To ask the Scottish Executive what its Closing the Opportunity Gap targets are.
We have chosen 10 Closing the Opportunity Gap targets to drive action to tackle poverty and deprivation in Scotland and to build on the progress made towards our Social Justice Milestones.
The targets that we have chosen are:
Target A: Reduce the number of workless people dependent on Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) benefits in Glasgow, North and South Lanarkshire, Renfrewshire and Inverclyde, Dundee, and West Dunbartonshire by 2007 and further by 2010.
Target B: Reduce the proportion of 16 to 19-year-olds who are not in education training or employment by 2008.
Target C: Public sector and large employers to tackle aspects of in-work poverty by providing employees with the opportunity to develop skills and progress in their career. NHSScotland will set an example by providing 1,000 job opportunities, with support for training and progression once in post, between 2004 and 2006 to people who are currently economically inactive or unemployed.
Target D: To reduce health inequalities by increasing the rate of improvement for under 75 coronary heart disease mortality and under 75 cancer mortality (1995-2003) for the most deprived communities by 15 per cent by 2008.
Target E: By 2008, ensure that children and young people who need it have an integrated package of appropriate health, care and education support.
Target F: Increase the average tariff score of the lowest attaining 20 per cent of S4 pupils by 5 per cent by 2008.
Target G: By 2007 ensure that at least 50 per cent of all “looked after” young people leaving care have entered education, employment or training.
Target H: By 2008, improve service delivery in rural areas so that agreed improvements to accessibility and quality are achieved for key services in remote and disadvantaged communities.
Target J: To promote community regeneration of the most deprived neighbourhoods, through improvements by 2008 in employability, education, health, access to local services, and quality of the local environment.
Target K: By 2008 increase the availability of appropriate financial services and money advice to disadvantaged communities to reduce their vulnerability to financial exclusion and multiple debts.
The detail of several targets will be agreed in consultation with key stakeholders:
For target A, local employment partnerships will be asked to agree the size and nature of the target for their area, by February 2005. For example, the Glasgow Welfare to Work Forum set targets in 2003, to reduce the number of working age people claiming key benefits by 15,000 by the end of 2007 and 30,000 by the end of 2010.
For target B, as part of our work to develop an employability framework, we will analyse the make-up of the NEET (not in education, employment ortraining) group and their reasons for disengagement from school, work or further education. We will then specify the level of reduction that we seek to achieve.
For target H, working with an advisory group of representatives from key delivery agents and rural communities, we will agree the rural areas to be targeted, consult with local communities to identify the key services to be improved, and agree with the relevant community planning partnerships the specific targets for improvements to accessibility and quality to be achieved.