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Questions and answers

Parliamentary questions can be asked by any MSP to the Scottish Government or the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body. The questions provide a means for MSPs to get factual and statistical information.

  • Written questions must be answered within 10 working days (20 working days during recess)
  • Other questions such as Topical, Portfolio, General and First Minister's Question Times are taken in the Chamber

Urgent Questions aren't included in the Question and Answers search.  There is a SPICe fact sheet listing Urgent and emergency questions.

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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Session 1: 12 May 1999 to 31 March 2003
  2. Session 2: 7 May 2003 to 2 April 2007
  3. Session 3: 9 May 2007 to 22 March 2011
  4. Session 4: 11 May 2011 to 23 March 2016
  5. Session 5: 12 May 2016 to 5 May 2021
  6. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 2 September 2024
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Displaying 1334 questions Show Answers


Question reference: S3W-26654

  • Asked by: Ken Macintosh, MSP for Eastwood, Scottish Labour
  • Date lodged: Tuesday, 25 August 2009
  • Current Status: Answered by Kenny MacAskill on 4 September 2009

To ask the Scottish Executive whether ministers agreed that it was appropriate to monitor Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi in Libya by video conference once a month on his release.

Question reference: S3W-26656

  • Asked by: Ken Macintosh, MSP for Eastwood, Scottish Labour
  • Date lodged: Tuesday, 25 August 2009
  • Current Status: Answered by Kenny MacAskill on 4 September 2009

To ask the Scottish Executive what action it will take if Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi breaks the terms of his licence.

Question reference: S3W-25343

  • Asked by: Ken Macintosh, MSP for Eastwood, Scottish Labour
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 25 June 2009
  • Current Status: Answered by Shona Robison on 23 July 2009

To ask the Scottish Executive what contact it has had with pharmaceutical companies regarding their new quota system, also known as direct-to-pharmacy, that limits the availability of certain medicines to community pharmacies.

Question reference: S3W-25344

  • Asked by: Ken Macintosh, MSP for Eastwood, Scottish Labour
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 25 June 2009
  • Current Status: Answered by Shona Robison on 23 July 2009

To ask the Scottish Executive whether it is aware of the shortage of certain medicines in community pharmacies as a result of the new quota system, also known as direct-to-pharmacy, introduced by pharmaceutical companies.

Question reference: S3W-25376

  • Asked by: Ken Macintosh, MSP for Eastwood, Scottish Labour
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 25 June 2009
  • Current Status: Answered by Fiona Hyslop on 22 July 2009

To ask the Scottish Executive whether the two-thirds funding for secondary schools and 50% funding for primary schools available to local authorities through the school building programme includes contractual running or maintenance costs or will provide construction capital alone.

Question reference: S3W-25347

  • Asked by: Ken Macintosh, MSP for Eastwood, Scottish Labour
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 25 June 2009
  • Current Status: Answered by Shona Robison on 21 July 2009

To ask the Scottish Executive what steps ministers can take to address concerns regarding the new quota system, also known as direct-to-pharmacy, introduced by pharmaceutical companies.

Question reference: S3W-25346

  • Asked by: Ken Macintosh, MSP for Eastwood, Scottish Labour
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 25 June 2009
  • Current Status: Answered by Shona Robison on 21 July 2009

To ask the Scottish Executive whether there is an extra cost to the NHS of the new quota system, also known as direct-to-pharmacy, introduced by pharmaceutical companies.

Question reference: S3W-25345

  • Asked by: Ken Macintosh, MSP for Eastwood, Scottish Labour
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 25 June 2009
  • Current Status: Answered by Shona Robison on 21 July 2009

To ask the Scottish Executive whether it is monitoring the impact on patient care of the new quota system, also known as direct-to-pharmacy, introduced by pharmaceutical companies.

Question reference: S3W-25375

  • Asked by: Ken Macintosh, MSP for Eastwood, Scottish Labour
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 25 June 2009
  • Current Status: Answered by Keith Brown on 16 July 2009

To ask the Scottish Executive how much of the £800 million funding announced for the school building programme will be available to spend in (a) 2009-10, (b) 2010-11, (c) 2011-12, (d) 2012-13, (e) 2013-14, (f) 2014-15, (g) 2015-16, (h) 2016-17 and (i) 2017-18.

Question reference: S3W-24435

  • Asked by: Ken Macintosh, MSP for Eastwood, Scottish Labour
  • Date lodged: Friday, 29 May 2009
  • Current Status: Answered by Keith Brown on 12 June 2009

To ask the Scottish Executive how many children in primary schools are registered as having diabetes.