To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on which projects will receive funding from the £2.5 million Employability Innovation and Integration Fund that was announced in June 2017.
Today, I am pleased to announce that 13 projects have been selected to receive funding from the Employability Innovation and Integration Fund (EIFF) over the period 2017-18 – 2018-19.
The £2.5 million EIFF was launched in June seeking proposals to join up employment support with health and social care, justice and housing services, making sure people receive the level of support they need to find employment.
We received 36 bids to the EIFF and following assessment, I have selected 13 projects to receive funding. The selected projects represent a range of different approaches joining up employment support with health and social care, justice and housing services.
The projects will improve the quality of service delivery, achieve better and more sustainable positive outcomes for people, and promote the well-being of communities.
A summary of the 13 selected projects is provided in the following table:-
Project Location
Lead Partner
Summary of Proposal
SG Financial Contribution
West College Scotland
A package of employment support to adults with mild to moderate learning differences autistic spectrum disorder, and mental health problems.
Dundee, Perth and Kinross & Angus
Dundee City Council
A regional employability approach to integrate public services with employability and skills with a focus on housing, healthy living, and community justice.
Fife Council
An approach with a focus on increasing employment outcomes for people experiencing mental health issues through employing a strategic co-ordinator to work with stakeholders to change how employability and mental health services are aligned.
City of Edinburgh
Capital City Partnership
A project to integrate the work of health and social care, housing and criminal justice services by having a localities integration team to co-ordinate all activity working with a social care team.
Stirling Council
An approach to join up public and third sector services including Criminal Justice Social Work, Stirling Community Enterprise, Addiction Support and Counselling Forth Valley, and NHS Keep Well to improve employment outcomes of those who are in the criminal justice system of those identified as being at risk of offending.
Bridgeton, Glasgow
Clyde Gateway URC
A health improvement and employability project that links the needs of parents and caregivers attending Bridgeton Family Learning Centre to skills development and employment opportunities whilst accessing health and wellbeing, volunteering, and financial inclusion services.
North Lanarkshire
North Lanarkshire Council
An approach joining up services for homeless residents who have recognised health, social care and housing support needs (with a particular focus on young care leavers and vulnerable adults of all ages) and aligning these with a range of employability services and programmes.
Renfrewshire Council
An approach to integrate key provision to improve skills and employment opportunities of those with historic or current criminal convictions (with a focus on women who have experienced significant trauma and those who
have committed high risk violent/and or sexual offences).
Deprived communities within the Inverclyde area
Inverclyde Council
A collaborative public and private sector approach to provide supported employment for vulnerable people including those experiencing the criminal justice system whose additional barriers may include addictions and/or homelessness.
Falkirk Community Justice Partnership
An approach to improve the health and well-being of people in the criminal justice system by identifying and addressing health related issues and creating supported pathways to employment.
South Lanarkshire
South Lanarkshire Council
An approach to pilot a Structured Deferred Sentence model for young people aged 16-21 involved in offending behaviour that will include employability elements to secure sustainable positive outcomes.
North Lanarkshire
North Lanarkshire Council
An approach to pilot an Employment Academy for Supported Training Programme for people who have a learning disability and a criminal conviction.
North Aberdeenshire
Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership
An approach to provide medically trained staff to support people with mental health issues, people who are known to criminal justice, and people who have substance misuse issues to start new or return to employment.