To ask the Scottish Executive whether it plans to consult any bodies about possibly extending to them the coverage of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.
To confirm that the Scottish Government will consult on extending the coverage of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act to the following bodies:
Contractors who build and maintain schools
Contractors who build and maintain hospitals
Contractors who operate and maintain trunk roads under private finance contracts
Contractors who run privately managed prisons and provide prisoner escort and court custodial services
Leisure, sport and cultural trusts and bodies established by local authorities
Glasgow Housing Association
The Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland.
A consultation paper will be published in due course. It will seek the views of any interested persons, as well as the bodies themselves (or their representative bodies). In particular the government is mindful of the impact of the economic downturn and will examine any potential negative impact on the bodies proposed before reaching its conclusions on extending coverage.
Additionally, the government will explore options for ensuring that Registered Social Landlords increase their transparency and accountability through the proposed Housing (Scotland) Bill.