Party
  • Date lodged: Tuesday, 06 December 2011
  • Current Status: Answered by Stewart Stevenson on 14 December 2011

To ask the Scottish Executive what the penalty is for non-conformance with the (a) aquaculture industry’s code of good practice and (b) Scottish Environmental Protection Agency's licences for discharge.

Question reference: S4W-04395

  • Asked by: Alison Johnstone, MSP for Lothian, Scottish Green Party
  • Date lodged: Tuesday, 06 December 2011
  • Current Status: Answered by Stewart Stevenson on 14 December 2011

To ask the Scottish Executive what investigations (a) have taken place and (b) are planned regarding the potential terrestrial sources of the chemicals identified in the Scottish Environment Protection Agency reports, JT000811_JT and TR110810_JT.

Question reference: S4W-04399

  • Asked by: Alison Johnstone, MSP for Lothian, Scottish Green Party
  • Date lodged: Tuesday, 06 December 2011
  • Current Status: Answered by Stewart Stevenson on 14 December 2011

To ask the Scottish Executive whether it considers that the aquaculture developments in the areas assessed by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency reports, JT000811_JT and TR110810_JT, comply with the aquaculture industry’s code of good practice.

Question reference: S4W-04397

  • Asked by: Alison Johnstone, MSP for Lothian, Scottish Green Party
  • Date lodged: Tuesday, 06 December 2011
  • Current Status: Answered by Stewart Stevenson on 14 December 2011

To ask the Scottish Executive when it will publish the 2010 data on the occurrence of chemicals used in sea lice treatments in sediments adjacent to marine fish farms.

Question reference: S4W-04393

  • Asked by: Alison Johnstone, MSP for Lothian, Scottish Green Party
  • Date lodged: Tuesday, 06 December 2011
  • Current Status: Answered by Stewart Stevenson on 14 December 2011

To ask the Scottish Executive what evidence it has on the use of unlicensed chemicals to treat sea lice.