To ask the Scottish Executive what action it is taking to support beekeeping and improve the environment for bees, such as planting bee friendly plants.
In relation to supporting beekeeping, the Scottish Government:
Provides a full time apiculture specialist at SAC (who provides comprehensive advisory, training and education programmes for beekeepers throughout Scotland.
Provides a free diagnostic service to beekeepers to identify and confirm the presence of varroa and notifiable bee pests and diseases through SASA.
Are finalising their Bee Health Strategy which will help to achieve a sustainable and healthy population of honey bees for pollination and honey production in Scotland via strengthened partnership working between the Scottish Government and stakeholders.
Are drawing together a control strategy for 2010 which will ensure bee farmers can continue to operate, whilst minimising the risk of further spread of the disease to other beekeepers.
Have confirmed that four full-time equivalent Bee Inspectors will be in post until spring 2011, when the position will be reviewed.
Have contributed £500,000 to a five year insect pollinator research initiative.
In relation to improving the environment for bees, such as planting bee friendly plants, bees will benefit from a wide range of habitat improvements, including measures supported under the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) for the creation and management of species rich grassland.
Also, the Great Yellow Bumblebee has been identified in SNH''s Species Action Framework as a species for conservation action.